Senin, 30 April 2018

What do Monkeys, Lions, Elephants and Dolphins have to do with marketing

What do Monkeys, Lions, Elephants and Dolphins have to do with marketing

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About a year ago now, I went along to a presentation on sales. The presenter advised us to think about peoples personalities when selling as four key animals Monkeys, Lions, Dolphins and Elephants. Although all of us have a mixture of these personalities within us, were all dominated by one of them too.

Knowing this information can be especially helpful when writing sales proposals; going to sales meetings and writing websites. Ideally you need to have something in there for all of these different types of personalities. Heres a quick guide to making sure you have something in there that appeals to all sorts of different people.

For instance - for the Lions - those people who like to be leaders:

Keep things brief and to the point
List the key benefits and results right at the top of your proposal in bold
Add in a testimonial of someone who they respect
Concentrate on RESULTS

For the Elephants - those people who like detail:

Add in EXACTLY what you're going to do for them
Throw in a couple of charts/graphs/facts/statistics
Detail the metrics/results that they're likely to see
Concentrate on the DETAILS

For the Dolphins - those people who like people and also reassurance

Give an example of a story (not a case study though, but a story) of someone who has benefited from your product / service
Show an emotional testimonial
Ideally include some pictures too

For the Monkeys - those people with ego and like value and shiny objects

Add in things of value i.e. joint ventures, joint press releases, joint newsletters etc
Add in additional benefits or extras
Add in some things to stroke their ego

It will also help if you identify the dominant animal personality right up front in your sales meeting and then you can tailor the words and phrases that you use to make sure youre appealing to their nature. This is especially important if youre a different dominant personality than they are.

I got caught out with this recently by not giving enough detail to an elephant (Im more of a monkey) and I am now writing my proposals and sales letters to include elements from all different personality types.

Make sure you do too and you may find that by including information relevant to that personality, you have more chance of securing the business.

Author's Bio: 

Exceptional Thinking ( provides help and advice to small business owners on their marketing. For 50 free ideas on how you can promote your business, visit the home page of our website.

What Changes to Bring On Your Regular Diet Recipes to Fight Candidiasis

What Changes to Bring On Your Regular Diet Recipes to Fight Candidiasis

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Keeping up a regimented diet could possibly be required to combat candida and avoid its growth. An anti-candida diet is regarded as the very best approach to tackle the status. For people who have been on the anti-candida diet for a while now, I hope you're beginning to feel the benefits after die-off. Bearing in mind your diet is probably what resulted in the Candida overgrowth to start with. It is dependent on how rigorously you observe the diet, the potency of your antifungals and probiotics and the harshness of your infection.
By experimenting with new recipes, you aren't going to get bored, and the variety may allow it to be easier and more enjoyable that you stick to the candida diet. Candida diet is exceptionally hard due to the total amount of food which you will have to eliminate from your meals. With all these foods you cannot eat, you could be wondering what exactly you're allowed on the candida diet. The very first step in treating is the Candida diet that's low in sugar.

There are a lot of foods and drinks you need to avoid, and you have to follow it for three or more months to block the candida growing again. There are particular foods that have to eat and some which need to be avoided, but there's also a specific time and amount of their consumption. The main reason is not that of a scarcity of good, wholesome food (unless you're simply not eating), but rather it's an immediate consequence of the Candida albicans in your entire body and a consequence of your body adapting to a new, much healthier method of eating.

There are a number of diet recipes that you could make as they'd include all the foods that you can eat in an edible fashion and have them made tasty. Whether candida is an issue for you or not, eating foods and recipes which are candida friendly is a significant approach to keep a healthy, alkaline body. Before you set out on a candida cleanse diet, you need to consult your healthcare provider. Rapidly killing off candida in your entire body produces a metabolic reaction that releases over 70 distinct toxins into your physique.

In case you have candida or know somebody who does, the excellent news is there are many anti candida diet recipes. When the Candida is contained, we wish to overpower it. It can also affect the bloodstream as well as internal organs such as your liver or spleen. It feeds on sugar and having excess amounts in your diet may be one of the factors that caused the yeast to thrive in the first place.

Candida is among the scientific names for yeast, which is a sort of fungus. It does not have to be a lifetime of boring candida diet foods to eat list. The candida is leaving your entire body, and within only a couple of weeks, you will observe a rise in electricity and focus and relief from different symptoms you have experienced. It aids the body fight candida the organic way.

Candida albicans is an established kind of yeast which may cause infections in humans and other animals because of their weak immune system and inability to resist strong infections. When a Candida albicans overgrowth reaches this type of systemic level, it's named Candidiasis. Provided that the hungry Candida albicans are in your entire body, you will continue to feel like you're starving until you significantly decrease the quantities of Candida.

What are the Pros and Cons of Dyson Animal Vacuum

What are the Pros and Cons of Dyson Animal Vacuum

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With a wide variety of pet hair vacuum cleaners sold in the market, having pets in the house is no longer a hassle when it comes to housecleaning. However, with a huge selection of brands to choose from, it is imperative for pet owners to analyze carefully the benefits and the drawbacks of each product.

Dyson has always been a hit in Europe for years, and it is only a few years back that it made its way in the American market. Customer reviews are diverse. Although this brand has received more praises than criticisms, it is still necessary to check on the pros and the cons of the Dyson animal vacuum before deciding on purchasing it.

- It has an advanced technology that efficiently and thoroughly cleans any type of floors.
- Its powerful and consistent suction works great in lifting off pet hair, dirt and dust particles on any surface such as carpets, upholstery and floors.
- Dyson is the first and only vacuum that is recognized by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. The foundation has certified Dyson as asthma and allergy friendly because of its features.
- The hepa filtration system traps in allergens, pollens and pet dander. Prevention of allergy symptoms and asthma attacks is possible because of the good quality of air indoors.
- The accessory tools and telescope reach wand help clean thoroughly the stairs, upholstery and other hard-to-reach areas in the house and even the car.
- The transparent collection cup allows you to check easily if it is already full and needs emptying.
- There is no clogging issue because this animal vacuum cleaner is bagless.
- It is easy to empty the contents in the collection cup. In some models, all you need to do is to press the button or pull the trigger to release dirt into the trash bin.
- It comes with a carpet care kit such as a carpet cleaning powder and carpet spray for cleaning spills and stains.
- It has a five-year warranty (some models of Dyson animal vacuum has a two -year household warranty).

- This upright animal vacuum is quite heavy even if it is made of plastic. Thus, it can be a bit difficult to manoeuvre, particularly when cleaning the carpet.
- Most product users complain about the not-so-sturdy exterior of Dyson animal vacuum. It is made of plastic (like a few other brands of vacuum cleaner) and has a possibility to crack easily.
- It does not have a self-propelling mechanism that can be quite a burden, coupled by the weight of this vacuum cleaner.

Last Word on Dyson Animal Cleaner
Indeed, there is no such thing as a perfect appliance. There will always be benefits and drawbacks in any product, and it is up to the consumer to consider these items. Customer reviews may be of help in the decision process, but it is always a smart move to study all aspects and facets of a product before buying it to avoid any regrets.

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Want to Become a Professional Visual Artist Here are the 8 Rules You Need to Live By.

Want to Become a Professional Visual Artist Here are the 8 Rules You Need to Live By.

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Being an artist, owning an art gallery in Los Angeles, and working for the world's largest fine art instruction program have taught me a few things about what an artist must do if he or she wishes to make a living as an artist.

The following rules are addressed to becoming a professional fine artist working in the medium of paint. However these tips can really be applied to any medium of art, whether it be painting, poetry, or music.

I sincerely hope they help with your artistic endeavors!

Rule #1: Know the Fundamentals of Your Art.

For years I played guitar without knowing how to read music. After learning music theory my music was much better and I was far more productive.

Before I understood the fundamentals of music I had an excuse ready when I couldn't make a song go right, I was too tired, I was having a bad day, or not in the mood.

Since I didn't know the WHY behind what I did when making music I was never truly causative at making music.

Knowledge has and will always be power. Don't just rely on natural talent, know the WHY behind what you do in your art.

Take lessons, if you feel you are too far advanced for lessons, then find a mentor.

Rule #2: You Will Learn How to Market Both You and Your Art.

In my time as an art dealer and gallery owner I have witnessed this same phenomena time and time again.

Two comparable pieces of art, each created by two different artists. One sells for $500 and the other for $10,000.


It always came down to marketing. One artist painted and displayed work in a gallery as the sole means of promoting.

The other artists would do promotional actions like press releases highlighting their new work, they had a professional website, they got interviews with art magazines, they networked with other artists, art professionals, and art enthusiasts, they got their work published in a coffee table books or calendars.

The ways to market your work are endless, the point is, you are going to have to learn how to market your art and yourself.

You could always hope that you create such an incredible work of art that the buzz created just by your painting will have the public beating down the door with cash in hand.

However that takes the responsibility of your success out of your hands and places it into the hands of the public.

