Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Soundproofing Your Animal Kennel

Soundproofing Your Animal Kennel

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If you own a kennel or manage an animal shelter you know how loud it can get inside. This is not only a nuisance for the occupants such as the employees, but it also can be a nuisance for those who may live within earshot of you. Since it is nearly impossible to eliminate the sound of barking dogs and other such animal noise, reducing noise level by making all of your walls, ceilings, floors and other structures less reflective is the next best solution.

With a kennel, you often may have outside areas to soundproof as well such as dog runs. Similar fixes do apply that are mentioned below.

To control sound levels within the animal shelter itself, you can install a set of acoustic sound panels, ceiling tiles or VET baffles. These fixes are designed to interrupt the reflections of the barking dogs, capture and absorb their energy, and deliver slower reverberation times within the kennel room

Treating your walls will help block the transmission of sound bleeding through a common wall. Your ultimate goal is to impair the wall's ability to conduct vibration. This is accomplished by adding two components to your wall assembly; the first is density, the second is disconnection. The combination of these two ingredients will help force the collapse of your sound wave inside your wall, and can trigger up to a 90% drop in sound transmission.

By following these isolation techniques, a 10-12 dB drop can be triggered. For treating the acoustics within the room, controlled reverberation times will drop background noise and the corresponding decibel level exposure in the room. Remember, the treatment for soundproofing a kennel makes the room less loud, not the dogs. They'll still bark, it just won't sound as loud.

You can also treat the ceiling. There are two goals with sound proofing a ceiling. The first is to combat the bleed of noise through the ceiling for greater sound isolation and privacy between rooms that share this common surface. The second is to improve the room's acoustics with ceiling tile treatments designed to capture unwelcome sound reflections in the room.

A good sound barrier ceiling treatment can deliver up to a 90% reduction in plenum noise, foot noise or noise bleeding into or out of your room through the ceiling. A sound absorption ceiling treatment can restore your room to good quality sound by collapsing your reverberations times down to under 2.0 seconds.

With a little research and even professional consultation if necessary, you can reduce the sound in your animal facility significantly. Your employees and neighbors will appreciate it greatly.

Some Interesting Information About Dolphins

Some Interesting Information About Dolphins

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A lot of people consider dolphins to be one among the fish - as they swim in the water. Nevertheless in certainty plain fish who lay eggs, dolphins soften-blooded mammals that give birth to baby dolphins and breathe air. There are many more total characteristics that make dolphins an interesting being on the earth.

If you happen to experience dolphins from close ranges, then you will be conscious of their sole characteristics for which they are prominent. Dolphins are cetaceans like the whales and are placed along with whales in the group called odontocetes, since they have teeth. However, some Whales do not have teeth for feeding and are located under the group mysticetes.

Most dolphins inhabit the stifling and pleasantly genial waters throughout the world. Most people don't great is that there are other dolphin species living in rivers and non-brackish water. There are so few of them lefts, that they are considered endangered.

Almost 57 species of dolphins last in the world. All dolphins have a brilliant body, which is very slick. They have a standard long-fees like nose which is called the "stall." Very steadily, spectators grow to filthy between the porpoise and the dolphins. Both look akin in looks but are in veracity different animals. The difference could be seen in their teeth. The porpoise had teeth shaped like spades for digging rocks, where the dolphins have teeth shaped like cones. One more chief difference is the porpoises live in very cold water which cannot be tolerated by the dolphins.

One of the most visit and well known species of dolphins is the Orca, also known as the killer whale. This large dolphin is considered to be daring in the water, dominating the reveal of sea animals the people think of when they think of feral creatures.

The female Dolphins are very caring mothers. To give birth to a litter calf, the female dolphins have a very long advance segment. The female dolphins dwell pregnant for 12 months to announce one immature baby. The baby calves on birth are about 30 inches long and weigh around 30 - 40 pounds. During the first two time of the life of the calf, the mother dolphin takes a lot of tending and nurses the litter one.

Even after they're weaned, the dolphin calf will swim and play with its mother for between five and seven survival. During this time the little dolphin will learn how to find food and to cooperate socially with its relatives.

Dolphins live and journey together in what is called a "pod." It is the female dolphins that are the ones that do most of the interacting with the youthful dolphins, while the males play a more remote part in the parenting supervise.

The Dolphins are considered very open and are with the greatest animals on earth due to their intelligence and cool mingling with the humans. They try to convey through tweeting their tongue when they connect with humans. The reality keeps the humans strange about this brilliant animal evermore.

Some Good Reasons You Are Smart For Purchasing A Pet Fountain

Some Good Reasons You Are Smart For Purchasing A Pet Fountain

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The idea of getting a pet water fountain seems to have become quite popular the last couple of years. This is mainly due to the fact that pet owners are beginning to recognize that their dogs and cats must get much more water than pets generally take in. Seeing as nearly all dog and cat owners truly adore their animals, the impression that they usually are not giving them with sufficient water might not make sense to start with. Of course they are providing their animals a sufficient amount of water, right? While this can be accurate when it comes to many animal owners, it is the kind of water source which can be the problem most of the time. When you are supplying your dog and cat a dish of water which you place out for him that you refill on a daily basis, you may be surprised to be informed that this is clearly not adequate.

Look for animals within their natural surroundings. Most animals would not be drawn to drink from a standing supply of water. But if that were the only water supply available they may slurp from it simply to stay alive. It is not a big stretch to say that the typical pet's dish of water is just not very different when you compare it to stationary water. The result can be we produce an environment when our animals do have a source of water, but it might be so uninteresting to them that they barely drink an adequate amount.

Okay, if not a dish of water, then just what are we supposed to be providing to these pets? A fountain for your pets might be precisely exactly what you need. Just which pet water fountain you decide on will not matter. The right objective should be to give your animal a moving water supply that he will find satisfying and also, just as importantly, fascinating. If you offer that type of water source for any pet, you will probably find he drinks his fill and is healthier because of it. The difference with how a pet reacts to a fountain compared with how he reacts to a water bowl can be quite amazing. When it comes to a fountain for your pet pets can have a enjoyable drink whenever they want, or else simply be entertained when studying it. But if you have kitties, you can be just as likely to find them interacting with the fountain as drinking out of it.

