Selasa, 24 April 2018

Treatment for Tonsil Stones with Chinese Herbs

Treatment for Tonsil Stones with Chinese Herbs

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Earlier tonsil stones were not understood properly as they were not researched properly that many doctors thought that they could be treated using antibiotics and often suggested tonsillectomy when the antibiotics did not work. But actually speaking the surgery is not at all required as tonsils play a very vital role in guarding the body from viruses and bacteria. They can be cured easily using various natural and herbal remedies. Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Chinese medicines used herbs for treating the improper condition of tonsils effectively and efficiently.

Tonsil stones are dealt in a very different manner using Chinese herbs. According to Chinese medicine tonsil stones and other issues related to tonsils happen due to toxins and poor quality digestion hence they advocate to lower or completely avoid foods which creates more acidity and toxins in body like white flour products, red meats, fat rich food items like dairy products, butter, ghee, fried foods and white sugar. Apart from avoiding these food stuffs it is advised to include food stuffs rich in antioxidants like blueberries, pomegranate, carrots, cabbage, raspberries and turnips. Ginger and carrot juice can also be used for detoxifying body and for relieving infections of tonsils and tonsil stones.

Chinese herbs like mu xiang and guy a or brown sprouted rice can be used for aiding digestion and to lower toxins present in the tonsils as they help in moving the food via the body very quickly without making them stagnated to form toxins. There are also other Chinese detoxifying herbs like the she gan, ban lan gen, bai hua she she cao and Chinese herbs that are meant to clear off mucus like ban xia, chen pi and bai fu zi. Some Chinese doctors and health enthusiasts might however not recommend certain cool natural herbs and foods like spirulina or chlorophyll as they deplete digestive energies and might result in food stagnation leading to higher toxicity. Apart from this good oral hygiene is said to be very important to remove bacteria present in the tonsils. Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar along with water is used to get rid of the bacteria most often.

Natural remedies are not only chosen for their ease of use, but also for their effectiveness and cost effectiveness. Sometime mere gargling the mouth using saltwater solution can dislodge tonsil stones or can be removed using mechanical methods. But care should be taken not to poke or break the tonsil stones as they can even damage the tonsils.

Home Remedies for Curing Tonsil Stones

Tonsillectomy not only can lead to various health problems later but also does not come at a cheaper price. The surgery can also hinder day to day activities for some time. Hence, it is avoided most often. In fact, there are natural and scientifically proven ways to get rid of tonsil stones so they never return. It's absolutely not necessary to go for a long, drawn out surgery or wasting your money on expensive nasal sprays and tablets.

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