Sabtu, 12 Mei 2018

Your Legal Rights after a Vicious Dog (pitbull) Attack

Your Legal Rights after a Vicious Dog (pitbull) Attack

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Pitbull attacks (And dog attacks in general) can be a difficult topic to address. Dogs are such an integral part of our society and are often considered a member of the family. Yet every year 4.7 million people are victims of dog attacks in the United States, and routinely the pit bull is either #1 or #2 when it comes to breeds most responsible. This is a trend that isn't going away, and it is our responsibility to know how to defend ourselves, and how to pursue legal recourse.

Let's start off by talking about the idea of self defense against a pit bull. These animals are intimidating and scary when not trained properly, but if you follow a few solid guidelines you can greatly increase your ability to handle the situation.

Phase 1 - Common Sense and Avoidance

It might seem obvious after reading some of these tips, but they bear repeating just in case you find yourself in a 'this couldn't happen to me' mentality.

1. Know your location. What are your usual stomping grounds? When you take walks, are there any dogs on the route? Are there any pit bulls? If you are in unfamiliar territory, have you taken any precautions about the possibility of attack?

2. Assess dependents. Even if you do know your location, you need to gauge the probability of having someone along with you. Having an adult with you could be helpful during a pit bull attack, but having a small child or dog could be troublesome.

3. Know your physical abilities. Are you in great shape, able to actively defend yourself? Whether you are or not will greatly change how you need to prepare for the possibility of attack.

4. Plan a wide-berth strategy. If you walk by a house regularly that has a pit bull, or even just see one on the street, try to give it a wide berth. Dogs in general are very territorial and a simple act of crossing to the opposite side of the road can downplay their aggressive nature.

Phase 2 - De-escalation

Even with good planning incidences can be unavoidable. Here are some tips to turn a potentially bad situation into no situation at all.

1. Show confidence and hide fear. As much as we depend on verbal communication as humans, pit bulls detect just as much through your body tensions, odors, and mannerisms. If you tense up and emit a fearful 'scent', they will pick up on it and could even be encouraged by it. Be cool, natural, and in command.

2. Be mindful of your hands. When around a pit bull or other aggressive dog, avoid quick, large hand movements. Furthermore, if the dog is sniffing around your hands, hold them in a loose fist (this will take away easy nipping real estate).

3. Don't show your teeth. Even if you are trying to be nice and smiley, avoid barring your teeth. It's a subtle psychological thing, but can have a real effect.

4. Slowly back away. Do not turn and run. This is very important. The canine chase reflex is extremely dominant, especially for dogs that are trained to attack, like some pit bulls are.

5. Go dominant if passive confidence fails. You always want to try to be calm and non-confrontational at first. However, if the situation continues to go badly, try asserting yourself as a dominant figure. Shout common commands and become a stern persona.

Phase 3 - Self Defense

Unfortunately with pit bulls, psychology can only get you so far. These can be aggressive, unflinching animals and you may have to defend yourself. here are some good tactics.

1. Projectiles and Sprays. The first piece of advice is also the most commonly effective. Pepper sprays are easily carried and can be sprayed in the eyes of an attacking dog. Furthermore, although it is lethal, there is no disputing the effectiveness of using handguns. Just be mindful of the possible legal recourse against you - make sure you weren't trespassing on someone's property when using the weapon and that you are properly licensed.

2. Distancing tools. More common than pepper spray is something of a stick variety. By that I mean a cane, walking stick, umbrella, etc. These long objects can be used to thrust, swing, and distract the bite of a dog. Very valuable and easily carried.

3. Unarmed combat. It won't be pretty, but there are unarmed options for handling a pit bull. When striking the animal, aim for the nose, eyes, and ears. These are all very sensitive and could help to disorient the animal. On long snouted dogs you have the option of clamping the mouth shut with your hands, but that is a bit more difficult on pitbulls. If possible and necessary, dogs can be grappled from behind and put into a standard choke hold - one arm cinched tightly under the neck with the other compressing the lock inward. one final method of attack is grabbing the legs of the animal and pulling them apart abruptly, breaking the knees.

4. Nonessential bites. If things are happening too quickly for intelligent self defense, try to give the animal a non-essential bite. Give your non-dominant arm in the hopes of using your good arm to perform soft-spot striking.

5. Playing dead. If you feel you simply have no method of defending yourself against the animal, curl into the fetal position and play dead. Attempt to protect your vitals like your throat and hope the pit bull becomes uninterested in a non-combative prey.

Legal Recourse

Pit bull and dog attacks can be traumatizing and lethal. it's important to know that you aren't alone in trying to resolve the matter and seeking professional legal counsel is highly advised.

But before you can even acquire a good attorney, here are some pieces of advice for preparing yourself.

1. Try to secure witnesses to the dog biting event. Many dog attacks happen in public or in the home of an acquaintance/family member. In public you actually have a better means of recourse because complete strangers present at the event can vouch for you. In other situations it becomes a my-word-vs-his-word scenario.

2. Attempt to address the owners about the situation, but be prepared for complete denial of fault on the part of the dog. Remember, people will treat their animal like a family member, and will protect it as such. However, it is important that you know about the dog's documentation and rabies situation.

3. If you have a chance, take pictures of the injury. However don't waste time if you need immediate medical attention.

4. Get immediate medical attention. Bleeding, infection, scarring, or worse are all possibilities, so you need to get to a hospital as soon as possible. This is also variable depending on the size of the injury.

5. Secure good, legal counsel. If you are unfamiliar with dog specialists in your area, use a service that can find one for you. Don't settle for second rate help or outrageous legal fees.

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Jumat, 11 Mei 2018

Zebra Print Bedding - How To Find The Zebra Bedding That Is Right For You

Zebra Print Bedding - How To Find The Zebra Bedding That Is Right For You

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A lot of people are looking to find zebra print bedding for their bedrooms. But now that there is a lot of zebra bedding available, what kind of bedding do you need? As we searched, we found zebra sheets, comforters, pillows, shower curtains and more. But which one is right for you?
Zebra bedding is fun, funky and bold. The colors, black and white, and the animal print are bold and make a big statement in your room. That's why sometimes you will want to get everything in zebra print, but at other times you will want to get a pillow and shower curtain, but not much more.

Still wondering what kind of zebra bedding to get for your room? Here is what we recommend:

- Pink Zebra Print Sheets and Bedding. A lot of people love zebra print, but they do not like it in traditional black and white. Rather, they prefer it in other colors. Pink and white zebra print looks fabulous and it will look fabulous in your bedroom as well.

If the rest of your bedroom has pink and white colors, then pink and white zebra bedding will look great in your bedroom as well. Choose fun, matching comforter, pillows and accessories. For example, get pink and white zebra sheets, pink comforter and pink zebra print pillows. Doing this will create a fun zebra print theme in your bedroom, without it being too much.

- Zebra Print Shower Curtains. Would you like those for your bathroom? Who wouldn't - zebra print shower curtains will add a fun design to your bathroom! Just make sure that the rest of your bathroom matches the curtains. Since these curtains are making a bold white and black statement, make sure that your other colors and decor match the zebra curtains.

For example, paint the walls in similar colors, find matching accessories, towels and soup dish. By making your bathroom decor match you will really showcase the zebra animal print shower curtains and make your whole bathroom look very put together.

- Zebra Print Pillows. These are great and extremely versatile. You can get pink zebra print pillows and use them on your living room couch to add just a splash of color and design. You can use them for your bed in your bedroom, to make it look even better. There are many possibilities.

If you have a room that has black and white decor, then zebra pillows with the traditional animal print in black and white will look great in that room. Get the pillows and decorate the bed, chairs or other sitting areas with them. They will look great and add great design to the room.

Zebra print bedding is very versatile. You can use as a major thing in your room, or you can use it as an accent. As long as it matches the rest of the room, it will look great and add colors to your rooms.

Great looking zebra bedding, as well zebra shower curtains, comforters and more are available at

Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

Your Guide to Cantharis For Cats

Your Guide to

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According to the literature, Cantharis for cats is used to treat kidney problems, cystitis, urinary tract infections, blocked urinary tracts, burns, blisters, and various skin conditions. In this article, we'll focus on its use in treating urinary issues.
I first learned of the herb Cantharis when a friend of mine had a male cat whose urinary tract was completely blocked. The cat was crying and howling and could not urinate at all. Worried, she did some quick research and found out about this powerful herb. Long story short, she bought some, gave it to her cat and within about an hour, the cat was able to urinate and had no more problems.

In order for Cantharis for cats to work effectively, it should be made into a tonic, but this doesn't mean that you should purchase the herb and try to make a formulation yourself. Since too much of a good thing can be detrimental to your cat's health, it's much safer to go with a homeopathic remedy that has been standardized and developed by a qualified pharmacist according to the guidelines in Homeopathic Pharmacoepia.