A benefit which some pet owners fail to remember is that a pet fountain will also make their daily routine as a animal owner a lot easier. Your life gets simpler through not needing to wash and top off a water dish nearly as often, while at the same time your pets are being kept engaged with his new water source, and the result of that is you enjoy even more time on your hands that you can do with any way you choose!

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Some Benefits of Cash Registers

Some Benefits of Cash Registers

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A cash register is one of the devices that are used within a sales establishment and which are being operated by a sales clerk. This is usually used to calculate the total number of sale a customer was able to purchase, and will also give the people the proper change and the respective receipts with what they are buying.

Cash Registers is used to a grocery store, department store, clothing store, or other profitable retail business, POS cash registers, are an important component of running a successful, profitable business. Cash registers not only help you keep an accurate count of your inventory and your sale records, but they also enable your customers to be serviced in a quick, yet effective matter. That is why it is vital that your business uses POS cash registers.

Cash registers have many benefits in the retail world, or anywhere that sales are made. They keep track of sales and quickly process sales transactions. They also keep accurate records, which benefits both the business owner and the customer. POS cash registers have even more benefits than standard cash registers. They produce more detailed reports, track inventory and grow with the business without much hassle. Here are some benefits of Cash Registers :

Help to keep business running smoothly

Complete POS cash register systems are commonly equipped with cash drawers, credit card readers, receipt printers, keyboards, cash register computer screens, barcode scanners, and all systems come with installed POS software. Complete POS cash register systems ensure that you will have everything that you need to help keep your business running smoothly, at least at the checkout counters.

Retain additional profits

To saving money on the original cost of buying a complete POS cash register system, as they are cheaper than buying each component individually, you may also be able to save money in the long run; in fact, make money. This is often referred to as a return on your investment, plus additional profits. If you already run a profitable retail store, you are likely to be able to make a return on your investment in as little as a few weeks. Once your complete POS cash register has essentially paid for itself, you are able to retain additional profits.

Need not require constant data input

Cash registers don't require constant data input. The costs associated with a POS system are more than offset by the data and reports available. However others may simply be unable to spend the extra money. As a result, you are not tracking inventory levels, price adjustments, and other data. By using a cash register there is a requirement for much less data entry and manipulation.


With a computerized cash register system, every item in your store has a price associated with it. Never again will you have to figure out how much a specific item sells for. The guesswork is gone.

Speed Up Customer Checkout

Lower transaction times save both you and your customer's time and money. Computerizing speeds up your customer checkout. With a barcode scanner, you can checkout a customer in half the time required with a cash register. Even if you don't use a barcode scanner, your checkout is still faster and more accurate because you are entering inventory item numbers which are automatically tied to pricing specified in your accounting program for each inventory item.

Skin and Coat Problems in Dogs and Cats

Skin and Coat Problems in Dogs and Cats

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The skin is a body's largest organ. It acts as a barrier against harmful invasions from the environment. It also is one of the methods by which the body eliminates toxins.

Skin problems are probably the most common ailments seen in dogs. Usually they are not a disease in themselves, but a symptom of another underlying problem.

The most common reason for skin problems in both dogs and cats is an allergy. It may be dietary, environmental, chemical or drug related. Problems can also show up due to dietary deficiency or poor diet in general. Symptoms include such as itching, redness, and poor coat quality.

If no other reason for the problem can be found, it is time to look for food allergies. Changing to a premium or home-made dog food can usually make a big difference in a short time. Often simply adding raw meat to the diet is enough to see an improvement.

If the problem persists, or the pet is already on a healthy diet, then you must look at the specific ingredients in the food. Beef, chicken, corn and soy are the most common allergens, but cats and dogs, like people, can be allergic to anything. Try eliminating the above four things first, if that doesn't work a more drastic "elimination diet" may be necessary. This usually takes at least 6-8 weeks to get a good reading.

If no food allergy can be identified, or if eliminating an offending food has not solved the problem, then you must look to the environment - inside as well as outside. Once an allergic reaction has been allowed to continue for some time, the immune system is taxed and the body may become sensitive to other irritants.

Play detective! Ask yourself if anything has changed in the house recently; new carpeting, new cabinetry, fresh paint? These things can all give off chemicals which may cause illness. Are the symptoms seasonal? Pollens are a common allergen, and difficult to avoid, especially for a dog. Did the symptoms start suddenly? What happened just before they appeared - vaccinations? Other illness? Emotional upset? Finding and eliminating the cause can be a long and difficult process.

Essential Fatty Acids can be extremely helpful in clearing up mild skin problems. Herbs that assist the kidneys and liver in detoxifying are also very helpful. There are many natural topical products that can be used to calm the symptoms.

Bathing is not always the answer. If the dog's coat is dry, bathing may just make matters worse. If you must bathe, use a gentle shampoo. Oatmeal is a good shampoo ingredient to look for for a dog with itchy skin.

Another common cause of itching and redness for dogs and cats is flea bite dermatitis. Not all animals are allergic, but fleas will at least cause scratching or biting in all pets simply because they are annoying! Flea allergies however, cause the pests to be more than just an annoyance. Symptoms of flea allergy include hair loss, redness, and sometimes sores kown as "hot spots".

If you suspect your pet has fleas but you haven't actually seen any, look for the tell-tale black "specks" at the base of the hairs. Fleas particularly love the areas at the base of the tail, ears and hind legs (where they meet the belly). To determine if the specks are flea dirt (dried blood) and not just dirt, put some on a white paper or cloth and wet them. If they turn red, you've got fleas.

Some diseases cause symptoms of the skin and coat. Thyroid imbalances may cause dull, flaky or greasy coat and sometimes hair loss. Skin and ear infections are common with Cushing's Disease.

There are some specific skin diseases as well. Mange is caused by a mite and causes lesions and hair loss, usually around the mouth and eyes. This most often clears up on its own, but some dogs and cats cannot rid themselves of the mites and have a more severe case. Ringworm is a highly contagious fungus affecting cats, dogs and people (especially children). It shows up as circular lesions that are raw, hairless and scaly. The disease spreads rapidly.

Boredom or anxiety can cause a dog to lick its paws repeatedly and constantly, resulting in "lick granulomas". These are raised nodules, often rough and scaly. There is also a group of autoimmune diseases called Pemphigus which cause scaly skin, scabs and pustules. Some breeds are particularly susceptible to the disease.