When it comes to art, the public can be a very fickle entity indeed.

Do you want anything fickle in charge of your success?

Rule #3: Do Not Succumb to Fear of Rejection or Failure.

Everyone has heard some variation of the story about the author who has a closet full of manuscripts that have never been read by another soul due to fear of rejection.

The same phenomena can happen to visual artists.

Many successful painters still do not view their own work to be perfect. So if you wait till your work is "perfect" then you may very well be dead of old age before perfection happens.

Don't be afraid to get your work out there. People will love your work, hate your work, see it as mediocre, or see it as the beginning of a new renaissance.

Taste in art differs widely and you will never win over everybody.

Rule #4: You Will Pay no Heed to The Critics.

I am not just talking about art critics, but just negative people in general. A lot people on this planet are miserable and they like to drag others down with them.

Some are overt in your face, "you'll never be any good." At least they are easy to spot.

The worst are the ones that give back handed compliments or deftly slide that needle of criticism into the conversation by use of passive aggressive means.

'The last piece of yours was much better, I don't mean to be mean but.., That is very good work for a student, but there is soooooo much competition out there in the professional world,' etc etc.

Of course if you called them on it they would profess innocence, say that you are over reacting, that they were just kidding. Don't buy it.

If you can, just don't associate with these people, if they are our family don't talk about your art work with them. You are an artist because you like to create art, not because you want to impress your family.

If you have no choice in being around these people just recognize that they are just lonely unhappy people, and above all, do not take it personally.

The only critique one should listen to is your professional drawing or painting instructor.

And be wary of that as well, make sure that at the same time they are critiquing your work that they are also showing you how to improve.

Rule #5: Speaking of Art Instructors, You Will Choose a Good One.

My wife originally came to America as a foreign student from Canada to study visual art in college.

Her first semester she took beginning drawing and painting classes.

She came to learn the basics, perspective, tone, shading, light and shadow, proportions,etc.

Instead she received a lot of airy fairy over significant mumbo jumbo. The main technique taught was the 'if it feels good then do it' technique.

No real techniques were taught because the art teachers did not understand them!

When choosing an art instruction school or studio please pick one that has a systematic approach to teaching the fundamentals of drawing and painting.

Interview your art teacher, ask to see their work as well as their students work.

Ask the potential teacher how they go about teaching the basics to a new student.

Rule #6: You Must Learn to Sell (or find someone who can and will)

The odds are, if you work is displayed anywhere where people can view it someone will come along who likes it, maybe even love it.

The problem comes in convincing them that they love your painting more than they love their money.

It really is simple, professionally handle the clients objectives and continue to interest them in both you and your work.

If the idea of selling is abhorrent to you, you either have to call it quits to your dream of being a successful fine artist, or you have to find someone who can and will sell for you.

Rule #7. Learn to Harness the Power of the Internet.

Take a look at ebay, type in 'original oil painting' into its search field. You will see hundreds of paintings from artists selling their work online.

Type in 'fine artists' into any search engine and you will find professional websites featuring professional artists.

There are a few websites that even act as an online art gallery and will display and sell your work online for you for a cut of the sale.

The internet really is a great way to show off your work, sell your art, create brand recognition for you as an artist, and to communicate your work to a large audience.

Rule #8: You Will Not Get Weird About Art and Money.

I know some of you cringe when it comes to selling your art for money, or that some of these tips might sound a little too business like, with words like brand recognition, professional, selling and marketing.

Like it or not, if someone exchanges money for your art you have entered into the field of business.

When you come to this fork in your career as an artist you can take one of two paths.

Path one, never sell your art for money, continue to work at your day job and keep art as a hobby. Perfectly acceptable. Many people do this across the world and lead happy lives.

Path two, realize that your art is providing someone with a product that they will adore for years to come, You created something original. Nothing in this world is it's exact duplicate.

For this you will receive money in exchange. This will help you concentrate on creating more works of art as you may have to work less hours at a 'real' job. Maybe you will get to the point of not having to work that 'real' job at all!

Michelangelo was commissioned by the Vatican to do his work in the Sistine Chapel. He was paid quite handsomely for it.

He was also commissioned by Florence to create the statue of David.

Artists can create wonderful enduring works and should rightfully be exchanged properly with.

Well there you have them, 8 rules you need to live by to become a professional visual artist.

I sincerely hope that they help and I wish you the best of luck in how ever you decide to pursue the field of art.

VRX - The New Antiviral

VRX - The

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Viruses are the simplest, the tiniest of all microbes, about 10,000 times smaller than bacteria. Once inside the body, the virus inserts its genetic material into the cells DNA, and start multiplying, or simply lies asleep.

Like flu, the herpes virus is highly contagious. About two thirds of world population are infected with herpes virus, which means 2 out of 3 has the virus. Both types of viruses are easily transmissible from human-to-human as a result of close contact. Once you're infected, you stuck with the virus for life.

The horror of any type of virus lies in its resistance to any medication and the tendency to mutate and erupt again and again. When it comes to treatment every doctor reminds you the same thing: there is no cure for virus. And its true, all virus related diseases are at best suppressed, but never cured.

Not anymore, the new VRX remedy is a breakthrough homeopathic formula that works on three types of viruses: herpes, flu and colds. What makes VRX so effective is its ability to destroy the etheric body of any virus. Everything that is alive has an etheric body, it's that bio-energetic field that keeps alive every biological system (humans, plants, animals). It's like electricity that feeds your computer or your TV, if you unplug they are instantly dead.

VRX ability to destroy the bio-field of the virus, makes it impossible for the virus to survive, or to create remedy resistance by mutating. That makes VRX non-specific, not limited to only one type of virus having the potential to kill any type of virus.

The remedy was first tested on a very aggressive form of influenza virus and it worked like nothing I have seen before: fast and really smooth. The ER doctors didnt know what kind of virus was, or dint want to scare the patient, and sent her home. Because she happened to have cold-sores eruption at that time, which disappeared during the treatment with VRX, the remedy was further tested on herpes virus.

For flu and colds, no matter how aggressive the virus is, it simply doesnt matter, one round of VRX treatment is enough. In fact, the worst the symptoms, the better VRX works. For herpes virus more rounds are needed. Why? Because the virus has to be active during the treatment, not dormant.

How does it feel to have a remedy that you can take when you have a cold, a flu, cold-sores, shingles or mono. Just one remedy. A remedy that has no side effects, a remedy that doesnt interfere with your daily medication This is VRX.

After four days of using VRX, my husband's shingles condition is so much improved. Less itching, better sleep at night and the number of blisters decreased considerable. Most blisters dried out and only a few remained active, but without bleeding. Its amazing to see all this in just four days of treatment, after years of trying everything. Thank you so much
Popescu D, Ontario

Volunteer Options At Animal Shelters

Volunteer Options At Animal Shelters

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Animal shelters are often looking for helpers. They usually are trying to operate on a very low budget, so they cant afford to hire employees. Instead, they rely on volunteers to help out and do an array of things to keep them running, care for the animals and raise funds. Animal shelter volunteer programs are usually a big part of every shelter and can be found on their websites. Heres a look at the different volunteer opportunities with animals that shelter may offer.

Adoption Counsellor

When people come to the shelter to adopt an animal, they have to be screened. The shelter wants to ensure that the family is ready to offer the care the animal needs and that the animal is a good fit for their home. This requires a counsellor to meet with the family and do an intake assessment. This is a key position that helps the animals find forever homes. Shelters will usually provide training and often have minimum age requirements for this position.

Socialization Volunteer

The animals at the shelter need attention just like pets a home. They cannot live locked in cages all the time. A socialization volunteer is someone who comes to the shelter to interact with the animals. This includes taking them out of cages and playing with them or taking them for walks. It may also include assisting with potential adoptions by helping people socialize with the animal they are considering adopting. Animal shelter volunteer programs usually offer all the training needed. There may also be a minimum age.


A cleaning position is exactly as it sounds. You will be cleaning cages and the different areas in the shelter to help keep things looking good and to maintain a healthy place for the animals, staff and visitors. If you have the skills, you may also be tasked with giving the animals baths and possibly even grooming them or handling regular care, like teeth cleaning and nail cutting. However, usually only those with previous experience can provide grooming services because training isnt usually offered.

Digital Helper

If you know a thing or two about computers and the internet, then many animal shelter volunteer programs can use your help. Most shelters have or are building a website to announce pets up for adoption and to provide the public with news about the shelter. Most shelters need help with posting online and setting up such websites. Some even run social media accounts that they could use help with. Any savouriness in digital photography, video creation or marketing can also be helpful to a shelter.

When it comes to volunteering at animal shelters, it is almost guaranteed that your local shelter needs help. The notorious under-funding of shelters combined with major overpopulation issues means that shelters are desperately in need. You can help lessen the burden and give a little of your time to make the shelter run more smoothly. Any volunteering you do also helps the shelter in other ways. Regardless of your job, you are helping to contribute to getting the animals adopted, which is the greatest reward you possibly ask for in return.