Look for a good quality remedy that has ingredients like Cantharis and Staphysagris and Uva Ursi which are proven to help eliminate infection, restore the pH of the bladder and soothe and heal pain and inflammation.

Make sure the Cantharis for cats remedy comes with a money-back guarantee. This is an indication that the company has tested the efficacy of their product and are willing to stand behind it. The best remedies are inexpensive and easy to administer because they come in granule form which you can just sprinkle on your cat's food.

The good news about these herbs is that Cantharis and Staphysagris are strong enough to heal infections and dissolve bladder stones, yet gentle enough to use for prevention every day.

In addition to giving your cat a good homeopathic remedy, take common sense preventative steps, especially if your cat is aging or is prone to urinary tract infections or bladder stones. Make sure to feed your cat healthy food which is free from additives, fillers and chemicals. Wet food is much better than kibble. Also make sure your cat always has a fresh clean bowl of water. I prefer to give my cat filtered water to cut down on the chemicals.

About the Author: Laura Ramirez is a dedicated researcher of natural remedies which heal disorders and keep pets vibrant and healthy. Find out more about safe, effective ways to maintain your pet's urinary tract health at

Your free Animal Hospital

Your free Animal Hospital

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Your pet is an important part of your family and you take their care very seriously. If you are looking for a new animal hospital you do not want to wait until there is an emergency to find one. It will be stressful enough being in an emergency situation, adding unfamiliar surrounding for both you and your pet will just make it worse.

Being the smart pet owner you are going to do your research and find the animal hospital that will be the best fit. Before you begin looking stop and think about the things that are important to you. The obvious is that you want the best medical care for your pet. But, there are other considerations as well. Having an animal hospital close to home may be important to you. The types of services provided will be important as well. In addition to caring for your pet when they are ill you will also want a good preventive program. Having an animal hospital that will send out reminders for when it is time for immunization shots and other preventative needs will be a big help in keeping your pet on track.

Does the animal hospital have a dental program? This has become a big deal in veterinary medicine. They have found that an animal's dental care can be as important as a human's when it comes to their overall health. It is believed that having the proper dental care can extend your pet's life up to five years longer.

You may like the idea of having pet products available at the animal hospital for your convenience, but not if the hospital is going to try and push those products on you. It is nice when you need a prescription to have them available on site. If your pet requires a special diet having the food available at the hospital may be convenient too. This is something that is a personal choice.

Before you make your final decision you may want to make a visit to the hospital for a tour. Call and make an appointment and be clear that you would like a tour. If possible you will want to take your pet with you so that you can see their reaction as well. You will want to watch how the staff interacts with your pet. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the hospital. With a little research and time you will find the animal hospital that is the perfect fit.

Free, Sustainable Animal Hospital

Yuriy Seretskiy has contributed $150,000 of his own money to get started on a free, sustainable animal hospital. There, surgeries will be performed on pets pro bono, replacing the system that at present is based entirely on whether or not the pet owner can pay for their pets bills.

The Problem

Every day, there are pets whose lives are hung in the balance over money. Imagine that: just because of money, because someone cannot afford to pay a bill, pets lives are being lost. This is the sad truth of the veterinary world right now. Often, the surgeries that our pets require can run between $8,000 and $15,000, a huge amount for just about anyone. To make matters even worse, these prices are going up instead of down. As the cost of living increases, as the cost of supplies increases, as the value of the dollar decreases, a surgery that once cost $8,000 may now cost in the low five figures.

The basic concept here is to establish sustainable commercial ventures in order to support Yuriys philanthropic efforts. This way, we can provide free surgery to any animals who are brought our way. There is actually a category on GoFundMe devoted solely to raising money for pet care with our animal hospital, we can clear these cases plus many, many others in the years that follow. Think about it: over a ten-year period, our veterinary surgeons will be performing around a quarter-billion dollars worth of surgeries.

Words Used to Describe the Taste of Coffee

Words Used to Describe the Taste of Coffee

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Professional coffee tasters use a great variety of terms to describe the taste of different coffees in the process normally known as cupping. Why not learn a few of these terms and next time you find yourself at a dinner party enjoying your after dinner coffee you can amaze your friends with your coffee knowledge?

Below are some common terms used - it is not meant to be an exhaustive list

Astringent - A secondary taste sensation noted by a salty sensation on the sides of the tongue. Caused by acids increasing the saltiness.

Baggy - An unpleasant taste often found in weakly roasted coffees that have been stored for a long time in inappropriate conditions.

Baked - A flat aroma with insipid taste often caused by roasting for too long at too low a temperature.

Beany - The smell associated with insufficiently roasted coffee that has not been able to allowed to develop its full aroma.

Bitter - Sharp or biting sensation felt at the back of the tongue often the result of over roasting the coffee bean.

Bland - Lacking in any noticeable flavour characteristics.

Bready - A bread-like taste that can occur in coffees that have not been roasted long enough or at a high enough temperature to bring out the flavour of the oils.

Bright - A dryness or sharpness (typical of Central American coffees).

Buttery - Rich and oily.

Caramelly - Suggestive of toffee or caramel.

Carbony - A burnt of charcoal flavour.

Chocolatey - Suggestive of vanilla or chocolate.

Creamy - High levels of coffee oils suspended in the brew.

Delicate - A secondary taste sensation noted for its weak sweet-subtle feeling just past the tip of the tongue.

Dirty - Unclean smelling or mustiness.

Earthy 'Characteristic smell of soil or dirt often caused when the coffee beans are stored on the ground after harvesting (typical of Sumatran coffees)

Exotic - Unusual aroma and flavour, such as berry or floral.

Fermented - An unpleasant taste producing a sour sensation. The result of enzyme activity in the green coffee beans changing the sugars to acids in the drying process during harvesting.

Flat - A loss of aroma.

Fragrant or floral - Subtle hints of fragrant flowers such as jasmine.

Fruity - A sweet fruity aroma suggestive of berries or citrus fruit.

Grassy - Suggestive of freshly cut grass.

Green - A faint herbal taste due to the incomplete development of the sugar compounds in the roasting process.

Hard - A hard coffee is poorly balanced. It is a secondary taste sensation of sourness on the bottom sides of the tongue. Caused by higher-than-normal percentage of sour acids. Ranking of hardness ranges thus: strictly soft, soft, softish, softish/hardish, hardish, hard, Rioy.

Harsh - A hard or caustic taste.

Heavy - Higher than average levels of suspended material in the brew.

Herby -. Suggestive of onion or green vegetable.

Hidey - A leather-like odour caused when too much heat is applied during the drying process causing the coffee beans fats to break down.

Insipid - A brew of lifeless character often the result of oxygen and moisture penetrating the bean fiber after roasting.

Lifeless - Thin and flat.

Light - Lower than average levels of suspended material in the coffee brew.

Malty - Suggestive of toasted grains.

Mellow - An overall smooth, mild and delicate flavour lacking in acidity.

Muddy - Thick and lifeless.

Musty - A stuffy or mouldy smell which can be a positive trait for aged coffees such as Java.

Neutral - The absence of a predominant taste sensation.

Nippy - A secondary taste of sweetness, associated with a nipping sensation at the end of the tongue.

Nutty - Smell and taste suggestive of roasted nuts.

Oily - The description given to a coffee that has an oily taste.

Oniony - Suggestive of onions.

Peasy - An unpleasant taste associated with fresh green peas.

Piquant - A sweet, prickling sensation at the tip of the tongue, typified by a Kenya AA coffee.

Point - A coffee with good overall characteristics of acidity, body and flavour.

Potatoy - Suggestive of raw potatoes.

Pulpy - A pungent fruit-like flavour derived from coffee cherry skins.

Pungent - Description given to a full-bodied and forceful coffee.

Quakery - Suggestive of peanuts, often the result of using unripe, green coffee beans.

Rancid - A highly disagreeable taste caused by oxidization of the coffee.

Rich - Strong presence of coffee aromas.

Rioy - An iodine-like flavour caused by continuing enzyme activity that occurs when the fruit partially dies on the coffee tree before harvesting.

Round - A well-balanced coffee whose characteristics are at levels so that no one sensation dominates, giving a feeling of roundness.

Rough - A secondary sensation noted by its grating, salty sensation on the tongue.

Rubbery - reminiscent of burnt rubber.

Scorched - A smoky or burnt aroma and taste caused when the beans are roasted too quickly at too high temperature which char the surface of the beans.

Stale - An unpleasant taste caused by oxygen and moisture penetrating the beans surface.

Sharp - An astringent taste derived from salty tasting compounds within the coffee.

Smooth - Low levels of oily compounds suspended in the beverage.