Six Weimaraner Training Tips For You

Six Weimaraner Training Tips For You

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Weimaraner training is not just about teaching your dog to obey basic commands such as sit, stay and down. In addition to that, training involves socialization that aims to develop the dog's social relationship as well as leadership, confidence, determination and consistency on your part.

There are a lot of techniques said to be effective in achieving every dog owner's dream of a properly-mannered pet. However, not all these are guaranteed to work on your pet since dogs vary from the other, sometimes even if they are of the same breed. As owner, it is therefore your responsibility to determine which particular technique works best on your pet and the ones you better avoid.

1. Socialization is always the starting point.

Before working on complicated or even basic commands, socialize your dog first. Be it a puppy or an adult dog you adopted from the shelter, every dog needs to adjust to the new environment they are brought into. If there are other pets in the house, introduce them on neutral territory and make the encounter pleasant as much as possible to avoid territorial and aggression issues later on.

2. Assess your pet's condition.

Your pet's condition can greatly affect the weimaraner training results. Though naturally energetic breed, you cannot expect an old weimaraner to exhibit the same stamina as a young weimaraner does. Old dogs tire easily while young ones can become rambunctious at times. Knowing your pet's condition can therefore help you determine what training method to use, the length of training per session and the difficulty of each activity.

3. Basic commands to prevent and eliminate behavior issues.

Teaching obedience commands will not only make you a proud dog owner. More importantly, these commands can prevent and eliminate various behavior issues such as chewing, digging, jumping on and/or chasing people and biting. Like for example if you are working on eliminating your pet's jumping issue, commanding him to sit and stay the moment you see him can prevent him from actually jumping. By doing the process when the need arises, he will eventually figure out what is the right thing to do.

4. Basic commands as the groundwork.

You cannot just teach your pet the "roll over" command without teaching the command "down" or "stay". So before you dream of having a dog that can perform amazing tricks, better work on the basic commands first.

5. Motivate through recognition and rewards.

Positive reinforcement always works better than any other training methods. By recognizing your pet's desirable behavior and rewarding him for it, he will be motivated to repeat such behavior when opportunity comes since he knows that he will be getting good things.

6. Penalty is not as necessary as correction.

The best time to correct your pet is when you see him in the act of doing the mistake, like urinating on areas other than you designated as his toilet. When this occurs, take him to the designated area to finish. Penalty should be avoided at all costs for it will only bring more harm than good.

These tips may be very basic but when adhered to, can be very helpful in achieving successful weimaraner training.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Simple Ways to Get Your Horse to Trust You

Simple Ways to Get Your Horse to Trust You

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It's always easier to ride a horse when both you and the animal trust each other. You can ride a horse that is uneasy around you, but it's much easier when you are both comfortable and steady around the other. However, especially if your horse has been abused in its past, it can be difficult to get your horse to trust you. With time and patience, however, a beautiful relationship can be built.

If you have a horse that has a shy nature, but hasn't been abused, it can also be difficult for the horse to trust you. All it takes is some time together. You will reconsider how you approach him. Make sure you move slowly and approach the horse from the left. If you are walking towards him with anything in your hands, stretch it out in front of you to show him there is nothing to be afraid of whatsoever.

Avoid wearing loose clothing when approaching a shy horse. The wind could pick up your shirt or pants and cause a sudden clothing flapping noise that will spook him. Once they associate you with any kind of fear, it will take much longer for the horse to trust you at all. The horse should never shy away from its owner over anything.

No one should push a horse to do something before he is totally confident. You will want your horse to trust and depend upon you completely before you ask him to jump or go down an unfamiliar terrain. You can instead have him build up his confidence by letting him jump over smaller hurdles and travel down simple, wide and open paths. If he jumps and stumbles, he might have trouble trusting you to jump again and you might second guess his decisions while jumping. So long as you know that each of you can trust the other, you will have a safe and successful ride.

If you have a horse that has been abused, it can be nearly impossible to gain the horses trust. You shouldn't give up hope, however. Plenty of horses have come back around after hours and hours of patience and love.

A good way to start with a horse that has been abused is to spend hours talking and sitting with him. Talk with a soft, calming voice and occasionally bring them a treat. Don't try to ride him and definitely don't ask him to do anything he doesn't want to do. It could take days before he is afraid at the very sight of you. Once he doesn't seem to mind your company, you can try to approach him. A frightened horse is a very dangerous animal, so be sure that you do not corner him. Offer him a treat and try to stroke his muzzle. If he eats the treat from your hands, you are making great strides!

If you can touch your horse and he lets you pat him, you are nearly there. You still cannot get on the back of a horse that has been badly abused without a professional trainer nearby who has years of experience with abused horses. You do not want to get on the back of a horse who will trust you on the ground, but utterly lose faith once you are on his back.

Siberian Tigers -Threatened Giants

Siberian Tigers -Threatened Giants

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The Siberian Tiger is found in cold regions in Russia and China. To survive in the harsh climate, the tiger build up fat reserves. Siberian Tigers are also much larger than the tiger variants found in warm habitats, since a large body will conserve heat more efficiently than a small body. During the cold winter, a Siberian Tiger will need up to 10 kilograms of meat a day to do well. It hunts primarily wild boar, deer and elk and can eat much more than 10 kilograms in one gulp if given the opportunity. Siberian Tigers have been noticed when they feast on 50 kilograms of meat or more. The staple food is wild boar, and the Siberian Tiger population is therefore dependant on a healthy wild boar population. Roughly 50 percent of the tigers' diet is typically made up by wild boar. Siberian Tigers can also catch smaller prey, such as lynx, rabbit, rodents and fish. The Siberian Tiger can also occasionally hunt bear.

The hunting style of the Siberian Tiger is based on surprise attacks. The Siberian Tiger is capable of running faster than 50 miles an hour, but can only keep up this speed during short and explosive attacks. The Siberian Tiger will therefore usually choose to hunt during the night, when it can use its supreme night vision to ambush prey. The Siberian Tiger is also equipped with superb hearing and a keen sense of smell that is helpful during the hunt.

The Siberian Tiger lives in oak, birch and coniferous woodlands in Russian Siberia and northern China. The Chinese population is almost extinct, just like the Korean population, but the Russian population shows strong signs of recovery and has increased significantly during the last two decades. In 1997, there were approximately 350-400 Siberian Tigers living in Russia.