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Vintage Watches Are the Timeless Timepieces You Need

Vintage Watches Are the Timeless Timepieces You Need

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Long summer afternoons, spent in the dim cool of your grandfathers study. The scent of his cologne and his cigar competed with the smells of Grandmas roast or Sunday gravy, floating up from the kitchen above. You would be tucked into the corner of a cracked leather armchair, paging through an oversize book with rich watercolor illustrations, or maybe just watching the dust motes dance through a shaft of sunlight.

Sometimes Grandpa would let you look through the treasures in his desk drawer: old coins, antique keys, a fountain pen, black-and-white pictures of distant relatives. And, of course, his wristwatch, still ticking as reliably as when he purchased it in Paris during the war. Just glimpsing it again brings up memories, and he begins to tell you the stories

There is no doubt vintage wristwatches hearken back to an era when people valued quality craftsmanship. Unfortunately, your older brother was the one who inherited Grandpas watch, but there is a way for you, too, to recapture that nostalgia: browsing a selection of vintage watches.

Three Reasons Why Vintage Watches Are Timeless

In the days when no self-respecting fellow would be seen in public without a hat and a pocket square, a wristwatch was a necessary accessory as well as a stylish one.

Today, we dont need watches even if you dont want to reach into your pocket for your smartphone, it seems digital clocks are everywhere. So why choose vintage watches? Lets take a look.

They Are Out of the Ordinary

Wearing a wristwatch, particularly one of the many storied vintage watches available, will set you apart from the masses. When everyone else is bent over their devices, drawn into the swirling vortex of social media and constant communication, all you need to do is take one quick glance at your wrist.

They Are the Epitome of Class

James Bond. Cary Grant. Sinatra and Deano. Classic style isnt as easy to come by these days, now that fashion is disposable and people wear pajamas to the grocery store. Not you, however. You understand that projecting a sophisticated, masculine image depends on the details: well-polished wingtips, having your shirts starched just so and, of course, the beautiful leather band of your vintage watch peeking out from beneath your cuff.

They Last a Lifetime Or Two!

If Omega vintage watches could talk, they would certainly tell some compelling tales.

What stories will you contribute to your timepieces repertoire? Owning a well-made watch from the mid-20th century positions you within history. Unlike todays tech gizmos that practically become obsolete the moment you take them out of their packaging, the old-school technology of a finely crafted chronograph is truly timeless.

Imagine handing down a vintage watch to your son, and then one day seeing it grace the wrist of your grandson. No iPhone can compare to that sense of tradition.

Once you fasten the strap of that first watch, youll be hooked. Vintage watches are beautiful, collectible, and practical items that you will be proud to own, and to pass on to future generations. Grandpa would approve!

Loved the blog? How about sharing the word to other vintage watch lovers on your favorite social platform?

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Verities Of Shorthair Cats And Their Details On A Single Website

Verities Of Shorthair Cats And Their Details On A Single Website

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Cats have great personalities of their own and can be a brilliant companion for families or older children. All cats fit into one of two categories such as short hair or long haired cats. Before, make cat as your pet you should be aware to avoid being disappointed. Including these all you should also take care of some special factors related to your cats or kittens. They are very affectionate and loving, but they are also independent creatures of God that may spend a lot of time outside. If you have your heart fall for getting a purebred cat, here are some popular breeds that you might consider. Comparison to other animals they are pets and they are very loyal companions for families. The most popular from all the variety is the British Shorthair Kittens.

For Specific Breeds:-

All types of cats are wonderful feline companions. Among them, the British shorthair cat is one of the oldest breeds and English ancestry goes back to Rome. Some might be surprised to know that you can find cats and kittens in your local rescue. If you are looking for a specific one that you could call or go by the local online center. Before buying everyone should take a look at the most popular cat breeds. Each cat has different personalities and different traits that make it likable and on the list where it is. This short haired are like the Abyssinian and British Shorthair, but the long haired beads include Turkish Angora and Norwegian Forest Cats.

Important Factors:-

In case of purchasing British Shorthair Breeders if you want to know the full specification of any cat, you can easily get the details any time. We create this page for the easy communication of our customer. Including these you should also consider some other topic which may indirectly or directly related to your pets. Or we can say which may create difficulties in your pets life. Cats dislike change so if you have to move you might want to think about a different sort of pet. You also need to take your lifestyle into consideration. These cats have varied and interesting personalities so, you have to take into review that when you look at the most popular cat breeds.

Online Communication:-

In every case this breed was first known for its ability to hunt because of his physical strength. In all these process British Shorthair Price depends a lot on the type of cat, the price of the cat, and how available the cat breed is. We offer all the cats according to your demand. So, the best place to source is from our online private websites. These cats are larger and they prefer to stay on the ground. The original color of these cats is a grayish blue, now you can find these animals in a variety of colors. These kittens have also large sized muscular physique and have strong chest, shoulders and legs and are known to possess significant strength.

Vegetarianism The Long & Spiritual Definition

Vegetarianism The Long & Spiritual Definition

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Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, once gave a lecture on the merits of vegetarianism to a small group of people. From the expression on their faces he could see that they had not understood the real essence of his words. At the end of the lecture he said he was going to have dinner at a particular restaurant and those who wished could join him. Most of them went along. At the restaurant Steiner ordered for himself a schnitzel (cutlet of meat.). The others were aghast and expressed their astonishment, just as he expected. He answered saying, Schnitzel essen it besser als in Schnitzeln denken! Schnitzel also means a piece, scrap or fragment and his answer meant eating a piece of meat is better than thinking in pieces.

This essay is not meant to praise vegetarianism or deride non-vegetarianism, but to look at these holistically, leaving the readers to draw their own conclusions and decide on what to eat.

1. Definition.

This is not so simple as many think. Various conceptions exist as to what vegetarian food consists of.

A misconception in the west amongst some non-vegatarians is that vegetarianism means eating only raw salad vegetables! They do not know that innumerable delicious dishes can be cooked with vegetables only to suit every taste.

In the western world even about 40 years ago, eggs, fish and often poultry were considered to be vegetarian. In short, only the meat of mammals was excluded. The difference was white meat as against red meat. This conception is still valid in India amongst certain groups and in certain areas. The monks of the Ramakrishna Order, as well as most Buddhists in the world follow this principle, refrain from eating the red meat only.

The rarest interpretation is the exclusion of all animal products, including milk. Very few people live according to this, because most of them die early! To keep to this diet and still survive, one has to nourish oneself very carefully, frequently eat the only known complete substitute for meat: true soy beans. (There are pseudo soy beans, which are insufficient.)

The commonest form of vegetarianism is to exclude all animal products EXCEPT milk and milk products: lacto-vegetarianism.

2. Biological Factors.

In nature, every form of life is anatomically constructed to suit its nourishment. The anatomy reveals the feeding habits.

The human body is NOT designed to be purely vegetarian. A truly vegetarian mammal has certain essential or typical anatomical features: very large, multiple stomach, capable of breaking down cellulose; missing canine teeth; toes showing little separation, but forming hooves or semi-hooves; eyes set on the sides of the head rather than in the front.

The need for breaking down cellulose is obvious, for the cells in plants are generally covered by cellulose, which has to be removed to assimilate the contents of the cells. Canine teeth are unnecessary, for no tearing of flesh is done. Fingers and claws are not required, for nothing has to be caught or grabbed. The feet are suitable for walking on soft ground, and for carrying the weight of the big stomach and its contents. The eyes are on the sides to be alert for danger from both sides: nature plans that the herbivores are the food of the carnivores.

Herbivorous animals spend most of their time eating! Because it derives or synthesizes its protein from plants, which with exceptions contain little protein or ingredients thereof, they have to eat a lot. To process the large amount, the stomach is also large. The breaking down of cellulose and generating complex protein from simple forms requires separate chambers, successively used, each providing the right enzymes for each stage of conversion and digestion.

A purely carnivorous mammal has a small stomach, which cannot break down cellulose. It has large canine teeth, separated toes with claws. The eyes are in the front to provide stereoscopic vision, essential for gauging distance, locating and capturing the prey.

Most carnivorous animals eat only at large intervals, which can be as long as a week! Most of their bodily needs are supplied in concentrated form by the meat they eat, they need to eat less in bulk than the herbivores and require only small, single-chamber stomachs. The claws and teeth are needed to grab and tear the prey.

Man is an omnivorous animal. His stomach is small, single-chambered and incapable of dealing with cellulose. But his canine teeth are relatively small, his claws if the nails are allowed to grow naturally not very strong. His feet resemble those of carnivores, but the hands are much more developed. His food is a mixture, the need for meat is there, but low. Nature designed him to prey upon small animals and also eat vegetables, but not grass. But he has learned to capture, and later on to domesticate, larger animals for food by using his ingenuity.