Soft - A secondary sensation noted by an absence of any predominant taste on any part of the tongue, except maybe for subtle dryness.

Sound - A coffee with no particular positive or negative characteristics.

Sour - A piercing, sour over acidic taste commonly caused by under-ripe beans.

Spicy - An aftertaste suggestive of cinnamon or clove.

Strawy - Suggestive of hay or straw, often from the result of the loss of organic material from the green coffee beans while in storage.

Strong - A coffee, rich in flavour that gives a strong powerful taste.

Sweaty - A coffee that may have been stored inappropriately resulting in a distinct sweaty taste.

Sweetly Spicy - An aroma suggestive of aromatic spices such as cardamom.

Sweet - free from harshness.

Tangy - A secondary sensation noted by a predominantly sour sensation along the sides of the tongue hinting of a fruity sensation.

Tart - A sour puckering sensation experienced on the tongue.

Tipped - A cereal-like taste caused by the beans being roasted too quickly that chars the tips of the beans.

Thick - A high level of solid material suspended in the beverage giving it a heavy feel.

Thin - A low level of solid material suspended in the beverage giving it a watery feel.

Twisty - A coffee with different negative qualities that vary from cup to cup.

Turpsy - Suggestive of turpentine.

Unclean - Coffee with a distinct off-flavor suggesting they have been kept in an unclean environment. An aroma and taste similar to fermenting.

Variety - A qualitative depiction of the gases present in the aroma, nose and aftertaste of coffee's bouquet.

Watery - Lacking in body.

Weak - A beverage that is not flat but definitely lacks body.

Winey - A pleasant sharpness suggestive of wine.

Wild - A distinctive wood-like taste caused by storing the beans too long.

Woody - A coffee with an unpleasant smell and taste similar to dry wood. This can be due to the loss of organic material in the green beans during storage.

Rabu, 09 Mei 2018

Woodland Nursery Dcor Animal Nursery Dcor Can Keep The Kids Motivated About Wildlife!

Woodland Nursery Dcor  Animal Nursery Dcor Can Keep The Kids Motivated About Wildlife!

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The demand for nursery dcor is quite high these days. Most of the parents, schools authorities and kids parks are relying on these items to deliver right kind of entertainment and information for the little minds. The use of woodland nursery dcor is not just restricted as the home dcor items. These are now used at a wide range of places where kids use to spend time a lot. Whether its a kindergarten school or a play school, the use of animal nursery dcor can make a big different for the overall dcor of that place and for those who use to share these venues regularly.

If you are also looking for the animal nursery dcor, then you have come to the right place. These days, finding some of the best woodland nursery dcor items is not that tough. All you need to look for the leading supplier of nursery dcor and thats it. The best thing you can receive when you shop for these items at the store announced by a leading supplier is that you can get the best deal on them. This is where the biggest benefit can be achieved. The materials they supply can last really long. And most importantly, they show how innovative they are when it comes to adding the best themes, colors and images for the woodland nursery dcor.

Your kid is now into the early stage of life. He or she has just started to explore the world around. And this is also the right time for you to allow him or her know more about the wild animals. Kids really love to see these animals and birds in the picture. So, why not help them to feel as if they are in the woodland or at the jungle while adding the woodland nursery dcor for their room. These items are great on installation with the walls of your kids room. Even at the play schools and kindergarten, adding the animal nursery dcor on the walls can help you teach more things about different animals that are only found in the wild.

There are many different types of animal nursery dcor that you can find these days. A leading supplier of these items can always come up with the best price and high quality items. When you are looking for the best woodland nursery dcor, you should shop at the leading online store that deals in these products. Well, the addition of animal nursery dcor for your kids room or for the class room can make a big difference for sure. Choosing the right color, design and crafts for the kids room is a tough job. Parents use to experience enormous pressure while decorating their kids room.

But this time, such task will look simple to you simply by considering the addition of woodland nursery dcor. These items are great on the use and they can last for a long time. As they are made of high quality materials, you can always expect for a pro long use of them.

Why Preschool Coloring Pages for Kids are Important

Why Preschool Coloring Pages for Kids are Important

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In the initial ages of a child, Parents do every possible effort to make the child bloom in real manner. Coloring pages is a commonly used practice by parents at home or teachers at school to impart knowledge of the alphabets, animal, monuments, fruits, vegetables, numbers etc. Kids love coloring activities and they can even learn a lot through color & fun activities. Colors are fascinating and attract kids easily, that is why the environment of play schools or preschool sessions includes multi colors to make the kids or toddlers happy and cherish. Research shows that the child in early age learns faster than ever, so the knowledge should be impeccable that has to be imparted to kids.

What are the most popular preschool coloring pages for kids?

Utilizing colors could be an excellent way to inculcate the nature, trees, water bodies, and other environmental surroundings with ease. Kids learn faster through outdoor fun activities, by make use of nature you can introduce vibrant colors to your kids. You can also plan a visit to the nearest zoo, to make your younger ones understand the animal coloring worksheets. Earth coloring pages or worksheets or activity books could be the easy to use option for parents and preschool teachers. Food drawing worksheets, animated drawing worksheets, Alphabets drawing worksheets and many more are available online in printable coloring pages format.

Fun activityhow to draw activity

Draw images of alphabets, animals, cartoons, numbers, leaves, etc. is another way to impart understanding within a kid of various living or non living things on the earth. It invokes the imagination within a kid; make use of paper and vibrant colors to start such drawing activities with your kids and make sure you occupy an outdoor location such as gardens, roofs, or terrace etc.

Good Parenting at preschool stage of toddlers

A good parenting must consider the understanding about the preschool period of child. According to studies, preschool period of childs life cycle is vital to convey awareness. In every country, children often start school when they are just three years old and spend two years in the preschool or kindergarten section of the school before they start Year 1 - first grade - at the age of five or six. When it comes to learning, parents can help with number awareness - being able to recite from one to 10 is not the same as understanding the value and place of numbers. Talk to your child about quantities, for example, five is bigger than two. Concentrate on counting; playing dominoes and simple board games, such as Snakes and Ladders, will teach children how to count while making it fun.

Where to get?

Coloring books for kids are available online in many possible variants such as A 2 Z preschool worksheets, animal preschool worksheets etc. Practice worksheets for kids are available on internet easily. Ultimately, it is a wish of every parent in the world to see their kids blooming and nurturing in an environment that is friendly and colorful.

Selasa, 08 Mei 2018

Why Patience Is So Important

Why Patience Is So Important

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Do you believe that patience is important? I hope you said yes! Patience is the key to success in life. When you are patient you will write out your goals and aspirations. You will plan what you are trying to achieve and by what date. Only when you know exactly where you are going will you get there.

People who lack patience will jump into decisions without first checking whether it is the right one for them. They rush about expending valuable energy and wasting time chasing dreams. They make everything so much harder because without a definite plan to follow you are wasting your time.

People who lack patience don't believe in planning. They are in too much of a hurry to get to the "real" work and see results. Unfortunately they don't realize that by putting a plan in place, your entire body and soul will use its energy force to achieve that particular goal. Your brain is no longer wasting time or energy working out what it is you want to achieve but now focuses completely on how you will achieve it. This is the huge difference between those who are successful and those who are busy but don't achieve anything.

If you don't know your destination how can you spot opportunities when they happen. People say that successful people are lucky. Perhaps the truth is that they make themselves lucky as they know what they want and so recognizes the chances being offered to achieve it. Patience and focus goes hand in hand. If you are patient you will put in the research and the twelve hour working days before you start to reap the rewards. If you lack patience you will head straight to collect rewards as soon as you see a glimmer of success. The successful person will build a business with strong foundations to weather any storm that life throws at it. The person who was in a rush with have foundations built in sand and everyone knows how secure they are.

Never underestimate the power of having all your energy focused on the same goals and aspirations. Don't waste this precious power in trying to get everything done as quickly as possible. Speed is important but accuracy even more so. There is no point in doing a job unless you do it properly and that applies to business just as much to your personal life.

You can achieve all you want from this life. All it takes is a little patience and some perseverance.

Why Men Cheat, Simple Answer Women Do Not Understand

Why Men Cheat, Simple Answer Women Do Not Understand

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Why do men Cheat on their wives and girlfriends? The answer is twofold and drawn on centuries of evidence from every culture throughout history. Science could also look to the animal world to explain mens increased infidelity compared to women. I am not a clinical psychologist so this article is purely conjecture based on my own personal colligate studies in Cultural Anthropology .
The first of two observations is men will seek out what they want and are not currently getting from their immediate surroundings. If a man is not getting the quantity, quality or frequency of sex from his wife or girlfriend he will seek it out from another woman to will fulfill his perceived needs. A man is fickle when it comes to sex. He wants sex at a time convenient to him, in a specific manner and at his preferred location. Most men today accept these parameters to be set by their significant other rather than stating his needs to his significant other and fulfilling those needs.