Siberian Tigers mate during December or January and the cub litter is born during early spring when the climate is less harsh and prey offspring are abundant. The Siberian Tiger is a solitary dweller and they will only form pairs during the short mating period. Two Siberian Tigers have been seen hunting together during the mating period, but this is quite extraordinary. They will usually prefer to hunt alone even during the mating period. The female tiger will care for the cubs alone and teach them how to hunt. The gestation period of the Siberian Tiger is 3-3.5 months.

The Siberian Tiger litter will usually comprise three or four cubs. The cubs are born toothless and with closed eyes. After 14 days, the eyes will begin to open. The cub will consume milk from the mother for roughly six months. Siberian Tigers learn how to hunt from their mother. After around a year, the cubs will have become somewhat independent and capable hunters, but they will still stay with their mother until they are 3-5 years old. The life of the young cubs is hard and it is unusual for more than one tiger cub from each litter to row up to reach maturity and get cubs of their own.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Seizures in Older Dogs

Seizures in Older Dogs

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One of the worst experiences of owning a dog may very well be the day he or she has their first seizure. I am most talking about the grand mal type of seizure. In this type the dog will become unconscious, usually fall over on their side, and begin shaking and seizing all over. These can be very violent to watch and for the dog to experience.

These full blown seizures happen when the brain completely goes out of sync and begin firing non-stop to all all areas. The dog is breathing extremely fast and there is usually much foaming at the mouth. These seizures can last several minutes, but for the dog owner watching on, they can seem much longer. All the owner can do is make sure there is nothing near the dog that can hurt them and perhaps gently hold their head if they are on a hard surface. But do not try to hold or control the dog in any way.

In older dogs, there is usually not an environmental or genetic cause. In many cases brain lesions can be the cause and there is nothing usually that can be done for older dogs in these cases. In the worst cases, the seizures in older dogs will only occur once in a while; perhaps they happen only once a month. In the worst cases, they can happen many times a day. The latter type is extremely debilitating for the dog.

The dog owner should understand also how the dog will behave after the seizure. In many cases the dog will appear somewhat paralyzed. This can be quite scary to see but it is usually short lived and lasts only 10 or 15 minutes. However, even after the dog is finally able to stand, he or she can be quite wobbly. In fact, they may fall down many times for the next hour or so. Dog owners would like for their dog to just lay down and rest after a grand mal seizure, but dogs are always quite restless and anxious after seizures.

Pacing is a big part of the aftermath of a seizure. Dogs will often pace for several hours. In the beginning of the pacing, they will often go in circles. It can be quite alarming as it appears there may have been some brain damage. However, the pacing subsides in just a few hours usually.

Another side effect which is seen later in the day and even the next days is that the dog may limp or appear quite stiff. This normal. Think of the seizure as one gigantic muscle cramp. Oftentimes muscle cramps can result in pulled muscles and this is what often happens when older dogs have seizures. The massive muscle spasm can make the dog quite stiff and even have some muscle pain.

Seizures in older dogs are a fact of life for many dog owners. In most cases they can be experienced safely without too many negative effects for the dog so long as the owner understands what to expect.

Seaports, Port Types and Port Data

Seaports, Port Types and Port Data

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The general definition of a seaport is a harbour or town that is able to receive boats and ships and load and unload cargo. Other types of port include fishing ports, inland ports, dry ports, warm water ports, and cruise home ports. A seaport can generally be further divided into two types; cargo and cruise. For all types of port, for both ship and shore based personnel it is valuable to have access to comprehensive and accurate port data, databases and port guides.

Harbours are natural or manmade shelters for ships and boats. They need to be deep enough to accept the draft of large boats and ships. You would normally expect a port to sit within a harbour, the two are distinctly different. A natural harbour will on the most part be surrounded by land which will have a sheltering effect on the waters within. A good example of a natural harbour is San Diego Bay in the USA which is 12 miles long. Manmade harbors are constructed with seawalls and breakwaters and sometimes require dredging due to sedimentation of sand and mud. The world's largest artificial port is Rotterdam in the Netherlands which was also the world's busiest cargo port for many years up until 2004 when it was overtaken by Shanghai. A warm water port or ice free harbor is a port that does not freeze over in the winter such as Valdez in Mexico giving the advantage of year round use. Ice free harbors even exist in extremely cold places such as Winter Quarters Bay in Antarctica.

Fishing ports are normally commercial centres for the harbouring of fishing vessels and landing of catches. They may have been some of the first historical ports to develop. A good example is Brixham in England that has a history reaching back over 1000 years and was mentioned in the Domesday book.

An inland port is a port that can be situated on a river or lake and have canal or river access to the sea.

A dry port is an inland terminal used for cargo storage and transport exchange that may be situated near to a seaport but with additional road, rail and air links for continued distribution of goods.

Cruise home ports are embarkation/disembarkation points for cruise ships where they will also take on supplies for voyages. Miami in the USA is the world's busiest cruise port.

Cargo ports are ports that handle a wide range of goods such as Petrochemicals, dry goods, minerals, cars and grains. Some ports will specialise in a certain commodity such as natural gas. To accommodate the large draft of commercial cargo vessels these ports need deep water channels for entry and egress. Due to the difficulties of navigating port entry there is usually a tug or piloting service operated by the port authority. An important part of port navigation can be the availability of good port data. This is normally provided in the form of port guides, a port directory or database. These will usually offer the information required such as mooring diagrams, port plans and a ship's atlas.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Schizophrenia in Dogs - Sudden Behavioral Changes

Schizophrenia in Dogs - Sudden Behavioral Changes

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Schizophrenia in dogs is not as uncommon as one may think. Dogs who show signs of sudden behavioral changes could be experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia. Your canine may be friendly one minute, then growl and snap at you the next, leaving you wondering what brought on the rapid change.

Schizophrenia in dogs is marked by acute alterations in personality without any apparent reason. Most often it is due to a change of mood of the pet owner, and occurs in households where chaos rules. It can also be evident in homes where the pet owners have set no boundaries or limits for their pets. In addition, there may be many personalities the dog must cope with in the home, and these differences can have an affect, possibly leading to aggressive behavior.

