Rabu, 25 April 2018

Uncover 5 Surprising Facts About Vape Oils

Uncover 5 Surprising Facts About Vape Oils

Image source: http://www.vaporplants.com/media/wysiwyg/hipvap-vaporizer-information-vaporplants.jpg

Vape oils, and CBD vape oils, in particular, are taking the vaping world by storm.

CBD vape oil is a concentrated type of Cannabidiol. Its made into a liquid form so that it can be warmed and breathed through an E-Cigarette, vape pen or vaporizer.

It can be bought as a one-time use cartridge for your vape pen, or as a bottle to refill your vaporizer.

So, whats so great about CBD vape oil?

5 Great Benefits of CBD Vape Oils

1. It Is Totally Legal.

Even though vape oil sometimes called vape juice is a type of Cannabidiol, it is NOT marijuana. It comes from hemp and contains CBD and not THC, so therefore it is legal. You can find it at reputable stores and on websites. There are some that even offer free vape juice!

2. Its Good For Pain.

It could be just plain old pain from working out too much or climbing a dangerous mountain on a dare. But the pain could be from something more serious.

During times of stress, our bodies can get thrown out of balance and can become primed for disease. And in many cases, where theres disease, theres pain.

CBD vape oil is one of the newer but proven methods to alleviate the side effects of pain as a result of arthritis, inflammation, diabetic nerve pain, spasms, gastroparesis, IBS, and even cancer and cancer treatment.

3. And Its Good for the Brain.

Serotonin receptors have a huge role in depression, but they also affect other processes such as sleep, addiction, and nausea. CBD is naturally drawn to serotonin receptors.

Once the CBD is bound to those receptors, it serves to slow down signaling. This is essentially the same thing that antidepressants do and results in a relaxed response.

CBD can also inhibit the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters. By competing with other molecules, CBD encourages the body to raise the endocannabinoid levels in the synapses of the brain.

Through this flooding of the synapses, it seems that CBD works against epilepsy and seizures as well.

4. You Cant Overdose on It.

Taking a high dose or concentration does not run the risk of overdose.

It should be noted though that time should be spent finding just what constitutes the most effective dosage for you. Many people do not seem to get the benefits if they take too low a dose.

Since each person has a different metabolic process, how much is right for one person can vary significantly from whats the correct dosage for another. There is no universal normal CBD dose.

5. Youll Pass A Drug Test.

But only if its CBD vape oil from natural hemp plants that contain active CBD. You do not want CBD vape oils from cannabis.

If your job requires random drug testing, this is a very important distinction. So if youre ever offered a CBD vape oil from an unreliable source, just remember that some CBD vape oils come from cannabis.

That means they contain THC and that could show up on a drug test. So if you arent sure, dont mess with it.

Do you think youre ready to explore the fascinating new world of CBD vape oils? Try them out and see. They could be just what you need for whatevers ailing you.

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