This creates a power struggle between men and women. Men want sex on their terms but feel it is harder to find a woman to fulfill those terms than settle for mediocre sex with their current partner. Men do not want to scare off the woman they are currently with by seeming like a sex addict or want-to-be-porn-star if they feel their partner is not open to those same thoughts. So a man will find an outlet for those urges, thoughts, feelings through various means like adult internet dating sites, co workers, friends, strip bars, neighbors, etc. The short answer is: if men are not getting what they want/need from home, they will go seek it out elsewhere.

The second observation is based on mens desire for power within their lives. One of the most powerful displays of power is a mans influence on others, others being friends, family, co workers, associates and especially women. A man that can walk into a room of people with an aire of confidence and comfortably begin conversations with both men and women is perceived as desirable by women and admired by men. This creates sense of power over the audience which most men crave. Men want the attention of everyone in the room, especially all the women. A man that is not getting the attention he wants or feels he deserves at home will use that power to attract another women in order to exude his power over that other woman.

This is helpful in explaining the strong desire in most men (all my friends have this desire) of having sex with multiple women at the same time, a threesome. A threesome is a mans strongest single display of power over women. It is not an equal desire of women to have a threesome, whether it be with another woman or another man. In order for a man to have two women at the same time he must show both women that he is capable o satisfying both simultaneously. Most of us know how hard it is for one man to satisfy one woman, much less two women. Both women need to feel the same, that the man can satisfy both womens expectations. Both women will fight for the mans singular attention. If the man is perceived as desirable and powerful, both women may realize neither will attract his sole attention because if he can easily have two women now than he can have two women when ever he feels. The woman who understands this realizes she will not win the mans sole attention. The woman who does not understand will be emotionally hurt.

A man who wields his influence over women at will is a powerful man. Other men may detest his influence while other men may respect it and others may envy him. Same with women, some may detest his influence feeling he is disrespectful of women in whole and other women may get excited by his powerful influence on themselves and other women in his presence.

TC House

Why Have Animals In Your Life

Why Have Animals In Your Life

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Discover the many good reasons for having animals in your life.

Until a person has loved an animal a part of the soul remains unawakened." ~Anatole France

People who love animals know that there are many very good reasons to have animals in your life.

Love and Presence

Animals who have been loved love back in a pure and profound way a way that awakens a part of your soul like nothing else can. When my puppy greets me after I've been gone a short time, I am overwhelmed with his wiggles and kisses! When I walk into our barn to feed the horses and my horse Stryder whinnies to me, my heart melts. No walls, no manipulations. Just pure love. How can that not awaken a deep part of the soul?

Having this aspect of your soul awakened is just one aspect of why having animals in your life is profound. I recently finished a great book called Zen Mind, Zen Horse, by Allan J. Hamilton, MD. Dr. Hamilton is a renowned brain surgeon, as well as a renowned horse trainer. He uses his experience with his horses as his spiritual path. Horses help us to learn to be fully present, not only because they are fully present, but because they react negatively when we are in our head rather than in our heart. "The quiet, gentle way of the horse encourages us to hear the music that follows after we learn to silence our ego's voice."

"The horse brings us its uncanny ability to peel our egos back, to strip the layers away like an onion, until we find ourselves awkwardly naked and vulnerable. But the horse also shows us the joy that comes from living with the bare truth of our selves. What a gift that is." P. 287

Physical Health

In her excellent book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome," Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride states that one of the top ten influences that boost health and immunity is "Contact with animals: horses, dogs, etc."

We don't generally think of having animals as a way of boosting immunity, but I can tell you from personal experience that they do. Animals help our immune system by exposing us to microbes that support our health.

In her talk, "Live Dirty, Eat Clean! Why The Microbiome Is The Future Of Medicine" (, Integrative Gastroenterologist Dr. RobynneChutkan, author of Gutbliss, talks about the importance of being exposed to dirt. Dirt is full of beneficial microbes and so are animals. It turns out that our preoccupation with cleanliness, such as showering every day, is harming our health!


There are good reasons that dogs and some other animals, such as miniature horses, are used therapeutically. Many dogs and horses, and some cats and other small animals, are very sensitive to our emotions. When they feel us hurting, they sweetly and gently come to comfort us. Many times when I've been sad our golden retriever, Merlin, has come and curled up next to me to give me his love and comfort. I find wrapping my arms around his big body and nuzzling in his soft coat to be very comforting and healing.

There is something about horses that I also find comforting and emotionally regulating. Many times, when I feel my body disregulated for some reason, I go to the barn and lean against Stryder's big body, burying my face in his coat and smelling his wonderful horse smell. Immediately, I feel my whole body relax and regulate to his steady breathing. He stands perfectly still when I do this, knowing that I need his calmness and steadiness at that moment. Once I've breathed in his healing energy, I come around to his face and he gives me a big wet kiss!

What could be better than all that love!

Senin, 07 Mei 2018

Why Has My Dog Got Fleas But There Are None on My Cat

Why Has My Dog Got Fleas But There Are None on My Cat

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This article is about one of the perennial issues in flea control - why one pet seem to be crawling in fleas while another in the same environment appears to be completely free of them. In most households it is the cats that seem to not be affected. Of course, when people say that the cat does not have fleas, it is normally to justify their decision not to treat the cat rather than the fact that they have never seen evidence of fleas on them.

Many pet owners assume that they only need to treat their animals which are definitely carrying fleas. But some animals do not necessarily have as many fleas as another. This can particularly affect cats who, because of their grooming habits, may tend to either swallow or cause injury to many more fleas than a dog would. So on a quick examination your cat may not appear to be carrying any fleas. And here's the rub - it is not whether you cat appears to have fleas that is important, it is whether he or she actually does! If any one of your pets has fleas, you can guarantee that other animals in the household do as well - even if you have not yet found them.

So now to answer the question posed in the title of this article. If you are treating all of your animals, then the dog has got fleas because you can see them on the dog - while the cat does not have fleas because you cannot see them on the cat. It is all about what you see, not about what is actually occurring. If you are treating your dog but not your cat, then the true answer to the question we posed first is your cat DOES have fleas but you can't see them. Remember, every adult female flea lays around 20 eggs per day. So, if you are not finding the 2-3 fleas that are on your cat (and with that thick fur, who can guarantee they have really done a thorough search?), these fleas are still contributing 40-60 flea eggs into your home environment each and every day. And that's where the fleas you are seeing on your dog are coming from.

So the moral of the story is simple - all animals in a household must be protected by an effective flea treatment to control the flea life cycle, even if you've never seen a single flea on one of them. If you do this effectively, it should only be a few weeks until both of your pets are free of the pests.

Why Goldendoodles Make Good Pets

Why Goldendoodles Make Good Pets

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If you are an animal lover and a prospective dog owner, one of the toughest decisions that you can make is what breed of dog fits into your lifestyle. For some people, the chief concerns when choosing can range from allergies all the way to whether or not the breed has a penchant for being a "family" dog. Although there is no "perfect" breed to fit everyones needs, there is usually at least one breed that makes a great pet for just about everyone.

There are a wide variety of "hybrid" breeds that are bred to take advantage of the positive traits from both breeds involved. For instance, the Goldendoodle is a hybrid mix between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. A reputable Goldendoodle breeder can help answer your questions about whether or not this hybrid breed is right for you. Some of the characteristics that make Goldendoodles great pets are:

Trainability: Since both Poodles and Golden Retrievers are generally very intelligent breeds, they are very responsive to the right training methods. The hybrid breed responds well to positive reinforcement and consistency. This breed, incidentally, makes for great service dogs as well.

Grooming: The Goldendoodle does not require much grooming attention, especially since they tend to be very hypo-allergenic and non-shedding. However, it is important to remember, if the temperatures start to rise you will need to trim down their coats to help them stay cool. Their coats do grow constantly, so you want to make sure that they stay clipped and combed to prevent knotting.

Temperament: Goldendoodle breeders are the first step to getting a dog with a good temperament. They enjoy human companionship, tend to get along with other animals and also are very intelligent.

Character: This breed of dog tends to have a very "wise" look to its face. They are usually full grown at 1 year old and they have a shaggy beard on their face, and at times can look a little disheveled. Like any dog, they are not big fans of being constantly crated or being without their family

It is always a good idea to make sure that the dog you choose to bring into your family be a good fit for your family and your familys lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyles are not the best fit for a Goldendoodle, as they are a hybrid of two working breed dog types that like to be stimulated.

Lastly, enjoy your dog, whichever breed you decide to embrace.

