Senin, 02 April 2018

Springer Spaniel Skin Problems

Springer Spaniel Skin Problems

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There are five main causes of skin problems in springers, but springer spaniels fare well compared to other breeds. The main causes are hereditary conditions, infectious diseases, immune system problems, dermatitis (allergic reactions), and internal diseases (which may present skin problems as one of the symptoms).

Fortunately, springer spaniels are not as susceptible as some breeds to inherited skin problems, or to immune system problems. Some of the skin conditions can be treated and 'cured' immediately, whilst others are systemic and may require lifelong treatment and palliative therapies such as ointments.

Like most breeds though, they are susceptible to infectious skin conditions (such as mange), and dermatitis arising from a variety of causes.

Depending on what you read, arguably any form of skin irritation could be termed 'dermatitis'. Let's consider the three main problem areas with springer spaniel skin:

Infectious Diseases

By definition, these are picked up from other dogs and their traces, such as stools, vomit or fur, though for infectious skin diseases, contact with another dog is the most likely vector. Canine scabies is a not uncommon infectious disease. Ringworm (a fungal infection) is more common in puppies than adult dogs.

Springers may also become infected with contagious lice.

If there is any suspicion that your dog has an infectious disease, then get a vet's opinion immediately.


There are many causes of dermatitis, including bacterial, fungal, yeast, or parasitic infection (mange is caused by a skin mite), seborrhoea, food allergies, flea bites (their saliva is a common allergen), drug reactions; exposure to toxins, nutritional deficiencies, contact with an irritating substance, and even sunburn. Food allergies may be harder to track down, and dietary adjustments might be necessary. If you suspect an allergy, then it's worth talking to the breeder - your springer's parents may have had similar problems. If you are treating your dog for another condition, then an allergy could be due to an adverse drug reaction. Your vet should be aware of this. Problems arising from a nutritional deficiency could be due to bad diet, but this is rare for dogs which are properly fed, unless their bodies are unable properly to process, say a particular mineral or vitamin. This of course could be one facet of a metabolic disorder.

Internal Disease Presenting Skin Symptoms

These include metabolism disorders (the body's 'engine') and endocrine (hormonal) disorders. Cancer might give rise to excessive itching due to skin irritation. Secondary Problems Problems with the skin which give your springer 'an itch' can lead on to other problems such as Hot Spots. 'Hot spots' - acute moist dermatitis - arise from over-licking a particular spot on the skin (overlicking means licking more than would be usual form grooming or exploration and interferes with your dog's other activity). This over licking may be in response to, say, a flea allergy.

If not treated, then the over licking can lead to a serious bacterial (staphylococcal) which may need antibiotics to cure it, and should always be examined by a vet. Indeed, any other skin problem which results in broken skin should be treated carefully to prevent secondary infections.


Because springers are 'gamey' dogs and get up to all sorts of mucky mischief they should be cleaned and examined regularly. In most cases, prevention is straightforward. Groom your dog regularly, examining the coat and skin, and use a medicated pet shampoo. If you live in an area where ticks are prevalent (your vet will advise), then check his coat for ticks and apply a tick powder regularly.

Obviously, if your dog has discovered any sort of dead animal when out with you, then a good cleanup is essential.

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