Senin, 09 April 2018

The Dream Of Smart City Is Not Possible Without A Smart Solid Waste Management System

The Dream Of Smart City Is Not Possible Without A Smart Solid Waste Management System

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The way India is developing at fast pace, the dream making its cities smart is not looking far away from its reach. However, there are few preparations needed to make your city smart and Solid Waste Management is one of these key requirements.

Waste Management is pathetic at now

A Smart city must have a smart and Integrated Solid waste management system. The process of waste management at now is pathetic. As per a recent report, about 78 percent people in Delhi dump the waste on the streets or in open area, i.e. land or plots in neighborhood. You can see the litter spread openly on roadside in almost every municipality area in the capital city.

If such is the condition of the capital of India, you can understand the Solid waste management in other states, cities, and rural parts of the country.

Open Waste Dumping is dangerous

Dumping the waste on open streets is really hazardous for human beings as well as the animals. The waste from Hospitals, etc. is particularly spreads air pollution and hence creates health hazards for the nearby residents. The stray animals and cows etc. often feed on this solid waste, which often result in harmful affect on their health.

Proper Dumping and Bin tracking system is need of the hour

The Municipal solid waste management has to be smart to make the dream of Smart City and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan come true. Its not the only the responsibility of Government or municipalities, the public also need to participate in this campaign to make India clean. Public must fulfill their responsibility by dumping the waste wisely and helping to make India clean and sanitized.

Bin tracking system is something must come into effect on immediate basis. Today, with the help of GPS, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Readers, and RFID tags remote monitoring of whole waste collection process is possible. However, the municipal corporations in different cities of India must take this in account and implement the smart solid waste management system at earliest.

Convexicon Software Solutions is the leading company that offers the Smart Solid Waste Management system with the help of GPS, RFID Readers, and RFID tags, etc. In this smart system, it fixes the GPS devices and RFID readers on all the waste collection vehicles, whereas RFID tags fitted on all the bins.

Make the Waste Collection and Dumping Smart

With all the advanced equipments fitted, vehicles get the signal when the bins are filled, so that it can visit the location of the RFID fitted bin and collect the waste. The GPS is also installed on the vehicles, which provide the exact location and movement of the vehicle to the control room monitoring the whole waste collection process.

When the whole system of waste collection and dumping is smart, we wont see the streets littered anymore and dream of Clean India and Smart City will soon be a reality.

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