His closest cousins, the humanoid apes, are predominantly vegetarian, but every now and then eat meat. Frequently this is a sort of cannibalism: they often eat monkeys! This is controlled by nature in a most subtle manner: the occurrence is fairly regular, but the victims get no warning, for the species as such is never threatened! This is similar to the situation of domesticated animals: their daily life is generally free of danger, but they suddenly get slaughtered without warning.

There are 22 kinds of proteins that the human body needs, 4 of which it cannot obtain from vegetables other than the true soy bean. The moong bean is a partial substitute for meat. The Indian Urud could be a full substitute, but I have no laboratory analysis for it. If the soy bean is not available, milk and cheese becomes essential.

What most people do not know: the average adult expends about 32,000 Joules of energy per day, but only about 7000 Joules are acquired from food! The remaining 25,000 Joules are absorbed from cosmic and geomantic energies, which explains why people who live in the open, like farmers, are more healthy than those who spend their lives in office buildings!

Most of what we eat is actually only water! The water content practically everything we actually eat varies from about 70% in nuts and dry cheese to 95% in cucumber or spinach.

A normal adult needs 3 to 4 ounces dry protein per day, of which 1 ounce should be meat or equivalent. This means about 5 ounces of meat in the raw state.

3. General Possibilities and Preferences and Consequences.

Being a pure vegetarian is not possible in many places on earth, for milk and soy beans are not available. Even in India some 40 years ago, except for the Indo-Gangetic plain, milk was very difficult to get. Urud beans were the only substitute, which, as I said, may not be sufficient. For some reason the true soy bean was unknown outside China till recently and production is far from being enough for the world to turn vegetarian. The reasons may be economical or agricultural.

In Africa and in the lands of the Eskimos, both milk and soy beans are generally absent. Of late milk is available in parts of Africa, mainly as imported powdered or condensed milk.

In Europe soy products are difficult to get, except in Asian the big cities. Algae products

are unknown. But milk is available in plenty. It is possible to be vegetarian at home, but hardly elsewhere. Pure vegetarian restaurants are rare. European vegetarian restaurants are usually open only during the day for lunch or snacks, but close during evenings. In larger cities one may find Indian restaurants, but the level of spicing may make the meal intolerable for the average westerner. If one is invited by non-vegetarian friends, asking for vegetarian food is a pain: they cannot provide a decent meal, know this and feel terribly embarrassed! The only way out is to say, Ill spend the time with you gladly, but allow me to bring my own food! This certainly works, but rather kills the idea of inviting and hospitality.

A certain amount of flexibility helps. The non-vegetarian can often make a decent dish out of vegetables, if one lets him do it the way he knows. One should tolerate eggs, for instance. He may boil in meat broth or garnish with fried bacon. If one removes the bacon, and eats only the vegetables, one may enjoy the meal. But if one insists on total isolation from meat including separate stirring spoons one may end up getting raw cabbage, cauliflower etc. served on a nicely warmed plate! In a restaurant they my then bill you for twice as much as for genuine Beluga caviar!

The uncompromising rejection of animal products can mean that many otherwise vegetarian products are taboo: bread, buisuits, puddings, yoghurt etc. can contain lard or gelatine. Cheese becomes unacceptable if rennet was used in making it! Even white sugar can be a problem, for bone-ash is often used in the manufacture. Many jams and sweets contain cochineal, a colouring substance got from insects.

Many medicines especially homoeopathic are derived from animals, some of them involve infecting and killing!

The question of changing to lacto-vegetarianism is an individual problem. Actually it is far, far less difficult to stop eating meat than to start eating meat, if brought up as a vegetarian. A vegetarian meal can be as satisfying as a non-vegetarian, if cooked properly. In fact, if put together carefully, one may not even notice the absence of meat. The problem is often poor choice, lack of the right ingredients, and mostly bad and unimaginative cooking. Vegetables have to be treated with far more care than meat and a lot depends on spicing. Tropical vegetables are usually unsuited for raw consumption and need special cooking to get rid of their acridness and pungent smells. A badly cooked vegetarian meal can be torture!

Statistics have been presented in the past to prove that the raising of animals for food was a very uneconomical way of using the earths resources. It was claimed that more people could be fed by growing grain and vegetables on an acre of land than was possible if it was used for raising animals. This would apply to a certain extent if farming were to be done as in the past, but no longer today: unfortunately very little land is utilized for the actual raising of animals. But in most places the land which is suitable for animals is not quite suitable for agriculture, so that a conflict does not really arise. Converting grassland into fields is not always beneficial to the ecology. The meadows on mountains and highlands are best left as meadows!

If all human beings were to turn vegetarian:

- vast quantities of soy beans and algae products have to be produced and distributed.

- the present stock of domestic animals all over the world has to be destroyed somehow. These animals are domesticated and cannot live in free nature in fact they are not even natural as species and belong nowhere except on farms. There is no habitat into which they could be released, without grave consequences to the ecology. Having lost their natural defence instincts and immunities, they will be wiped off if let loose in very wild areas. Meanwhile, however, there will be an enormous increase of the depredatory population, which, once the tame victims are eaten up, will start moving towards human settlements in the search for prey. But if let loose in less wild areas, the lack of enemies as controlling factor will lead to excessive increase in the numbers of the domesticated animals. Now these will start depredating forests, meadows, fields etc., and will have to be killed by Man to protect his sources of vegetarian food! Either a mass killing has to be done or the animals be systematically sterilized so that a new generation does not get born.

- a large number of people connected with the meat producing industry will become jobless, who will need to be supported and re-integrated.

All this needs systematic governmental planning, at international level.

4. General Health Considerations

The lacto-vegetarians in India are not a particularly healthy group. They tend to develop huge bellies. One reason could be that they actually eat very little vegetables, feed mainly on grains and pulses.

Grains are not a natural source of nourishment for Man. In fact grains are products of civilisation, developed from grass. The human body is not designed by nature to eat grass or grain.

An Indian doctor did much research on the subject and showed that many allergies common in India vanished when all grains were eliminated from the food! There is no evidence that vegetarian food is more healthy than a balanced non-vegetarian diet. A vegetarian diet has also to be balanced to be healthy!

5. Effects on Character.

Vegetarianism is not synoymous with spirituality. Conversion to it could arise from spiritual motives, but vegetarian groups are no more spiritually advanced than non-vegetarian groups. Even if the basic reason for being a vegetarian is aversion to killing, it shows no high level of spirituality. Adolf Hitler was a classic example of this type. He even condemned hunting, for he could not bear the thought of killing animals for sport! But he showed no compassion for human beings!

On the other hand there have been countless noble souls in the world, who were almost strictly non-vegetarian. When I first visited Europe, England and Greece were the only countries where I could get a reasonable amount of vegetables. Except for bread and potatoes there was hardly anything vegetarian available in the other countries. Potatoes were introduced into Europe only 400 years ago. But there was no lack of saints beore that!

Meat by itself does not promote aggressiveness. The Eskimos are not an aggressive race, but live(d) practically entirely on meat. Nor does meat by itself induce sluggishness. It is overeating that causes it. Statistics wuld seem to show that people in advanced countries eat far more than they need or should.

6. Historic Considerations.

Whereas it is generally accepted that people all over the world were non-vegetarians, there is an opinion that the vedic population of ancient India was strictly vegetarian. This opinion is untenable for various reasons.

To be precise, the true vedic age, when the vedas were composed, is a prehistoric period: at least 6000 years ago, but in all likelihood many thousands of years earlier. It is not certain that Rama or Krishna lived during that period. There are as far as I know only two passing references to these heroes in the Rigveda, both of which hardly reflect the great fame of these Avatars in later times. Krishna is actually described as a demonic and undesirable person. So one can safely assume that the references were to persons other than these great heroes. After all, both names were not rare!

During that period the vedic people were essentially nomads and might not have lived in India at all! Although they raised grain, mainly barley, their mainstay was cattle, sheep, pigs, camels, horses, fish and perhaps poultry. The land they lived on was mountainous and the laying of fields difficult. The earlier hymns of the Rg veda were written when they lived where winter lasted for many months, which precluded agricultural activity during the major part of the year.

There are enough verses in the Rg veda to show that meat was not only eaten, but much valued as food. Bulls were certainly eaten, cows perhaps not, for their milk was needed, Incidentally, alcohol was consumed freely and being intoxicated was common.

The ages that followed, when the upanishads were compiled and the heroes lived, were successive post-vedic periods, during which the people settled down and evolved civilisations. The vedic culture was not restricted to the Indian subcontinent, but stretched out through Persia and Turkey into parts of Europe. That the vedic population in those regions ate meat is certain. In spite of the almost unquestioned traditional belief that the vedic culture originated in India and that the heroes like Rama, Krishna and the Pandavas etc. were natives of India, there is no evidence to prove this. There is, however, much evidence to suggest that the location of the epics was in Persia and neighbouring countries.