There are a wide variety of "hybrid" breeds that are bred to take advantage of the positive traits from both breeds involved. For instance, the Goldendoodle is a hybrid mix between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. A reputable Goldedndoodle breeder can help answer your questions about whether or not this hybrid breed is right for you.

Why Do You Book Great Kruger National Park Safari Now

Why Do You Book Great Kruger National Park Safari Now

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The Kruger National Park is the oldest and largest national park in South Africa. Over one million people visit the Kruger every year. Located in the north of South Africa, bordered by Mozambique and Zimbabwe, the Kruger is one of the greatest national parks around the world. And this is why

The Diversity -

The Kruger National Park is big. Its even bigger than Belgium, Wales, and Israel; so take your call. The national park is approximately 360 kilometers long, 65 kilometers width and is 90 kilometers from east to west.

Besides, theres a huge network of 1,800 kilometers of well-maintained roads and the reserve has 21 rest camps, two private lodge concessions, and 15 private safari lodges.
Extending over 20,000 square kilometers, the beautiful granite hills pepper the bushveld in the south, the Lebombo Mountains rise from the savannah in the east, and the tropical forests cut across the far north.

The Wildlife

The Kruger National Park is home to a diverse variety of wildlife to explore. You will explore the Big Five (Elephant, Rhino, Lion, Buffalo, and Leopard). Remember that, this park has more species of large mammals within its borders than any other reserve in Africa.

Besides, you can see African wild dog which is considered to be highly endangered species in South Africa. Now only about 400 are thought to remain wild in the country. But dont forget about their mammal counterparts the Big Six of South Africa.

Including the majestic Big Five, the African bird species can also be seen there. You will see the lappet-faced vulture, the martial eagle, saddle-billed storks, kori bustards, the ground hornbill, and the Pels fishing owl.

Though most areas of the national park are covered in shrub mopane (which can be quite dense in the wetter months), you will find a good variety of Krugers landscape filled with rivers, dams, and hilly areas offering beautiful views all waiting to be discovered.

The World-Class Accommodations

The Kruger is famed as the most renowned privately owned game reserves around the world, including Sabi Sand, Timbavati, and Klaserie. But remember that, there are no fences between all of these reserves. This means the animals can enjoy wandering all over the huge park delightfully.

There, you will enjoy fine cuisine, luxurious rooms, assistance from expert rangers and the exceptional overall experience. These are the reasons why people go gaga over the Great Kruger National Park safari.

The Accessibility

You can fly into Johannesburg, and reach the lodges where the ranger will wait for you in a game vehicle. You will be driven to a private room in order to marvel yourself at the wildlife along the way.

The Year-Round Expedition

A Great Kruger National Park safari can be enjoyed year-round. With great conditions throughout the year, its a bit easy to plan your visit to the park than any other African holiday. Some prefer visiting in winter when the heat is not intense and the vegetation is not as lush as it used to be after the summer rains.


Now youve got the reasons to embark on a Great Kruger National Park safari. Whatever things to do on your holiday bucket list, a Great Kruger National Park tour wont disappoint you at all.

Minggu, 06 Mei 2018

Why Do Dogs Shake And Shiver

Why Do Dogs Shake And Shiver

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Dogs shake and shiver but there is not a big difference between them. A shaking dog can mean more than pain or minor irritation and a shivering dog evidently feels cold. While a shaking dog may tremble from too much weight and fun but in most situations, the cause of shivering and shaking in dogs are because of the same reasons.

It is not of a big concern to see a pet dog shaking after a bath because it's the usual way of cooling. When dog shaking is accompanied by whining and restlessness then it definitely means that the dog is in trouble. When a dog shivers, it is a sign of illness.

Dogs shiver because of fever, fear, anxiety, seizures, shock and hypoglycemia. A pet dog will naturally shiver when it is suffering from high fever and it may break out in chills. As dog is a sensitive animal, it may shivers from fear and too much emotional stress. Anything that can injure the nervous system of a dog makes it shiver. If a dog eats toxic substances, it can bring him into seizure. Dogs are also shocked by life-altering incidents because they are sensitive. Sometimes they are traumatized by fights with other dogs or a car accident that could have nearly killed them. This can cause shivering and in some serious cases also resulting in death.

The causes of shaking in dogs are physical pain, cold, epilepsy, old age and viral infection. Physical pain can mean a cut, wound or a blister on dog's skin which can be because of any accident. A dog can shake and whine especially if it's not used to bathing. When a dog shakes for no clear reason then it needs a vet. There are no fixed rules on general shaking as some breed of dogs are prone to shaking while some are not. Even fierce and cruel dogs meet their match and they start shaking. Dogs also shake when they are faced by something greater than their fear and stress. Epilepsy is also brought on by an abnormality in the dog's nervous system. Epileptic fits are fatal and the vet is the best person to treat this. Old age dogs are subject to disorderly body movements particularly around the neck and head area. When the dog is past its average lifespan, it usually shows many of the symptoms of human old age. Viral infection like dog flu brings a dog to short episodes of coughing and shaking.

Minor causes of shaking are of not a big worry as they are curable; it's the serious ones that need professional attention. One should be careful about minor shaking as it is caused by kennel cough and a human can catch it too.

If one cares about the pet dog, anything than stresses it should be avoided. If the problem is serious that it should be taken to a vet.

WhittlingSo You Want To Whittle Wood

WhittlingSo You Want To Whittle Wood

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Whittling has been around for many hundreds of years. All the way back to the days of cavemen. One could say that it is because we began to whittle that technology began. It was the shaping of wood, after allafter the discovery of sharp edgesthat sparked human imagination to make carts, cooking implements and clothes, weapons for hunting and methods of food gathering. Who would've thought?

So you want to whittle wood. Good for you. Whittling is the simple removal of pare shavings or cutting small bits from a piece of wood with a knife. No more, no less. So what does it take to become a good whittler?

To become a good whittler, you'll need to know several things. You'll need to know how to choose the right wood and the right knife. You'll want to know some basic whittling techniques and just a bit about maintenance and storage.

Choosing the Wood.

Soft woods are best for whittling. Pine cuts very easily but isn't able to hold detail well. Basswood and Balsa are also very popular.

Birch, cedar and maple aren't considered to be soft woods but they are often used for whittling.

When selecting wood for whittling, rely on two things: a straight grain and uniform color. A straight grain is usually a softer wood than crossed grains. Because changes in color usually mean changes in hardness, you'll want to avoid this. When all else fails, press down on the wood with your thumbnail and rely on that to tell you how hard it is.

If whittling wood is difficult to purchase, you could check your local lumberyard for a scrap bin. You just might find a treasure trove.

Choosing the Knife. There is no one specific type or brand of knife that is best for whittling. Mostly, it's a matter of comfort.

Avoid stainless steel knives. It isn't easy to sharpen them correctly. Even when you do, they usually can't hold a very sharp edge for too long. This makes them highly inefficient.

Most whittlers like small knives that fit in the palm of your hand. Others like pocket knives, switchblade knives or folding knives (with lockable blades) that can be opened with one hand. Comfort and portability rule.

Special whittling knives have short plump handles that give you an easier grip and better control. And because whittling involves extended periods, this is really great for precision and control.

Some whittling knives come in kits. These kits may have several knives, each with a different edge shape. Or the kit might have a knife handle and several differently shaped blade edges that are interchangeable. Different edges allow for much better maneuverability.

When you're ready to buy one, shop around. Test them out. Give yourself time to find the best fit and comfort for your hands.

Safety Tips.

You'll be working with a small piece of wood and a small knife. First thing then is the knife. It should be balanced and have light weight. More than anything else, it must be comfortable in your hand. If it isn't, you shouldn't use it.

Wear gloves. Think of it this way, if you cut your hands or fingers, you're done. You won't be able to whittle at all until it heals. Wear them, at least until you've developed some real skill at handling the knife.

Be in a good frame of mind. Or at least a reasonably good frame of mind. If you are the type of person who becomes aggressive when upset, it's probably not a good idea to whittle at that time. (Imagine losing a finger!)

Basic Whittling Techniques. It goes without saying but you've got to be sure. Keep fingers and all other body parts away from knife edges. Take no chances.

When gripping your knife, your thumb should be against the spine with the edge facing your fingers.

Each knife stroke you make should be away from your body. Never stroke towards your body. You know you're just asking for it.

The hand holding the knife should be further from your body than the hand holding the piece of wood.

Lock your wrists for better control.

Tuck your elbows into your sides to limit free movement.

Whittling Recommendations.

Use a wide-beveled knife edge to cut soft wood or semi-soft wood. Conversely, use a narrow-beveled knife edge to cut hardwood. A narrow bevel means a higher cutting angle which means a stronger edge.

When you're done for the day, clean and dry your knives. A light coating of lubricant is recommended for your knife blades. Linseed oil is recommended for your wood handles. Take care of your knives and they could last your lifetime.