Aggressive behavior in an otherwise friendly dog is great cause for concern. A family member or visitor to your home can be attacked and severely injured should your pet perceive a threat that does not exist. In many cases, the pet owner has been attacked by their own beloved pet. The more the owner tries to soothe and calm, the more aggressive the dog becomes. Sadly, the pet may need to be euthanized.

Your dog is a member of the family, and it is not easy to admit there is a problem that needs rectified a quickly as possible. In light of this, contacting a qualified trainer or veterinarian for help in finding a solution can save everyone from the dire consequences of a ferocious attack.

Keep a record of your dog's behavior and the events in the home surrounding the onset of a negative mood, such as sudden loud noises or arguments between family members. Make note of body language, the dog's behavior before the event, and eye expression. This will help the trainer or veterinarian have a better understanding of what could be affecting your pet's personality.

Monitor your dog's behavior in various environments and activities in the home, such as when the house is calm and peaceful and when it is not. If you have small children running around, you may want to place the dog behind a closed door to protect them. Anyone who has children knows the noise and chaos they can generate. Your dog may feel threatened and confused, which can cause a change to a negative mood.

Animals who are schizophrenic may react differently to different situations. Some do fine in chaos, while others may need peace and quiet. This is important information that needs to be passed on to the vet or trainer.

It is possible to help your pet regain trust when you spent more quality time together. Consistently showing love and affection can help your dog feel safe and comfortable to overcome the feelings that produced the negative mood.

Scary Air Pollution Facts

Scary Air Pollution Facts

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There are some very important facts about air pollution that you should be aware of that can ultimately keep you from serious harm and could actually save your life. When you dig deeper in to studying air pollution facts, you will find them very disturbing. It will become very evident that the move you planned on making to a major city, or the type of hairspray that you use will require some serious thought.

One of the scariest air pollution facts is that people who live in major cities like New York City, Pittsburgh, or Los Angeles live on the average of 2-3 years less than people in cities with cleaner air. This reduced life expectancy is directly due to the health consequences of continually breathing polluted air. Life is short enough so why subject yourself to unhealthy situations that will shorten our life?

Most people believe that industries are the biggest cause of air pollution. This is only partly true, They only contribute about 10 percent of the total cancer risk in major cities. The remaining 90 percent of the cancer risk comes from the various modes of transportation. These include not only the major polluter, the automobile, but also trucks, buses, ships and trains. While major cities don't have a lot of lawns like the suburbs do, you would be shocked to find out how much pollution you generate by the simple act of mowing your lawn. The fact remains is that most air pollution is generated by humans burning fossil fuels.

Another scary fact is that children breathe at a faster rate than adults and as a consequence, they breathe in much more polluted air than an adult. This increased exposure to air pollution has been directly connected to increase incidence of childhood asthma. Asthma has been noted to be the leading reason that children miss school.

It has also been estimated that 6.1 to 51 million work days are lost due to air pollution in just one year in the United States.

Health problems caused by air pollution costs more than money and lost time in school or work, it can actually cost you our life. If your home, office or school is located near a high traffic area, you have an increased risk for lung disease, bronchitis asthma and even cancer.

Armed with the knowledge of these air pollution facts, you will have a better understanding of the reasons you need to cut down on the pollution in the air that you are breathing. One of the most time tested methods to cut down on pollution is car pooling. If you are lucky to have several co-workers living in the same area, car pooling not only cuts down on the amount of toxic emissions being introduced into the air, it also saves you money If everyone made an effort to car pool, you would see a significant reduction on the amount of air pollution not only in these major cities but all over the world.

Add to this the fact that chemicals used in the homes such as aerosol hair spray, and copy machines used in offices, are also a major contributor to air pollution. Switching to environmentally safe products will eventually become the norm as the toxic chemicals that are found in nearly everything we use on a daily basis, are eliminated.


The fact remains that air pollution is a huge problem and although great strides are being made to reduce the situation, most people are overwhelmed by the scope of the problem. If everyone took small steps to reduce air pollution, the air we breathe would be in much better shape than it is now.

Rose Color Meanings What Are You Really Saying

Rose Color Meanings What Are You Really Saying

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Rose Color Meanings: What Are You Really Saying?

Giving a bouquet of roses is a gesture that everyone will appreciate. Just make sure theyre the right color! Different color roses have different meanings, so one should choose carefully.

To avoid making a mistake or conveying something too intense, brush up on rose color meanings below!

Rose Color Meanings

Red Roses

Ever a classic, red roses are everywhere during Valentines Day. Their rich color and beauty convey deep romantic love.

In ancient Greece and Rome, red roses were the flowers given to Venus and Aphrodite, the goddesses of love. Hopeful lovers would place them in their temples for good luck in romance.

Lovers have been giving roses since the fall of the Roman empire and the practice has stood the test of time. Theyre perfect for special dates, a partners birthday, or Valentines Day.

Pink Roses

Beautiful and simple pink roses are versatile in their meaning. Originally, they stood for an early or budding love but they can also express gratitude.

Light pink roses are reserved for budding romances and admiration. Theyre perfect for expressing emotion without saying I love you.

Dark pink roses, on the other hand, express gratitude and appreciation. They are a beautiful way to say thank you and will make a striking desk piece.

Purple Roses

Light purple roses symbolize enchantment and are for admitting love at first sight. Dark purple roses convey a sense of everlasting love and are often seen at anniversaries.

White Roses

Striking in their simplicity, white roses are often seen at weddings and births. Their color brings to mind thoughts of innocence and purity.

Along with purity, they express a wish for hopeful new beginnings and have evolved to say, Im thinking of you. White roses are appropriate for funerals as well as expressions of sympathy.

Cream roses, white roses darker cousins, represent grace and a platonic love. They are a beautiful choice for after performances and recitals.

Yellow Roses

Yellow roses have a bright and happy demeanor and are perfect for cheering people up. They express a joyful and platonic feeling perfect for close friends.

Their sunny presence makes them appropriate as getting well flowers. Theyre perfect to send to a friend after an illness or a surgery.

Orange Roses

The least used of the roses, orange roses can express a great number of things. Their bright color conveys enthusiasm and passion in all different types of contexts.

Add orange roses to other color bouquets to make other rose color meanings stronger. A combination of red and orange roses would express a more intense love than red roses alone.