The bow was not invented as a weapon for warfare though used as such later but primarily for hunting. Carrying a weapon for self-defence and close combat is understandable: a dagger, sword or later on a pistol was often carried during the last centuries. A bow is useless in close combat. The Amerindians were the last remnants of ancient cultures and carried a bow as well as a dagger. The bow was essentially used for hunting.

The heroes in vedic epics were all archers and had their bows and arrows always at hand. They were hunters! The skill in archery that was expected of them was extremely high: necessary to hit a fleeing animal or flying bird, but hardly needed for attacking an approaching human enemy! Many of the episodes about kings begin with the king riding out to hunt, mostly deer. They certainly did not kill for fun! They were non-vegetarian and killed for food.

There are apparently scattered instances in old texts where the eating of meat is condemned. A web article cites some of these, with insufficient reference. Actually the instances quoted do not refer to the eating of meat, but to injuring whether animals are implied is uncertain. In one instance King Parikshit is cited as having spoken against meat eating. But this seems odd, for it was on a hunting expedition that he earned his curse! Such instances were probably later insertions, owing to Buddhistic influence, to make the eating of meat unpopular.

Another instance quoted, without any contextual reference: Bhishma is supposed to have explained to Yudhishthira that the flesh of animals was like the flesh of ones own son. The point is uncertain:

- if Yudhistira had been a vegetarian, the instruction would have been superflous. A person who has grown up to adulthood as a vegetarian is most unlikely to start eating meat. That needs a tremendous amount of will power and such a change-over can happen only under strong compulsion of necessity. Bhishmas teaching would make sense If Yudhistira had been a child, who was in danger of being seduced into eating meat by others. But that would mean that the child grew up in a non-vegetarian mileu!

- If vegetarianism had been common practice the instruction would have been hardly necessary, unless Yudhistira was an exception and was a non-vegetarian. But it is very unlikely that he would have been raised in a custom that was generally diaspproved.

So it seems obvious that Yudhistira was a non-vegetarian and conformed to common practice. Only thus can we justify the teaching. If Bhishma was a vegetarian, he must have been an exception.

It is clear from old texts that animals were sacrificed and their meat eaten. This is often flatly denied, or the explanation offered that these were exceptional occasions. This is done usually by life-long vegetarians, who believe that meat eating is something like starting to smoke or drink alcohol that it is relatively easy. IT IS NOT! Unless one is given meat to eat as a child and that often, it is impossible to accept the smell of meat, take a piece of meat into the mouth and chew it without vomitting. If one succeeds so far, swallowing the chewed mass is almost unsurmountable without a great and deliberate effort, for it remains as a lump in the mouth and does not melt off as vegetables do.

This I say from personal experience. As a South Indian Brahmin I had been a pure lacto-vegetarian, TAUGHT TO ABHOR MEAT. I was often sent to the market to buy vegetables, because I was rather good at picking up the best quality. This was a sort of honour, but also a torture, because I could not avoid going past the butchersstalls! Sometimes I would have to vomit when I got home, remembering the carcasses I had seen and smelt. I was forced to learn to eat meat when I was 18, out of a certain necessity. I went to sea and there was practically no vegetarian food on board ships in those days except potatoes or noodles! Even the potatoes were often fried in lard! It took me over a year of daily practice with a tiny piece of meat before I could gulp it down and keep it in! All my vegetarian colleagues Brahmins and Jains, had the same experience. It took us all 12 to 18 monhs to be able to eat meat as normal part of a meal. None of us who learned to eat meat has ever developed any craving for meat and always prefer a good vegetarian meal!

Psychological barriers regarding food are very very strong. A Moslem colleague and I went out to eat in France. He was a very open-minded, non-fanatical person. He ordered chicken. He enjoyed the French cooking thoroughly and wanted to know what those very tasty little cubes in the sauce were. The waiter said, Ham. My friend went green, ran out and threw up his meal! Later he said, It was so tasty, but when I knew it was pork my upbringing brought up uncontrollable nausea!

In vedic times animals were sacrificed to feed the Gods and departed ancestors, to please them with their favourite food. How would a vegetarian assume that Gods and especially his own dead ancestors would relish what he himself abhorred? Would it not be a tremendous insult to offer higher souls what one considers unfit for oneself? Would not the intention be to offer what one valued and appreciated most?

Vegetarianism seems to have started through the preachings of Mahavira, the Jina, founder of Jainism. The date of Mahavira is officially taken to be around 700 BC, but was most likely 1900 BC. Gauthama Buddha (600 BC or 1800 BC) also preached ahimsa, apparently condemned the mass slaughter of animals at the royal courts. Jina really meant that animal life should not be destroyed, swept the ground before him so as not to tread on insects, avoided eating roots, for pulling them out would possibly kill animals in the earth. Buddha was by no means so strict. According to legend his last meal, which proved fatal, consisted of pork, unfortunately spoilt! His principle and injunction to his disciples was to go begging, but to eat whatever was given, without any reservations as to kind or quality.

The vegetarian movement gathered momentum and large sections of people, especially the Brahmins, became vegetarians. But at no time did the majority give up the habit of eating meat. Especially the Kshathriyas never changed, whereas many Vaisyas did.

Today the majority of Indians eat vegetarian food most of the time, for meat is expensive and reserved for special occasions.

Showing kindness to animals is not a human trait. This notion is mainly a western development and recent at that. Kindness was shown only towards domesticated animals to some extent, mostly horses, dogs and cats, all three generally useful one way or other. Cattle, sheep and pigs were looked after for their value, but not really treated with kindness as such: beating them etc. was not uncommon.

Measured by modern western standards, Indians are callous towards animals. Certain animals like cows, monkeys at certain places, or snakes at others, enjoy immunity for religious reasons. But beating animals with sticks, throwing stones at them, kicking or trampling them even for fun is no rarity! Vegetarian Indians are vegetarians not out of any thought for the suffering of the animals, but through upbringing and that for religious reasons. They think eating meat is a sin because they were told so, not because they think so.

7. Ethical and Natural Considerations.

The question of whether it is wrong to kill an animal has to be seen from various angles. In free nature practically every animal except perhaps the elephant is killed and devoured. Natural death is an individual exception, but even that occurs only through an accident or starvation. All animals, some even during the process of being born, others when weak, become prey. Elephants are not usually attacked, but when they get too weak to keep up with the herd, they are put to death by the leader of the herd, as an act of mercy. The bodies are usually covered by twigs etc. a solemn burial ceremony but hyenas and vultures get to the meat soon.

So killing an animal to eat it is a natural thing. Is it a sin for Man to do so?

Animals kill only to eat or in self defense. Man goes further: he kills for fun, or for further utilisation, to make things out of the animal for various utilitarian purposes. He kills to make room for his fields. If there is sin in killing, it is in this kind of killing.

How many strict vegetarians wear shoes or gloves or coats or watch-straps, or have cases or furniture made of genuine leather, but object to killing for food? Is killing for comfort or vanity better than killing for food? Even the guru who preaches ahimsa sits all too often on a deerskin or the skin of a tiger. Do these people think that one finds newly and naturally dead animals by the thousands, lying around just waiting to be gathered and skinned?

If one truly practices vegetarianism for the sake of ahimsa, he should avoid ALL animal products! Even stop stringing his violin with catgut! Even send his cat out to catch its mice, instead of feeding it meat out of tins.

There is another aspect, which rarely receives attention. Sir Jagdish Bose showed by various experiments that plants feel pain. If they had mouths they would say ouch or even shriek with pain when they are hurt. Backster, the inventor of the lie-detector showed that plants have emotions, memory and psychic abiity. Kirlian showed by his special photography that plants and even the individual leaves have astral bodies! They also react to words, music etc. They have no visible means of communication the mimosa is a exception but use scents, which we can hardly smell. But properly designed electrical instruments connected to plants show accompanying reactions. Actually plants do react physically to pain but this contraction is hardly visible to the naked eye. Instruments however reproduce graphs of physical reaction which are exactly similar to those shown by animal muscles when hurt. . Bose actually demonstrated that metals and minerals also react similarly, indicating that all matter has consciousness, each form having that kind and amount as it requires to exist.

Bose delivered a lecture at the royal Academy in London in 1920. It was the lecture of a scientist preaching the principles of the advaitic philosophy and he said that one day scientists would be able to prove that divine energy and consciousness are all-pervading. Eighty years later, scientists are talking of the consciousness of sub-atomic particles and their apparent capcity to communicate with one another!

Backster showed in the late sixties that plants show joy or dismay when approached by persons, depending on the mental intention of the person. If one approached to water, tend or admire the plant, it showed joy. But if the intention was to pluck a leaf or flower, the opposite of joy was shown. Since only a deflecting needle was used to record the emotions, one could not differentiate between fear, anger etc., and only the intensity could be gauged.

This was not restricted to matters concerning the plant only. A cook, thinking of boiling living shrimps, caused the plants he approached to show dismay. Later on, at the moment when the shrimps were actually thrown into boiling water in the kitchen, the plants reacted violently!

