Rabu, 18 April 2018

The Treatment Methods to Remove Follicular Hyperkeratosis

The Treatment Methods to Remove Follicular Hyperkeratosis

Image source: http://www.lifewithherbals.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/follicular-hyperkeratosis.jpg

KP is a problem that we all hope to avoid. These little red bumps that are also known as "chicken bumps" bring about a cosmetic disaster in addition to being uncomfortable and itchy. Many people confuse them with acne when their redness is pronounced, but they proliferate in greater numbers than acne and have a smaller "bump" size. Roughly 40% of us will have to experience this skin condition throughout our lives. It is even a higher percentage when you limit it to the teenage years. Statistics have shown that it is 50 to 80% of teenagers who undergo this skin condition as a result of the hormonal changes that stem from puberty.

Keratosis pilaris comes in three main forms. One is keratosis pilaris rubra. This is the kind of KP that shows up as red, inflamed bumps on the arms, head, and legs. Then there is keratosis pilaris alba. This has no redness or irritation to it but does make the skin rough and bumpy. Thirdly there is the highly undesirable keratosis pilaris faceii which consists of the reddish rash on the cheeks.

The overproduction of keratin within the skin is the root cause of keratosis pilaris. Keratin in a natural protein the body produces that is necessary for proper skin health provided it is within a certain amount. However in excess amounts, it surrounds and entraps the hair follicles within the pore. This is what causes the process of hard plugs forming which goes by the label of hyperkeratinization. While there are cases whereby individuals can suffer from KP year round, it is mainly a skin condition that rears its ugly head throughout the winter season.

Fortunately there are remedies that will alleviate the symptoms of follicular hyperkeratosis until they are all gone. However there is no cure that will make it go away forever. When a treatment for keratosis includes the acid form of vitamin A or Tretinoin, studies have shown it to be an effective KP reduction application. These creams are usually sold under the name of Retin-A and are also used to treat acne. They decrease the amount of keratin in the skin while increasing the cell turnover rate of the skin's outer layer.

An alternative treatment is the prescription medicine of Triamcinolone. This usually goes by the name of Aristocort. It is a synthetic cortiscosteroid that is compounded as a cream. This medicine is also used for the treatment of the dry skin condition of ezcema. This will also reduce the amount of keratin within the pores that then allows for the bumps to decrease in size and lose their red color.

The majority of doctors agree that the most effective KP treatments will be a mix between a moisturizer combined with ingredients that increase turnover of cells within the basal membrane of the skin. There exists a biological skin cream that has been proven within a peer reviewed scientific journal to perform both these duties to make for an effective KP remover.

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