Bouquet Size

Giving a single rose is an elegant gesture but makes less of an impact than a bouquet. The classic rose bouquet has six or twelve and consists of nothing but roses and occasionally babys breath.

If the rose color meanings evade you, a florist will be happy to recommend the appropriate color. No matter the color, their recipient will be thrilled to receive them.

Were there any colors on this list that were surprising? Let us know in the comments!

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Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Rfid Tracking Devices What To Do If They Cause Fast-moving, Malignant Cancer In Your Cat

Rfid Tracking Devices What To Do If They Cause Fast-moving, Malignant Cancer In Your Cat

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A recent Associated Press article in The Washington Post stunned cat and other pet owners who have animals with tracking implants. A series of highly accredited research studies, done over the last decade, have now been brought to light and show the same microchips or RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) devices used to track pets are the cause of fast-growing, malignant cancers in 1% to 10% of lab animals tested. Now animal owners are faced with what to do.

Why Are the Microchips Causing Cancer?

As Dr. Katherine Albrecht, a consumer educator and privacy advocate who helped investigate and break this story, explains what the scientists believe is happening is similar to a common splinter. When you get a splinter in your finger, your body does everything it can to get rid of it. The site gets red, it swells up and attempts to dislodge the foreign object.

However, when a microchip is embedded deep in the fatty tissue of your pet, its body can't push the chip out like a splinter. Instead an inflammation forms around the microchip. Scientists believe these inflamed cells can turn malignant and then metastasize and move around in the body. What's worse is these tumors can be fast-growing and malignant.

What the Research Shows

Between 1996-2006 eight published veterinary and toxicology journals reported that lab mice and rats injected with microchips sometimes had a tendency to develop subcutaneous "sarcomas" or malignant tumors surrounding the implants. Below are a brief summary of the some of the major conclusions.

* A 1998 study in Ridgefield, Connecticut of 177 mice reported cancer incidence to be slightly higher than 10 percent. Researchers described the results as "surprising."

* A 2006 study in France detected tumors in 4.1 percent of the 1,260 microchipped mice. This was one of six studies in which the scientists did not set out find microchip-induced cancer but noticed the results incidentally.

* In 1997 a study in Germany found cancers in 1 percent of 4,279 chipped mice. The tumors "are clearly due to the implanted microchips" the authors wrote.

What the Researchers Are Saying

When Associated Press asked scientists to weigh in on the available research, specialists at some pre-eminent cancer institutions said the findings raised red flags.

--"There's no way in the world, having read this information, that I would have one of those chips implanted in my skin, or in one of my family members," said Dr. Robert Benezra, head of the Cancer Biology Genetics Program at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

--Dr. George Demetri, director of the Center for Sarcoma and Bone Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, agreed. Even though the tumor incidences were "reasonably small," in his view, the research underscored "certainly real risks" in RFID implants. In humans, sarcomas, which strike connective tissues, can range from the highly curable to "tumors that are incredibly aggressive and can kill people in three to six months," he said.

--At the Jackson Laboratory in Maine, a leader in mouse genetics research and the initiation of cancer, Dr. Oded Foreman, a forensic pathologist, also reviewed the studies at the AP's request. At first he was skeptical, suggesting that chemicals administered in some of the studies could have caused the cancers and skewed the results. But he took a different view after seeing that control mice, which received no chemicals, also developed the cancers. "That might be a little hint that something real is happening here," he said.

--"The transponders were the cause of the tumors," said Keith Johnson, a retired toxicologic pathologist, explaining in a phone interview the findings of a 1996 study he led at the Dow Chemical Company in Midland, Michigan.

What Can We Do?

1. Check your microchipped cat or other pet regularly for swelling or lumps, especially around the injection site. If owners or veterinarians find anything abnormal in that area or any other (as the chips may migrate), an x-ray or biopsy should be performed.

2. Dr. Albrecht also suggests pet owners help her volunteer to educate and contact animal advocacy and animal rights groups as well as veterinarian organizations by taking action at her website. Many of these animal-loving groups endorsed microchipping pets without having access to the studies above. Dr. Albrecht hopes public pressure will also force Verichip Corporation, the manufacturer of the chip, to take responsibility or face a class action lawsuit.

3. Report any incidences of pets who have died of cancer or animals who have been cured of cancer to Dr. Albrecht at, especially if is known or suspected that the tumor is or was linked to a microchip. This will help further document proof of the cancer and stop microchipping.

Retired but Active How to Stay Involved in Your Community

Retired but Active How to Stay Involved in Your Community

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Retiring puts you at the threshold of new opportunities. Without the obligation of a regular work schedule, youll have time to pursue new interests and reacquaint yourself with hobbies that youve abandoned due to a lack of time. There are many ways to stay actively involved in your community in your retirement years.

Civic Organizations

Explore the civic organizations in your community until you find the group that you feel most comfortable becoming a part of. Now that youre retired you can be an asset to a civic organization by helping with fundraisers, serving as an advocate for the organization or assisting with clerical duties. Having some extra time on your hands puts you in a position of having extra time to prepare food for bake sales or fundraising meals.

Volunteer Your Skills

There are many opportunities available that enable you to use your previous work experience to help others. Volunteering to help with a tax preparation program for seniors is one possible opportunity. Information on that opportunity can be found at AARP. You might want to pursue the possibility of volunteering as a salesperson in a hospital gift shop, animal rescue thrift store or senior center gift shop if you enjoy meeting new people.

Helping Animals

There are lots of ways you can remain active in your community while helping animals. Rescue groups need volunteers to foster animals, take adoptable animals to adoption fairs, help with socializing animals, volunteer at pet fairs, take dogs on a walk for exercise and to assist with clerical duties or physical chores at the rescue center or shelter.

Assisted Living Residents

Whether or you live in quality assisted living in AZ or anywhere else, there is definitely something for you to do. You dont have to feel isolated and its important that you find ways to stay actively involved in your community. If you have a hobby such as knitting or crocheting, connect with a group that distributes handmade blankets, hats, booties or crocheted toys to infants in the hospital, a childrens home or to the homeless. It may be possible for you to accompany them when they deliver the handmade items. Use your artistic skills, writing skills, jewelry making skills or any other specialized hobby that you have the space to work on, to make items to donate to local organizations fundraising events.