In a very telling experiment, plants that had been in a room where a murder had been committed helped to find the murderer. Suspects and unconnected persons were made to approach these and other plants. Only one person caused significant reactions: violent in the plants that had witnessed the murder, strong in the case of the other plants. Both sets of plants had detected evil, but the first group had apparently also vividly remembered the deed! (This could not be used as evidence in court, but helped the police to find suitable evidence.)

The photographic method invented by Kirlian and his wife to capture the astral body on film revealed that plants and leaves also have such bodies. The amazing part was this: if a portion of a leaf was cut off and the remaining part photographed, the Kirlian picture showed the full leaf and not just the fragment!

Now we generally assume that plants do not feel pain or that they do so in a limited way. This is false thinking. Pain is not dependent on size or species. If one pulls off the leg or wing of a fly, is its pain less in intensity than that felt by a human being whose leg or arm is wrenched off? Is the pain of a plant less if one plucks a leaf, flower or fruit only because we do not hear it crying out in pain?

Nature itself gives an answer. Before a plant voluntarily sheds a leaf or fruit it gradually builds up a separating horny layer across the stalk, which painlessly, isolates it and the slightest wind causes the leaf or fruit to drop off without the plant suffering.

Plucking a leaf, flower or fruit is equal to tearing off a finger or the ovary/uterus of the plant with violence.

But there is a difference. The leg or uterus of an animal does not have an independent life and cannot live on without the main or parent body. The only exception is perhaps in the case of certain lizards etc., which shed their tails when pursued too closely. The tail twitches and jumps around for a while, distracting the pursuer, giving the lizard a chance to hide itself.

As such, the pain of amputation is probably felt only by the main body. Whether the amputated limb feels any pain is uncertain.
An animal feels pain when killed, for a longer or shorter period, depending on the method of killing. Most methods are less traumatic than the execution of humans in say the US. The death of the animal is usually instantaneous. The individual cells die after a few hours, through lack of oxygen etc. Whether this causes pain to the cells or whether they faint cannot be said! After that there is no pain factor, whatever is done to the meat, except perhaps for the bacteria present in the meat.

In the case of plants the flowers are ovaries, out of which the uterus the fruit develops. The stalk of the fruit is its placenta, and in addition, if the fruit is a pod with many seeds in it, each seed has its own stalk or placenta inside the pod. The fruit or pod has ashort independent life after it is naturally shed by the plant. If plucked earlier, this independent life is prolonged: left alone, they continue to breathe, assimilate from the stored nourishment in the stalk, grow and ripen.

If you pluck pea-pods you pull off one uterus after the other, causing pain to the plant each time. Now the pod continues to live! So each pod also feels the pain of violent separation from the parent body. So that makes it 2 shots of pain for every pod you pluck. Now you open the pod, causing pain 3 shots!. Then you rip off each pea, and cause pain to both pod and pea. If you have 10 peas there, there is an addition of 20 shots of pain. So you cause pain 23 times for each 10 peas you gather. But it does not stop there: the pea is the actual child and is still alive, with all its cells. Whether you eat it raw or cook it, you cause it again. So that makes it 33 shots of pain for 10 peas! If you eat 100 peas as one portion, you have caused pain 330 times.

In the case of other vegetables, act of peeling and cutting hurts them, with every touch of the knife! Eating a peeled carrot may involve 20 hurts or more!

By waiting for the vegetables or fruits to ripen and fall off by themselves you will hurt less, but even then you must wait till the casing ripens and dies before you eat them, if you want to keep violence to a minimum.. But if you eat that stuff you may get sick and will not be nourished! Nor is it really possible to gather and distribute the vegetables or fruits at that stage.

In other words, eating involves causing pain. Whom you hurt is all you can decide on! If you eat meat, one animal suffers pain once and a number of people eat the meat. But each person who eats 100 peas causes pain 330 times. Considering the processes of reaping and threshing etc. the total pain caused while eating a handful of grain can be worse! The unfertilized egg is perhaps the only form of food that suffers least! In the future, tissue culture in retorts could provide animal protein. But this may not be possible with vegetables.

8. Conclusion.

The philosophical approach would say: everything is Brahman, whether it is an animal or a vegetable. So is every individual. The cylic law of nature compels one form to eat another. This is what Jesus meant when he said about the bread, This is my body, which you eat! Whatever we eat, we eat Brahman and have to be thankful to Him for manifesting himself as our food.

One can be a vegetarian for various reasons, sentiment, taste or whatsoever, but to claim that one thereby practices ahimsa is untenable, and there is no justification for feeling superior to non-vegetarians! It is far more important to realize that plants are also living beings and that we hurt them when we eat plant products. We dont realize this because plants cannot utter sounds and do not move. Even the act of plucking flowers for a vase, for presenting etc. is a form of callousness and cruelty to the plant.

We assume that only we think or know about death. This is wrong. Animals and plants know about death and expect it! It is the fate of animals and plants also to be brutally hurt and eaten by others, whn the time comes. Animals being taken to be slaughtered have a premonition of impending death, show signs of great agitation and fear. But plants suffer the same way when the gardner approaches them to gather vegetables.

Vegetarians often accuse non-vegetarians of being callous and cruel. As a rule, however, most non-vegetarians would refuse to slaughter and eat meat only when sold by the butcher. A visit to a slaughterhouse usually makes them go off meat for a period, till the memory fades. But people eat vegetables without any compunction because they do not see the suffering or hear the protest of the victim. Would anyone eat 10 peas if he or she heard 33 yells of pain?

Eating involves hurting! A sensible eater eats just enough for his needs. Gluttony is the true sin causing unnecessary pain by consuming more than is really needed. Oddly enough, vegetarians tend to eat more than necessary, for they do not plan their complete protein intake and try to substitute with carbohydrates!

The real sin connected with eating meat is the modern way the animals are bred and housed, with no freedom or chance to experience life. They are raised in tiny boxes to prevent movement and accelerate growth, fed with things that rob them of their health They have no chance at all to live their lives before death overtakes them, their short sojourn on earth is devoid of all happiness. It was different when the animals were free to roam on the meadows and the farms provided shelter. Now they are born, bred and killed in cruel prisons!

But vegetables are also being maltreated. Artificial lighting etc. are used to simulate day and night changes, genes are being altered, terrible fertilizers are being introduced. We cannot imagine how much they suffer, but they do suffer.

We often pay homage to Jagannaatha, the Lord of the Universe, because He is the almighty ruler and we are used to bowing down before might. But we forget that He is Janaardhana, the nourisher of all life. (The word jana is not restricted to people, but includes everything that has been created.) As Janaardhana, the Creator sacrifces himself perpetually to feed us, no matter what we eat, be it beef or beans. Our homage should be to appreciate this sacrifice,

The Amerindian who kills an animal thanks its soul for having given him its body for food. He also thanks the corn plants and the corn after the harvest. And he thanks God for having given him these. We must emulate. What we eat is not important, but how we eat. It is important to eat as little as possible and to show gratitude to the animal or the apple tree, the apple itself and the seeds in it and to God. All of these sacrifice themselves to keep us alive.


Jumat, 27 April 2018

Vampire-human love story is here

Vampire-human love story is here

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The wait is finally over for the Twilight series fans. The movie was finally released in India - a year later that it did in the US. For the fans, the movie doesn't need any introduction or a backgrounder but, those who are totally clueless; the movie (based on the book series by Stephenie Meyer) is about an impossible love; impossible because a vampire falls in love with a human. Yes, you read that right. "Finally the lion falls in love with the lamb". Stupid lamb' is how the lead pair sum-up their love for each other. There are hardly any films made nowadays where one would find that love is implied rather than explicit. Though there are a few scenes where the chemistry between the lead is almost crackling, nowhere in the entire movie does the intensity of the love fade - it hangs in the air. It feels that you can actually touch it.

So you have non-vegetarian vampires (they drink human blood) and you have vegetarian vampires (they drink animal blood). With so many vampires roaming around their sworn enemies - werewolves, can't be far behind. So while the police (humans) is trying to solve the unexplained spurt of murders, the werewolves close rank to protect the humans. Never a dull moment in the movie. The vampire, Edward Cullen, is played by Robert Pattinson. Not many would remember his rather short appearance in the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where he played the role of Cedric Diggory. His performance in the Potter series might have gone unnoticed, it is practically impossible to ignore him in the Twilight. Such is his aura in the movie that in the frames where is he not there you actually start to miss him and wait for his return.

The love interest of the vampire, Isabella Swan (Kristen Stewart), on the other hand appears as a simpering character. Love does make a person clingy but, Bella's character is extremely weak when compared to the others. An interesting point to note is that though Forks, Washington DC actually exists on the map, the movie was not filmed there. For the Twilight series fans the movie is a bonus. To actually see the characters come alive and to see Edward Cullen walking, talking and smiling is a dream come true. Beautiful locales with excellent direction and awesome cinematography makes this movie a must see.