If your knives don't already have a case, store them in a way that protects their edges. Be sure that wherever they are, it's safe and secure. Only you should be able to get to them.

If you decide to use more tools than just a knife, you'll be entering the world of detailed wood carving. Just clarifying that for you.

Sharpening Your Knife.

Factory-made whittling knives are often unsharpened. This is preferable to a sharpened knife because dedicated whittlers prefer to make their own sharpening angles.

You can use any of various coarse grade sharpening stones or a ceramic steel to create the cutting angles.

A diamond slipstone or a diamond pocket file are great portables for times when you're on the go. Or you can use them for quick touch-ups on your edges.

A well-sharpened knife edge will need a strop to remove the burr and all other micro-bits from the edge. This improves the whittling process and delays further sharpening. If you prefer, a honing compound and honing board will also get that edge smooth.

If you haven't learned how to sharpen a knife and maintain its edge, these are among the first things you should learn. You'll be more independent and as efficient as possible.

Whittling is an ancient craft. It's wonderfully contemplative and could even be spiritually meditative. It is the journey that matters more than the end result. If you have no care to rush, if you want to take your time and see what happens, what're you waiting for?

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2018

Where To Find Information About Iguanas And Lizards

Where To Find Information About Iguanas And Lizards

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People who are interested in iguanas in lizards can find a lot of resources filled with information. In fact, anyone who is interested in iguanas and lizards is likely to find that one such resource is very accessible to them. Here are some resources that you can use:

Books Some people have dismissed books as being old technology. These people believe that books are outdated. They prefer the faster and more exciting information provided by computers and the internet. However, there is wisdom to be found in old books. Books are written by people who truly know about iguanas and lizards. This means that the information contained within books is very reliable. You just can't say that about other sources of information anymore.

Books are very convenient for people who are looking for extensive information. Of course, you are going to have to find the right book in order to get the information that you want. When you do find that right book, you are sure to get the best type of information available.

There are certain disadvantages to using books as sources of information about iguanas and lizards. As said before, you do need to find the right book in order to find the right type of information. This means that you have to get the most updated books available. Unfortunately, not all books are constantly updated and finding an outdated one may leave you with information about iguanas and lizards that is no longer relevant.

The internet The internet is the largest resource of information that you can use. With the technology of the internet, people who need information are able to get that information anytime and anywhere. The convenience of the internet is that it allows you to access the information you need instantly.

The internet also connects you to other people. This means you not only get information, you also get to consult with the people who can help you with your need. The internet will allow you to access all sorts of information about iguanas and lizards. You can have information about their types, lives, how to take care of them as pets, and other types of data which you may need.

The internet, however, also has its disadvantages. For one thing, many sites on the internet offer information that is not verified by experts or professionals. This means that you can't really be sure if the information about iguanas and lizards that you got from the internet is actually reliable.

There are also people who place different types of malicious software on the internet. These programs can cause some serious harm to your computer. This means that you have to be extra careful if you are searching for information about iguanas and lizards on the internet.

Pet stores pet stores are great resources for finding different types of information about iguanas and lizards. However, the information that you can get from these shops is limited to information about caring for a pet iguana or lizard. Still, we're talking about pretty valuable information here. Pet shop personnel may also be very knowledgeable regarding lizards and iguanas so they may be able to help you a lot. By going to a pet shop for information, you can be sure that you will get the data you need to help you with an iguana or lizard in captivity.

When Is The Best Time To Adopt A Dog

When Is The Best Time To Adopt A Dog

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If youve been thinking about adding a four-legged addition to your home, you may be asking yourself the following questions

Should I get a puppy or should I rescue a dog?
Do I need to get a puppy so I can form a better bond with him?
How long does it take for a dog to calm down and become more manageable as he gets older?
These are all great questions! And Im glad to see that you are asking them before you make the life-changing decision to get a dog.

To answer some of your questions and help you make an educated decision about getting a dog, I want to use this blog to talk about the good, the bad, and everything in between about various age groups for dogs.
Lets get started

- Cute little Puppies: 8 to 12 Weeks = Equivalent to the Baby Stage

Most people assume that the best age to get a dog is between 8 and 12 weeks of age as a puppy, but I dont think thats always the case. Depending on your environment, a puppy might in fact be a bad choice for your home or lifestyle.

To start, 8 weeks is the earliest you want to be picking your puppy up. You dont want to take a puppy away from the mother any earlier or it can have negative effects on the puppys health, mental state and happiness. Mothers have a lot of wisdom to share with their young before you take over!

Certainly, there are specific circumstances where you may be required to take home a puppy earlier than 8 weeks, like the mother is sick, she cannot look after the puppies or the puppies were abandoned. In which case, its ok to step in and help out. Just remember that in most cases, 8 weeks is the magic number.

Aside from a puppy needing its mother to stay healthy, another reason you want to wait until a puppy is at least 8 weeks old is due to toilet training.
Before a puppy hits the two-month age milestone, he will have little to no control over his bodily functions. Hes also too young to be trained to use the bathroom outside, which makes for a big mess.

This is something you dont want to have to deal with.
At the age of 8 weeks, its possible that an active puppy might need to go out every 20 minutes when you first start potty training. Thats a huge time commitment and tricky to achieve if you are at work from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m. 5 days a week.
The good news is that, as every week goes by, your puppy will be able to hold his bladder for a longer period of time. But, the first few weeks are always drainingmuch like having a brand-new baby that depends on you 24/7.

The good thing about getting a puppy at this age is you can bond with him very easily. Most puppies will see you almost taking over that role as being their mother so theyll instinctively bond with you.

Another positive is that at this age they dont need a lot of exercise or walking. But, once again, as they age this will change drastically.
I think the biggest reason and mistake that people make with getting a puppy at this age is that they think if they get a puppy at such a young age, it wont end up with behavioural issues, which is completely nonsense.
After all, every adult dog, which has behavioural issues, was once a puppy!
Think about it this way

Very few children come out of the womb with serious behavioural issues. Its not until they become toddlers, teenagers, or adults that behavioural issues (bullying, drug use, gambling) begin to develop. And no parent planned on them having behavioural issues. The point is that getting a puppy is not a guarantee that you will avoid the dramas that many dog owners experience later on!

The one big benefit to getting a puppy early is that you can enroll him into training programs early in an effort to prevent as many bad behaviours from developing. So, if you want to make sure your puppy gets started on the right foot, enroll him in a good puppy training program.
Im not just talking about puppy classes because again, most puppies or dogs, which have behavioural issues went to puppy classes, but there was something missing.
Ive put together a complete puppy training program that can help you if youre about to get a puppy. If youre interested, click here and have a look.

- Curious Puppies: 13 Weeks to 6 Months = Equivalent to the Toddler / Kindergarten Stage

The next age range is 13 weeks to 6 months.
This is when the little puppies start testing boundaries and start spreading their wings so to speak. In other words, its the time when puppies start getting into everything.
In this stage, there are a lot more challenging behaviours.
If you havent done so already, its time to nip it in the bud and get onto a good training program! Click here and have a look.

For example about 13 to 16 weeks, you want to be puppy a stop to all of that mouthing and biting side of things due to puppy teething. Its vital that you work hard during this time to teach your puppy that biting is not appropriate.
To help your pup out, provide a mix of both hard toys she can really chew and softer soothing toys that she can sink her teeth into so you avoid ending up with bite marks on your hands and arms.

The good newsmouthing and biting shouldnt really carry on past 16 weeks. 16 weeks is where I say there is zero biting tolerance.
These weeks are an important time to lay the groundwork for training as the they are the formative stage of the puppys life. This is when the puppy is learning a lot of basic rules about life including what they are and arent allowed to do.

During this time, the puppy needs to learn about consequences and consistency. If your puppy doesnt have boundaries(and how to behave around cars, how to behave around people, how to behave around other dogs etc.), hell begin to believe that hes in charge and can do what he wants!

Its an incredibly important stage that needs to be taken seriously.
The downside of this stage is that if you dont have the time or the knowledge of whats going on, things can go very wrong that can stress both you and your puppy out. It can be very stressful because the puppy kind of changes quite quickly.

Worst of all, if your puppy becomes too confident and doesnt have a solid training foundation in place, he can put himself into dangerous situations due to not being obedient and listening.
If you sense things going wrong during this age then its a great age to jump in quickly and put a comprehensive training program in place as soon as possible before things get really tricky. The good news is that with a good training program most people do manage to stay on top of things at this early stage of puppyhood, which is great. At this age, training is still not as tricky as the next age group, which were going to talk about next.

- Juvenile Dog: 6 months to 2 years = Equivalent to the Young Child Through Teenage Years!

