Jumat, 27 April 2018

Vampire-human love story is here

Vampire-human love story is here

Image source: http://is2.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple118/v4/6f/04/38/6f043820-4a96-330e-b084-6045fcfe4fa2/source/576x768bb.jpg

The wait is finally over for the Twilight series fans. The movie was finally released in India - a year later that it did in the US. For the fans, the movie doesn't need any introduction or a backgrounder but, those who are totally clueless; the movie (based on the book series by Stephenie Meyer) is about an impossible love; impossible because a vampire falls in love with a human. Yes, you read that right. "Finally the lion falls in love with the lamb". Stupid lamb' is how the lead pair sum-up their love for each other. There are hardly any films made nowadays where one would find that love is implied rather than explicit. Though there are a few scenes where the chemistry between the lead is almost crackling, nowhere in the entire movie does the intensity of the love fade - it hangs in the air. It feels that you can actually touch it.

So you have non-vegetarian vampires (they drink human blood) and you have vegetarian vampires (they drink animal blood). With so many vampires roaming around their sworn enemies - werewolves, can't be far behind. So while the police (humans) is trying to solve the unexplained spurt of murders, the werewolves close rank to protect the humans. Never a dull moment in the movie. The vampire, Edward Cullen, is played by Robert Pattinson. Not many would remember his rather short appearance in the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where he played the role of Cedric Diggory. His performance in the Potter series might have gone unnoticed, it is practically impossible to ignore him in the Twilight. Such is his aura in the movie that in the frames where is he not there you actually start to miss him and wait for his return.

The love interest of the vampire, Isabella Swan (Kristen Stewart), on the other hand appears as a simpering character. Love does make a person clingy but, Bella's character is extremely weak when compared to the others. An interesting point to note is that though Forks, Washington DC actually exists on the map, the movie was not filmed there. For the Twilight series fans the movie is a bonus. To actually see the characters come alive and to see Edward Cullen walking, talking and smiling is a dream come true. Beautiful locales with excellent direction and awesome cinematography makes this movie a must see.

The author is an entertainment news editor and works for many websites related to event, bollywood, music, movie, concerts and theater. Visit one more interesting article of author: Pratibha '09 - Art with Heart or http://www.buzzintown.com/new-delhi/event_pratibha-09-art-heart--id_150852.html

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