The author is an entertainment news editor and works for many websites related to event, bollywood, music, movie, concerts and theater. Visit one more interesting article of author: Pratibha '09 - Art with Heart or

Value Added Tax When Buying Property in Cyprus

Value Added Tax When Buying Property in Cyprus

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When Cyprus took on the Euro in January, 2008 many people believed that all property purchases would have Value Added Tax (VAT) added to it, which is not the case. Any purchase of property that received its' planning permit prior to May 1, 2004 will not have VAT apply and every property that has applied for building permit after May 1, 2004 will have VAT added regardless of when the agreement is signed between developer and buyer. VAT currently does not apply to the purchase of vacant land but as of January 6, 2008 all purchases had V.A.T. added.
In regard to V.A.T. rates on other goods and services the standard 15% is charged on almost all goods and services. There are some exceptions and for these exceptions there are four VAT rates depending on the good or service: 15%, 8%, 5% and 0%. Restaurants, except for alcoholic beverages, hotel accommodation, as well as transport of passengers by taxi and buses are taxable at the rate at 8%.

The 5% rate applies on services to writers, artist, undertakers, farm products (fertilizers, live animals, food for the animals, seeds.) non bottled water, books, newspapers, transportation, coffins, newspapers, books, periodicals, certain products for persons with special need, ice cream and the letting of camping sites and caravan parks.

Medicines and airfares, bank services, medical and dental services are taxable at the zero rate or exempted from any VAT charge. Also leasing or letting of immovable property, the supply of immovable property with the exception of buildings or parts of buildings and the land on which they stand if the application for a building permit was submitted after the 1st May, 2004, financial services, lotteries, social welfare, education, sports, cultural services, insurance transactions area all at the zero rate.

There is also a special exemption for foreigners visiting Cyprus so that they can get tax free shopping. According to the V.A.T. legislation, visitors to Cyprus from countries outside the EU can -claim back the V.A.T. on goods exported to a country other than in the EU in their hand luggage.

Temporary visitors do not have to pay any duties and VAT on arrival in Cyprus for the goods they bring with them for personal use.

Cleo is the owner of Cyprus marketing solutions Ltd. a Paphos based company providing proven internet marketing solutions specializing in properties for sale in Cyprus to families relocating and buying property in Paphos district and surrounding area.

Useful Information about Wheel Clamping on Private Land

Useful Information about Wheel Clamping on Private Land

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Wheel clamping is a situation drivers face very often. It may look similar, but wheel clamping on private property is very different than public property's wheel clamping.

If you are involved in a wheel clamping situation, you should first know the conditions under which your car can be legally clamped on private property. Your car can be wheel clamped if you have parked in a car park reserved for employees of a certain company and you don't work there. Or you have parked in a car park belonging to a club or a restaurant which is reserved for their customers and you are not a customer. Another reason for wheel clamping your car is to overstay in a pay car park or to park dangerously (meaning blocking emergency exits). You also risk getting wheel clamped if you don't show your car park ticket or permit.

These are the most common situations for wheel clamping a car. But parking in a restaurant's car park without being its customer is not enough for legally clamping your car. There must be notices displayed clearly which should warn people about the possibility of getting their cars clamped if they park in that area. The fee charged by the landowner to release your car is normal, compared to fees charged by other companies. You get your car back the moment you have paid the release fee. The notices at the car park display clearly the way to contact the owner to get your car released.

You should also know that if your car displays a valid disabled badge it can not be clamped. The same rule applies to a marked emergency car which is being involved in an emergency situation.

So if you do get wheel clamped, there are some guidelines you should follow. First of all, keep your cool. You are not the first person getting clamped and you are definitely not the last one. Therefore, don't try to remove the wheel clamp yourself as you can be accused of causing criminal damages. So, what you should do is to call the number displayed on the notice and ask information about how to get your car released as soon as possible. You should also ask the wheel clamper is they have a valid licence for this type of activity. If they are not able of displaying a valid authorisation, don't pay the release fee and call the police. Remember that clamping a car without having an authorisation is a criminal offence. But if the wheel clamping company is a perfectly authorised one, you have to pay the release fee.

You may feel that the release fee was too high or the wheel clamping warning signs weren't displayed clearly enough, you can get your money back through a legal suit in court. But before suing the wheel clamping company, consult a lawyer on the chances of winning the law suit.

In conclusion, may you have a happy driving and a stay away from getting wheel clamped!

Kamis, 26 April 2018

Use Vitamin D3 5000 Iu Supplements For Immense Health Advantages

Use Vitamin D3 5000 Iu Supplements For Immense Health Advantages

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Various medical researchers hold that vitamin D3 is probably the most essential and important supplement that is required for a healthy body. It is produced in the body through direct exposure of the skin to sunlight. Some amount of vitamin D3 can also be acquired by eating animal products since animals have the ability to produce it in their body by the same technique as humans.

The most effective way of gaining vitamin D3 is by exposing your skin to direct sunlight for around 20 minutes everyday. The body has a natural ability to absorb the ultraviolet rays and transform them to vitamin D3. In fact, exposure to sunlight can result in the production of 10,000 units of vitamin D3 in the body.

Owing to the fact that sunlight is the best source for vitamin D3, it might be a problem for those who are mostly required to stay indoor for the sake of their work, or those who live in a country or city that gets very less sunlight. Though vitamin D3 can be obtained through certain foods, there are actually very few foods containing adequate amounts of this vitamin. Hence in order to prevent deficiency of vitamin D3 in your body, one of the most convenient options is to take vitamin D3 supplements on a regular basis.

Daily intake of best vitamin d3 supplements can result in a number of health benefits. Let us discuss some of health conditions that can be effectively prevented by taking vitamin D3 supplements:

Type 1 Diabetes: Medical researches have shown that people taking vitamin D3 supplements since the early stages of their lives are less prone to suffer from type 1 diabetes in the future.

Osteoporosis: Adequate levels of vitamin D3 in the body help in the maintenance of an appropriate level of calcium in the body, thereby protecting bone health and preventing the chances for osteoporosis and arthritis.

Pre-eclampsia: Vitamin D3 helps in the prevention of pre-eclampsia, which is a condition that occurs in women during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia is characterized by hypertension and edema and can lead to pre-mature labor and also death during pregnancy.

Depression: According to medical studies, vitamin D3 helps effectively in reducing the chances for developing symptoms of depression.

Ageing: Vitamin D3 has amazing anti-ageing properties. Regular intake of vitamin D3 5000 IU helps in the reduction of wrinkles, thereby making your skin smooth, soft and glowing.

Chronic Pain: Medical researches claim that the use of vitamin D3 can bring about a great deal of improvement in people suffering from conditions like chronic pain, fatigue and weakness.

Heart diseases: According to various medical studies, people having sufficient levels of vitamin D3 in their blood are less prone to suffer a heart attack or from high blood pressure.

Cancer: Medical studies claim that vitamin D3 can effectively help in the prevention of various types of cancers. It can specially help in preventing the growth of cancer cells in patients with breast, colon or prostrate cancer.

Though the health benefits of vitamin D3 supplements are beyond any kinds of doubts, it is always recommended to consult a health care practitioner to know the appropriate dosages in which to take the vitamin with regard to your age and health conditions.

Use a Motorcycle Pet Carrier to Bring Your Pet Along

Use a Motorcycle Pet Carrier to Bring Your Pet Along

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Motorcycle excursions can be even more exciting when you take your fury "best friend" along. With a safe motorcycle pet carrier, you can include your dog or cat when taking almost any day-trip or long getaway. Your pet will likely enjoy going with you rather than staying behind at your home alone or at a kennel, and you both can breathe in the fresh breezes while traveling by motorcycle.

Fun Adventures in Pet Travel

Pet travel by motorcycle enables you to take breaks and walk your pet on mountain or nature trails, or along the sandy beaches. You can take your pet along on a camping trip or find hotels that allow pets to stay as well. You and your pet might also enjoy walks in parks, sightseeing, and motorcycle tours of your destination city.

Preparation for Pet Travel

Before leaving, be sure you have an adequate and safe motorcycle dog carrier or cat carrier. Your pet carrier should be large enough to hold your pet comfortably while allowing room to breathe and move. It should be well ventilated and safely mounted to your motorcycle. Durable pet crates come in various sizes and shapes to meet your needs.

Visit a veterinary clinic for a pet checkup before leaving to be sure it's safe for your pet to travel. Make sure your pet has been properly vaccinated and has appropriate identification in case you get separated from your pet while traveling. There are collars with pet ID tags or microchips that can be surgically inserted under your pet's skin with all its necessary ID information. Animal shelters, hospitals, and many local authorities have the capability to scan these microchips to find out to whom a pet belongs.

Also, be sure your pet has plenty of food and water for the trip along with treats and goodies for "good behavior!"