Retiring is simply a new phase in life. Keeping active is one of the best ways to enjoy retirement to its fullest.

Retinal Detachment in Dogs and Cats

Retinal Detachment in Dogs and Cats

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The retina is the layer of light-sensitive cells that lines the back of the eye, functioning much as the film does in a camera. The image lands on the retina, having been focussed by the lens. Impulses are then sent from cones and rods (specialist retinal cells), down the optic nerve to the part of the brain that processes images.

A retinal detachment occurs if the layer of light-sensitive cells is pulled away from the back of the eye. In animals, this problem tends to present late in the illness, as a dog or cat cannot let us know that some of their vision is impaired. Retinal detachments tend to be picked up only when there is significant, often bilateral, visual loss.

Once the layer of cells is no longer attached to the back of the eye, its blood supply can no longer bring nutrients and oxygen to it. This is why the retinal detachment tends to progress, spread and worsen if not treated.

Causes of Retinal Detachment: Trauma; Inherited tendency; Congenital defects such as retinal dysplasia (seen in Labradors); Infection; Hypertension; Mature cataracts; Post-operative - any eye surgery; Poisoning; Hyperviscosity syndromes.

The detached retina perishes more quickly in cats than in dogs. Success of treatment depends on how extensive the damage is, and how long it has been present. In some cases surgery is just not possible.

Modern surgery involves the use of extreme cold or laser to stick parts of the retina back in position by producing scar tissue. This then allows the blood supply to re-establish.

It is essential that a vet sees any animal with a suspected retinal detachment urgently. Any additional treatment to that recommended by your vet should be complementary rather than alternative.

Complementary therapies:

Most complementary therapies that don't rely on musculoskeletal manipulation will help ease the anxiety of any sudden onset poor vision such as retinal detachment. Spiritual healing and Reiki will both help the animal to harness its own self-healing, improving the recovery rates from surgery, and even spontaneous recovery. Even if blindness results, healing and meditation will help in the adjustment process. In addition, Bach Flower remedies can help with dealing with change and with panic, while crystals can boost healing - I particularly find blue lace agate helpful with eye problems.

For the best homeopathic and aromatic treatments for a particular animal, you are best asking for the advice from a qualified practitioner. Homeopathic practitioners look at the personality and environment of the animal, and include this information when selecting a remedy to suit its current circumstances. This is why a long consultation is needed to really get a good result.

With aromatics, the animal is offered several essential oils to choose from, and observed closely while it smells, licks its lips or turns away. The initial selection may be chosen on the basis of a combination of background knowledge (for example, that Neroli can help with separation from another animal or human, and that peppermint can help with nerve damage) and kinesiology or dowsing, and then the animal demonstrates his or her preferred options from there. Animals frequently benefit from a number of different aromatics, which the owner is encouraged to offer daily, while a single remedy is often chosen with homeopathy.


Retinal detachment is a rare problem in animals, but it is serious, and this article covers the various options open to the owner in managing it, from the necessity to call a vet urgently, to the ability to complement veterinary care and surgery with other modalities.

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

Resume Tips and Resume Sample for Photographer Resume

Resume Tips and Resume Sample for Photographer Resume

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While writing resume add your skills,experience in proper way. If you have knowledge,Present it in systematic manner.
Steps for writing resume:


Collect information that you want to write. If you are not getting, how to write and what need to write in resume? Search Best resume sample over net. Then try to collect information. collect contact information,academic record information,experience,skills,certification information,achievement etc.


Think more on resume formate. Select standard resume formate and try to put information in that formate. There are many career,job help,resume tips related forum. Get help from that forum also. Arrange resume content in proper flow.

In above steps,We learn that what we need to do before writing resume.

Here I have mention below some tips on resume:

contact information:

Always write your contact information on the top of your resume. If recruiter's want to contact you they may contact you easy. write correct contact information and recheck all information. Contact information content your name,phone and mobile number and email id.


Try to put Objective,which show your positiveness,enthusiasm. Your attraction toward work. Try to put job profile relevant objective

Objective for Editor resume:

To obtain post of editor in newspaper agency. Dedicated work toward organisations. Ensuring quality content.

profile summary and work experience.:

Add true information. This part in resume is very very important. Recruiter's are interested in work Experience. Also try to add job profile relevant experience.


Present your skills in systematic way.

Skills Example for Photographer resume: excellent computer skills Expert in motion capture photography Educational Qualifications:

Fresher,who doesn't have any work experience. For those people education Qualification part in resume is important. Because recruiter's getting education qualification part in resume to judge you. If you have any college level achievement, Mention it in your resume.

For reference:photographer resume sample .

Photographer Resume Sample

Akia Smith 123, bamboo St. New York, MA, 01234 (123) 4090-9876

Objective Statement:

To Obtain post of senior photographer in organisation, which allows me to implement my knowledge. Profile Summary: Specialise in wild life photography Have had exhibition of animal photography at Moz Art Gallery, product photographer since last 5 years

Skills Summary:

Excellent knowledge of cameras and lighting Good communication skills in English- verbal and written, both Expert in Action Photography

Work Experience:

Photographer (2007-Present) Clicked photos of model of various car like Ferrari. Have experience in Art Photography Worked on Wild life photography in NASA.

ABC Studio, LA Photographer (2005-2006) Contributed to Nation Action Photography Exhibition Worked with various types of photo shoots

Educational Qualification:

Course in Photography, University of SF, 2005 Graduation in Arts, University of SF, 2004


Put job profile related achievement in short. References: Kevin Martin Senior Photographer Manager, XYZ Studio (0356) 255609 Refer for more resume sample of photographer

Respiratory Problems In Labrador Retrievers

Respiratory Problems In Labrador Retrievers

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Problems associated to respiratory or breathing may occur in Labrador Retrievers. Whether it may be just a simple sneezing problem or a cough caused by heart problem, these health issues should be addressed immediately to prevent it from progressing into a more serious disease that could threaten the life of your ever loyal friend.

Sneezing/nasal discharge
Sneezing and nasal discharge is common in Labrador Retrievers as well as other breeds. It may be caused by minor conditions like hay fever, a foreign object lodged in the nose or by major problems like canine nasal tumors. Dogs also sneeze when they wake up or if they are just laying on their backs. Sneezing itself is not an illness but could be a sign of an illness. A blood coming out of your dog's nose may be a sign of canine nasal tumor or may be just a foreign object lodged in his nasal cavity. Seek veterinary help immediately to diagnose the underlying cause.