The third stage is where the puppy stops being a puppy and becomes a dog. It can be a very testing time.
This is where your puppy sort of turns into a teenager. Check this out

18 months very, very roughly translate to about 18-years-old. Thats because every year of a human year is approximately 7 dog years. But, heres the thingthe first year counts double. So, at the end of your first year, its almost like your dog is now a 14-year-old dog. He is a teenager at one year old!

And by the time they are 2 years old they are closer to being a 21-year-old, and if you can remember what you were like at 21, then it probably explains a lot!
That should explain to a lot of people why things often go wrong around this age.
From 6 months of age, young male pups are developing into male dogs. The young female puppies, are becoming fully developed females. So, they push the boundaries. And they test everything to the absolute limit.

Regarding size and breeds of dogs, bigger dogs do sadly age quicker and dont live as long. Much smaller dogs generally live up to 10, 12, 14 years old so you do have to kind of adjust this slightly.

To give you an idea of how tricky this period can be for dog owners, Id say about 60% of my one-on-one clients that I work with have a dog between the age of a year and 18 months. This is when the dog starts to think, Hey, humanyou dont know what youre doing. Why should I listen to you? I think I know better.

Then, the dog starts to do what she wants to do which is, Hey, Id bark at the postman. Hey, I come when I want to come. Hey, I like to jump on other dogs and do my own thing. I jump on the couch. She will try and wind you up a little bit.
So, in a way this can be a very, very trying and tricky stage. However, if you know what youre doing, I actually find this one of the most enjoyable stages.

Why? Because this is the stage when you know what youre doing, you can win the dogs mindand Im not talking about dog training. Im talking about how to impress the dog, how to keep the dog calm so hes not reactive and impulsive and hes not overly emotional.
Hes listening to you.
Hes focused on you.

If you know how to get that bit right, then its a very enjoyable stage because this is the very, very important stage where youre actually training the dog.
So, with a bit of knowledge, it can be extremely exciting and fun. Youre watching your dog basically spread his wings and fly. If youve got the foundation in place, then the rest of it follows on quite nicely. However, if you dont know what youre doing, this can be a tricky stage to get a dog.

Anyone getting a dog at this stage of life who is not that confident about what they are doing should certainly get a solid understanding of what a dog really needs, mentally as well as physically. And if you are not sure what I mean by that, I am talking about them needing strong leadership and loving guidance while they find their feet in this human world that they are entering.

- Adult Dogs: 2 Years to 4 Years = Equivalent to a Young Adult.

The next age group is 2 years to 4 years old.

2 years is normally when a dog begins to reach his peak of physical strength and energy. (Note that I did not add in maturity!)
If youve got the training right, then at 2 or so years he will hopefully start to calm down for the rest of his life. 2 years of age is the approximate equivalent age of a 21 year old human.
Think of it this way

When your child reaches 21 years if you have got things right and gotten a bit lucky you would like to think that you can start taking it a bit easier and start relaxing with your child. Hopefully they are starting to mellow. Theyre not so fueled, highly charged and volatile. Theyve got a bit of a grasp of how this whole life thing works, and its like that with dogs.
I believe this can be one of the most enjoyable stages of owning a dog. And heres the best news of allif youd love the companionship of a dog but dont have the energy for a puppy, that dog rescue shelters are full of old dogs who fall in this age category that would make incredible pets!

The other great thing about this age is its much easier to see their true personality than it is when they are older. The same way that its harder to see the personality of a young baby compared to an young adult. As they become older its more obvious and apparent.
So, if youre thinking of getting a dog you may wish to consider one that is in this age category. Simply head off to a rescue center and see if there are any mild-mannered dogs that you resonate with. Take one for a walk, see how the dog acts and responds to you. If he bonds with you, the chances are he could be a good match.

If he doesnt show any obvious behavioural issues and there are no behavioural issues listed, that dog might be the one for you.
No dog is going to be perfect, but then again my dogs arent perfect, neither are my kids, nor my wife, nor myself for that matter So dont set the bar too high!
If they seem balanced and calm and ready, then what a wonderful opportunity to give that dog a chance of a real life.

- Mature and Senior Dogs: 5 to 10+ years old = Equivalent to Middle and Senior Age

At this stage, a dog begins moving into old age. Yet, despite being older and perhaps a bit grey, there are a lot of dogs who are still charging around at 8 years old, as high as a kite and very energetic.

That being said, most dogs at this age only need a little bit of exercise and will be ready for a nap after a quick walk.
Theyre far more relaxed.
They know how life works.

Theyre set in their routine, and they dont need much looking after.
They are the perfect age if youre that sort of person who is busy at work and doesnt have that much time, but would love some company. And most shelters are full of wonderful, older dogs that need a loving home to spend their golden years in.

As you may know, Ive got a dear old dog I call Peanut. Shes 12 years old and is absolutely adorable. She tends to be really focussed on three key events each day now She likes her daily cuddles, lots of sleep and she likes to eat!
Well, thats not true

She also likes to do a little playing on the beach each day, but thats a bit of take-it-or-leave-it.
From experience, I can tell you that senior dogs are easy to look after. And theyre also so sweet and loving. Theyre just so grateful, I think, for being looked after, for being cared for.
Theres a quote, which says, Theres nothing more beautiful than when a dog sits there and you sit there in silence with the dog, and its like the dog looks at you and without any words being spoken, its like the dog knows that youre thinking of them and they are thinking of you and you just connect.

Theres a lot of times Ive had that with my older dogs where, when theyre a bit younger, theyll be a bit more frantic and energetic.
So, if youre looking for that sort of company, then what a wonderful stage. In a way theyre the best, easiest dogs to care for of all because they also dont need 3 or 4 kilometer runs every day. Just a couple of hundred meters on the beach is good enough for Peanut. Shes very happy with that the she comes back, sleeps, relaxes, and likes a good feed. They make wonderful companions and dont ask for much.

Of course all of this is a very rough guide to how dogs behave and like people they can vary considerably! I have mates who are in their early 30s who are slowing down taking it easy and very immature and others who are in their 60s who are still whooping it up, getting out and about and squeezing the most out of life!

Age really is just a number, and its true for dogs too! But hopefully this post has given you some of the pros and cons of when the best age is to get a puppy or a dog, and if you are thinking of getting an older dog remember to check out those shelters.
Best of luck as you pursue adding a new furry family member to your home!
All the best and have a great day


Whats the Best Dog Movie of All Time

Whats the Best Dog Movie of All Time

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For whatever reason, movies that feature relationships between dogs and people have the ability to make us even more emotional than movies about people alone. We laugh harder, cry harder or feel the strong tug of nostalgia thinking about how much we love our own pets.

Even if you arent a dog owner yourself, you can probably think of your favorite dog movie. From comedies to dramas to silent films, there have been so many memorable roles for dogs on the big screen.

Below, were counting down the best dog movie moments of all time. Read on for our top eight rankings, and get inspired for your next movie night.

8. Beethoven

Number 8 on the best dog movie list is Beethoven. As slobbery as he was lovable, Beethoven the St. Bernard won all of our hearts in this classic early nineties film.

Centered around the Newton family, the movie showed the ups and downs of adopting a puppy. Beethoven may have started out small and cute, but it wasnt long before he was a full grown St. Bernard with the strength and the slobber to match. And though most of the family loved him from the beginning, it took the Newton family patriarch, a while to come around.

The original film was such a hit that seven sequels followed, though the original cast including the dog who played Beethoven were only all together for the first and second films.

7. Benji

Coming in at number 7 on the best movie list is Benji. What made the movie so popular at the time of its release was the way the story was told through the dogs eyes. A local mutt who has endeared himself to the residents of his small Texas town, Benji becomes nothing short of a hero when his favorite children go missing.

The dog who played Benji was a mixed-breed found in a California animal shelter and went on to become one of the most famous dog actors of the time. The pup went on to have a 14-year career in show business.

6. Air Bud

On the surface, this movie was about a dog named Buddy who possesses the uncanny ability to play basketball. In truth, it was about how much dogs can enrich our lives.

Josh, the movies central figure, is a lonely boy who moves to a small town in the aftermath of his dads death . Hes too shy to make friends and doesnt have the confidence to try out for the schools basketball team. When he meets Buddy and realizes what Buddy can do, all of that changes.

Air Bud was such a success, partially because America was fascinated by the true story that inspired it . Writer Kevin di Cicco adopted a stray dog, named him Buddy, and trained him to play basketball, as well as chess, football and a variety of other sports.

5. The Fox and The Hound

It was hard to pick just one animated movie for the best dog movie list, but ultimately The Fox and The Hound won out. Like most Disney movies, this animated film is both lighthearted and fun, while still delivering an important message.

The movie tells the story of a fox and a hound who become best friends as young animals. As they grow up, they are forced to face their true natures and their friendship is put to the test.