Weather Alerts for Pet Travel

Be sure your motorcycle carrier comes with accessories for all sorts of weather. Rain, snow, sleet, high winds, or extreme heat or cold can all pose a threat to your pet while traveling in a pet crate. You should have coverings to protect the carrier and your pet during these times. Also, when it is extremely hot or cold outdoors, never leave your pet unattended in the pet crate outdoors for any length of time - take the pet with you!

Pet Travel Items to Bring Along

Items you should never leave without when traveling with your pet include nail clippers (for dogs), a blanket or sheet for comfort, an extra collar, a sturdy leash, food and water bowl set, toys, treats, lint/hair remover, waste bags, first aid kit, and a flashlight for taking nighttime strolls.

A motorcycle pet carrier makes it easy and safe to take your pet with you wherever you go. Even if you don't have a motorcycle, you can find pet crates or carriers for other travel methods. There are scooter dog carriers, bicycle pet carriers, car travel pet carriers, and many others to make pet travel easy. You can visit online pet specialty stores to find durable pet carriers to meet your needs.

Use these tips to have a great pet travel adventure!

Urns for Ashes - A necessity sometimes

Urns for Ashes - A necessity sometimes

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When a loved one dies, there are many things to deal with. Losing someone special causes feelings of sorrow, grief, loss, depression and, unavoidably, finances. Finances are generally the last thing on a grieving individual's mind, but are unfortunately a very pressing matter in the event of death. A funeral can be very costly these days and burying a loved one in a conventional casket in a traditional plot amounts to thousands of dollars. A Cremation and placing the cremated remains of a loved one in Urns for Ashes is a solution.

Burial has been a long-held tradition of Christians and Islamists for centuries, and cremations were typically used only when there were a lot of people dying due to wars, famines, or plagues so as to stop the spread of disease and to effectively and quickly dispose of the bodies. The Greeks, however, have been cremating for centuries and used earthen pots as Urns for Ashes to hold the remains of their loved ones. Today, Christians have the choice to cremate or bury their dead though Islamists still choose to bury.

Because of cost, the long-established custom of burying the dead has started to change and people are looking more and more towards cremation as a more affordable alternative. This fact has made the Urns for Ashes a very high-demand commodity. Cremation has always been an option as a method of committal in the past, but was not as popular as burial. Urns have been made for centuries to hold loved ones ashes, but with time, have become more and more elaborate and intricately designed.

When choosing to cremate a loved one, the question arises of what kind of urn to buy to hold the precious contents. There are thousands of Urns for Ashes and an array of urns for every kind of buyer. There are urns not only for human remains, but also for a beloved family pet. The selection of Urns is endless and one can find beautiful unique designs as well as urns created for the simpler tastes. There is an Urn for ashes for every budget and for every style. While generally ashes are spread to the wind, a small portion of the ashes are kept in the urn and put on display within the home. Finding the right design to complement a certain dcor can be important and so selection is imperative.

From the exceptionally intricate to the modern, Urns for Ashes can be stylized, engraved, be in the shape of animals, hold picture frames, be free-standing, or made for the mantel. They can also be made for the garden, or for a special place in the yard. An Urn is special because it holds a dearly loved person or pet within. It has become increasingly common for people to buy an Urn that reflects the style and personality of the loved one of which the urn is holding.

While burying a loved one is still common and important, cremating a loved one and having their remains placed in Urns can be comforting to the grieving family. Instead of having to leave their home to visit a gravesite to feel close to the deceased, they can simply look towards the mantel, or to wherever the Urn for ashes may be situated to feel comfort and to feel close to their loved one.

Create the Perfect memorial for your deceased loved ones and pets with
Urns for ashes. Buy online from our site and we will deliver the Cremation Urns at your doorstep. For custom orders, call or contact us -

Rabu, 25 April 2018

Unix Operating System and Its Salient Features

Unix Operating System and Its Salient Features

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Developed by AT & T, Bell Laboratories, the UNIX operating system was once used only on mini and mainframe computers, but has now been adapted for microcomputers as well. UNIX is a portable. Multi-user, Multitask, layered operating system. The Kernel interfaces directly with the computer's CPU and is modified to run on the different Cup's and to alter the hardware related operations such as memory management.

Because UNIX is written in C, a high level language, it is less hardware dependent than operating system written in lower level language; this makes UNIX easy to transport from one system to another. Surrounding the Kernel is the "Shell" which serves as a programming language and as a command language interpreter, reading lines typed in by the user and interpreting them as requests to execute certain programs.

The original text oriented UNIX user interfaces is a shell and contains commands that has been criticized as being cryptic and thus difficult to remember. More user friendly GUIs have been developed for use with UNIX by companies such as SUN Microsystems.

Salient Features of Unix:

The UNIX operating system offers many salient features. Some of these important features are discussed below:

Multitasking Capability:

This capability allows the system to perform several tasks simultaneously. For instance, UNIX can print one document, edit another and sort a list of files at the same time. Multiple tasks can be carried out by placing other tasks in the background while you work on one task at a time. The current tasks are said to be in the foreground. Normally the tasks that do not require active interaction from the user are placed in the background; the lower will be the system response.

Multi-User Capability:

Multi-user operational system permits several users to use the same computer to carry out their job. Several terminals are connected to a single powerful computer and each user of the terminal can be a programmer, program access files and prints document at the same time. Need for the multi-user environment arises when several programmers work on developing module of the same software. Multi-user environment ensures complete coordination and compatibility and saves a considerable amount of time by allowing several users on a set of information at a time. Buying single multi-user computer is far more economical and efficient than buying several single users computers.

System Portability:

The UNIX operating system can port itself to another installation without any major changes. This ability to adapt itself to different computers has made UNIX very popular. UNIX runs on the more brands of computers than any other operating system.


UNIX supports two major types of communication:

1. Communication between different terminals connected to the same computer.

2. Communication between users of the one computer at the specific location to the users of another type and size of a computer located elsewhere. The two computers may be located in different offices or different countries or continents. These types of communication is achieved by a mail system based on wide area and may be connected through telephone lines or satellite.

Uncover 5 Surprising Facts About Vape Oils

Uncover 5 Surprising Facts About Vape Oils

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Vape oils, and CBD vape oils, in particular, are taking the vaping world by storm.

CBD vape oil is a concentrated type of Cannabidiol. Its made into a liquid form so that it can be warmed and breathed through an E-Cigarette, vape pen or vaporizer.

It can be bought as a one-time use cartridge for your vape pen, or as a bottle to refill your vaporizer.

So, whats so great about CBD vape oil?

5 Great Benefits of CBD Vape Oils

1. It Is Totally Legal.

Even though vape oil sometimes called vape juice is a type of Cannabidiol, it is NOT marijuana. It comes from hemp and contains CBD and not THC, so therefore it is legal. You can find it at reputable stores and on websites. There are some that even offer free vape juice!

2. Its Good For Pain.

It could be just plain old pain from working out too much or climbing a dangerous mountain on a dare. But the pain could be from something more serious.

During times of stress, our bodies can get thrown out of balance and can become primed for disease. And in many cases, where theres disease, theres pain.

CBD vape oil is one of the newer but proven methods to alleviate the side effects of pain as a result of arthritis, inflammation, diabetic nerve pain, spasms, gastroparesis, IBS, and even cancer and cancer treatment.

3. And Its Good for the Brain.

Serotonin receptors have a huge role in depression, but they also affect other processes such as sleep, addiction, and nausea. CBD is naturally drawn to serotonin receptors.

Once the CBD is bound to those receptors, it serves to slow down signaling. This is essentially the same thing that antidepressants do and results in a relaxed response.

CBD can also inhibit the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters. By competing with other molecules, CBD encourages the body to raise the endocannabinoid levels in the synapses of the brain.

Through this flooding of the synapses, it seems that CBD works against epilepsy and seizures as well.

4. You Cant Overdose on It.

Taking a high dose or concentration does not run the risk of overdose.

It should be noted though that time should be spent finding just what constitutes the most effective dosage for you. Many people do not seem to get the benefits if they take too low a dose.

Since each person has a different metabolic process, how much is right for one person can vary significantly from whats the correct dosage for another. There is no universal normal CBD dose.

5. Youll Pass A Drug Test.

But only if its CBD vape oil from natural hemp plants that contain active CBD. You do not want CBD vape oils from cannabis.

If your job requires random drug testing, this is a very important distinction. So if youre ever offered a CBD vape oil from an unreliable source, just remember that some CBD vape oils come from cannabis.

That means they contain THC and that could show up on a drug test. So if you arent sure, dont mess with it.

Do you think youre ready to explore the fascinating new world of CBD vape oils? Try them out and see. They could be just what you need for whatevers ailing you.

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Uncooked Vegan Diet Vs. Vegan Diet

Uncooked Vegan Diet Vs. Vegan Diet

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Also visit my blog post: Vegan Food Pyramid

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Image source: A little famous reality is that this angle has been ...