Surprisingly sad, it tackles a real issue of prejudice while also reminding us all of the power of friendship. Its featured song, Best of Friends is a favorite from the Disney musical canon.

4. The Artist

The Artist has the unique distinction of not only being number 4 on our best dog movie list but also being a winner of a Best Picture Academy Award.

The movies human star, Jean Dujardin, earned a lot of recognition for his role. But it was Uggie, the Jack Russell Terrier featured in the movie, who arguably became the most famous following the films release.

Uggie became a fixture on many red carpets, and his memoir Uggie, My Story was published in the US, UK and France.

Uggie worked with professional trainers to prepare for his film roles. And while working with one, like Ty The Dog Guy, may not make your pup world famous, it will definitely improve his behavior and skills.

3. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

Though this 1993 film is technically a remake of a 1963 movie, we still consider it to be a classic.

What makes this one of the best dog movies of all time is that the animals in it arent playing a side part to human main characters. The animals are the main characters, with the plot line to match.

The movie follows the adventures of two dogs Chance, an American Bulldog, and Shadow, a Golden Retriever and a cat named Sassy as they set out on a journey to reunite with their human family.

Voiced by human actors, the animals have complex personalities and complicated relationships. They have to work together to solve problems and survive in the wild. The film showed the most human side of animals, making Chance, Shadow and Sassy as relatable as any human character.

2. Best in Show

This mockumentary style film showed human dog owners and their best, their worst, and their funniest.

The movie follows several different storylines, all centered around characters preparing their pets for a prestigious dog show. Each dog owner the audience is introduced to is quirkier and funnier than the last.

Though the movie pokes fun at how far were willing to go for our dogs, it does so in an ultimately loving, and always hilarious way. Its Christopher Guest doing what he does best, and it keeps you laughing from start to finish.

1. Lassie Come Home

Since its release in 1994, Lassie Come Home has remained the ultimate dog movie classic. Its a movie you watch when you need to be comforted, or reassured that theres good in the world.

Its impact is lasting, as it has spawned remakes, TV shows and been referenced throughout pop culture.

Its a classic for a reason and, in our opinion, the best dog movie of all time.

What Do You Think is the Best Dog Movie of All Time?

We could spend all day debating the merits of one dog movie over another, and our list will not be reflective of everyones opinion. But maybe it will lead you to discover a new favorite or inspire you to re-watch a movie you love.

Would you put together a different list? Let us know in the comments or contact us with any questions or thoughts you want to share.

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Jumat, 04 Mei 2018

What You Need To Know About Animal Control

What You Need To Know About Animal Control

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For most people, any situation that requires that they hire a wildlife removal professional is never a pleasant one. Many people procrastinate making that important phone call, hoping the destructive animal will disappear on its' own, without any human interference. There are other people that fear for its safety, preferring that it doesn't make a home near their family, but also not wanting to see the animal killed or harmed because of its' troublesome behavior. Others simply don't want to assume the cost of calling an animal removal company, thinking the city, county, or state in which they live should be responsible for the issue.

People living in apartments are more likely to be bothered by roaches and mice than by bears and raccoons, while a family that lives in the suburbs surrounded by trees may find their garbage cans being regularly attacked by animals that have chosen to call that spot home. No matter what the pest, it's important to contact animal control services because any wild animal can be potentially dangerous, and is likely to bite or injure a human being if confronted. Some animals, like coyotes, will kill dogs and cats kept as pets, making the environment around your home unsafe.

Many wild animals such as squirrels, skunks, raccoons, chipmunks, bats, and wild cats carry rabies, a particularly vicious and debilitating disease that's transferred through the saliva of an infected animal. Without proper treatment, the disease is nearly 100% fatal to both animals and humans exposed to the virus. Unfortunately, many people will have no idea that their pet has been exposed to the disease until he begins to manifest symptoms, at which point, there is no treatment. For this reason, it is important to call animal removal service; never attempt to capture one that's been behaving destructively on your property. It's also important to never simply ignore it, particularly if you have pets or small children that are frequently allowed outside.

Contrary to popular belief, wildlife control services don't simply rely on the use of poison and kill traps to rid your property of destructive animals. Before hiring a specialist, ask him what sort of animal is likely causing the damage or threat to your home, and what humane ways can be used to capture it and relocate it. In some cases, it is possible to simply use a cage with a protective cover to help the trapped creature survive his capture. If he is healthy, he will be relocated to a more suitable environment. It is not required for all wildlife removal specialists to use humane traps, so be sure to inquire before signing a contract.

What to Expect from Your College Biology Courses

What to Expect from Your College Biology Courses

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Every college major has a science requirement, and many students choose college biology classes to fulfill this requirement. Many students choose biology for their science electives because they are more likely to have taken a biology class in high school rather than chemistry or physics. The biology classes that biology majors take are far more detailed and specific than the general biology classes that non-biology majors take. Here's what to expect in your college biology courses

The Basics of the Scientific Process

The scientific process is important to the field of biology because it allows researchers to isolate and test the effects of a single, well-defined factor on biological phenomena. In other words, in your biology classes you will learn how to observe conditions, create a hypothesis, and test that hypothesis. The scientific process is critical to all the sciences and is also applied in the humanities and social sciences. A clear understanding of how the process works and how it helps further knowledge in specific scientific areas is taught as a part of most introductory biology classes.

Plant Biology

You will spend part of your time in biology classes learning about plants, including

Plant cells and tissues
Anatomy of plant growth
Plant adaptation to environments
Plant nutrition
How plants sense sunlight
How plants reproduce
Chances are, you will perform a few laboratory experiments involving plant tissues, such as separating and isolating different types of plant cells and examining them under microscopes. You will learn how plant biology differs from animal biology and how plant cells differ from cells in animals.

Animal Biology

Animal biology will also be covered in your college biology classes. You will most likely cover the following:

Animal adaptation to surroundings
Tissues, organs, and organ systems
Animal sensory systems
Animal reproduction
The immune system in animals
You will also likely spend some time learning about genetics, and about natural selection in the animal kingdom. You may study one or more units on human biology.

Other Biological Organisms

The biological sciences cover more than just animals and plants. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi are other types of biological organisms you will likely study in your biology courses. You'll learn about DNA synthesis, gene mutations, and genetic repair mechanisms, as well as gene transcription in microscopic organisms such as bacteria. You will probably spend some time in the laboratory studying the various parts of the cell, and you will need to know how to label a cell diagram with the proper cell components.

Biological Processes

Biological processes include things like nutrition, sensory processes, respiration, cell reproduction, and organism reproduction. You'll learn how the environment affects biological processes in species ranging from bacteria to humans, and how animals and plants adapt to changes in their environment.

College level biology courses are not easy, but they're not terribly difficult for most students. By attending class regularly, taking notes, asking questions and keeping up with reading and assignments, you lay the foundation for success in your college level biology classes.

What To Expect From A Proper Pet Store

What To Expect From A Proper Pet Store

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Especially if you have not yet had the chance to buy anything from a Pet Store, you probably do not really know what to expect from such a place, which is why it would be best if you did a bit of research before buying anything you find here. It would be much better if you stumbled upon a Pet Warehouse where you will definitely find everything you might need for your dog, cat, rabbit and even guinea pig. The right establishment will make it easier for you to get whatever you need for your pet.

First of all, you should know that not every Pet Store is going to offer the same advantages, mostly because of the fact that some of them are larger, others are smaller, some focus solely on regular pets such as cats and dogs while others provide products for birds, rabbits and other small animals as well. You should also expect the store to offer you a variety of items for your pets, from food options to designer beds and even toys.

At the same time, when it comes to buying whatever you need for your pets, you should be able to find it all at the same Pet Warehouse. One of the best ideas that you could have would be to search for an online store that has a large variety of products in stock. One of the many reasons why you should consider opting for an online provider is the fact that you can order all of the items you need for all of your pets from the same place. Just think about how much time you will be able to save if you did all of your pet related shopping online.

You should also expect the right pet shop to offer you all the information you need about every single item they have in stock without you having to ask for it. This means that when you visit the product page, you will have the chance to read its description. For example, if you were to check out dog crates, you would be able to learn more about the materials used for this kind of product, the available sizes, what sort of useful features it comes with and so on. The same goes for any other products that you can find on the site.

It would be recommended that before you buy anything from a specific pet shop, you take the time to do a bit of research and learn more about your options. The right store is going to offer you access to all the products you need at just the right price and will deliver them to your door.

It would be recommended that before you buy anything from a specific pet shop, you take the time to do a bit of research and learn more about your options. The right store is going to offer you access to all the products you need at just the right price and will deliver them to your door.

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Image source: A little famous reality is that this angle has been ...