Breathing problems
There are some circumstances wherein a dog may experience difficulty in breathing. There are various reasons for this predicament. Reasons for this breathing difficulties include physical obstructions preventing normal air intake, chest injury, pneumonia, tumors, heart failure, poisoning, an allergic reaction, pain, smoke inhalation, heatstroke and damaged lung or diaphragm. Rapid and shallow breathing may just be a response to conditions like shock whereas labored breathing may be a sign of heart failure or tumor. Noisy breathing may indicate that there may be an obstruction or foreign object present.

Cough is not unusual to dogs. It could be caused by allergy, pollution, infection or foreign material in the air passages. Other causes include inhalation or ingestion of poisonous substances, fluid in the chest cavity, worms, heart conditions, chest diseases or injuries. If the coughing gets worse, visit your vet for help. Cough in dogs may be contagious if it is caused by the bacterium Bordatella bronchiseptica. This condition is referred to as canine cough or kennel cough. Canine cough is characterized by a harsh, dry cough that lasts for about five days after contact with a carrier of the disease. This cough causes loss of appetite, depression and nasal discharge as well. Vaccine against Bordatella should be administered to prevent your dog from acquiring this disease.

If you suspect that your dog is having problems related to breathing or respiratory, consult your vet immediately for diagnosis and proper treatment.

Removing wild animals from your home and how to keep your family safe

Removing wild animals from your home and how to keep your family safe

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When a wild animal makes its way into your home it can be a very scary situation to deal with. Many wild animals are known to carry a number of potentially hazardous illnesses or viruses. Small children and pets should always be moved as far away as possible from the area in which the wild animal is active. Young children are far times more susceptible to certain diseases and illnesses that are carried by wild animals which is why you should take extra precaution when removing them from your home.

When you into an issue with a wild animal in your home it is best to contact a professional animal removal service who can help you safely and properly remove the animal from your home. There are a lot of ways you can become victim to a wild animal infestation in your home. One of the most common causes of issues such as these is due to improperly sealed vents and vulnerabilities in your homes air system.

Other common reasons for wild animals making their way into your home include holes in your roof or walls, plumbing system, and open cracks leading to the outside. Regardless of the cause for the wild animal infestation you should always contact an animal removal serviceas soon as you encounter a problem with a wild animal that could be life threatening to your family.

Wildlife removal services are popular in certain areas more than others largely in part due to the surrounding lots of available land. If you live near a wooded area or forestation, then your chances of encountering a wild animal in your home are significantly higher.

You can set traps and deterrents in order to try and circumvent the invasions however sometimes these types of situations are impossible to get around especially depending on the time of year you happen to encounter the problem. Wildlife removal is always available to help you regain control in your home or any location where you may be facing the threat of wild animal infestations.

You can contact some local wildlife removal companies and service providers in order to get more information regarding their pricing and service availability. There are a lot of different specialty animal removal services out there as well that aim to help people that may have a high level threat or strangely unique animal that may require special methods in order for a successful removal. Regardless of the situation there are plenty of dedicated service providers who can help, take the time to do some research in order to find local area companies or providers who can help you get rid of those pesky wild animals in your home once and for all.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

Recovery time after the hernia surgery largely depends on the physical condition of the patient

Recovery time after the hernia surgery largely depends on the physical condition of the patient

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What is Hernia? In the simple term, when an organ or internal tissue peeps out through a hole in the muscle, it is called a hernia.
If a hernia is small, then it may not even require any treatment. However, large hernias need to be cured by using a surgical procedure which is known as Herniorraphy. The surgery is done to keep the displaced tissues to the proper place.

It is amongst the commonly happening surgeries nowadays. When a person gets admitted to the Best hospital for hernia repair in Bangalore for Hernia repair surgery, diagnostic tests are conducted to assess the overall health condition.

An ultrasound test reveals the exact condition of a hernia. A blood test gives the overall health status.

If everything is well, then the doctors plan the surgery.

Types of hernia repair surgery

Based on the surgical mechanism, two types of hernia surgeries are there:

Herniorraphy or Tissue Repair

It is the conventional method which is still used popularly. The patient is supposed to stay in the hospital for a week or so.

Since a long incision is made over hernia to place it back to the original position, it is considered a complicated surgery.

After the right placement, the sides of the muscle openings (from where a hernia protruded) are stitched.

It takes a few days for the patient to get discharged from the Best hospital for hernia repair in Bangalore.

Hernioplasty or Mesh Repair

It is the advanced method where surgeons cover the muscle opening shut with a special sterile mesh. This mesh is made of flexible synthetic fibers or animal tissue.

Small cuts are made around the hole according to the shape of the mesh, and the patch is stitched into the other healthy tissues in the surrounding areas.

Since the weak tissues around the hernia use the mesh for support, they grow relatively fast.

Recovery time depends on the frailty of the patients and not the age

All hernia patients are treated using the same surgical procedure; the recovery time is different for each patient.

Experts say that frailty is the major aspect that decides the recovery time. The risk of getting infections increases if the patient is weak.

The longer a patient stays in the hospital, the risk is higher. Even clinical research programs were conducted to establish the correlation between the overall health of the patient and recovery time.

The results confirmed the hypothesis. Hence, the doctors should consider this aspect.

AV Hospital is considered as one of the Best hospital for hernia repair in Bangalore, they have well experienced hernia surgeons provides the treatment for various types of hernias.

Recommended Reading for a New Manager

Recommended Reading for a New Manager

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I believe that all great leaders are constantly learning and growing. I also believe that there are two great ways to do this. Read and Listen. I read every night as part of my night time ritual. I also attempt to listen to books on tape whenever I can. This is what shapes me as a leader and as a therapist. The following are a list of books that I have read that help me with my management and leadership skills. I also believe that some of these authors have more than one book that should be read and I am including one book that I have not read but was recommended to me by mentor as an essential learning opportunity.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey. This book is great for teaching essential time management and project management skills. The first time I read it (back when my kids were in elementary school) it changed my life and I read it every 1-2 years just to brush up on my time management skills and to remind me what is productive and what is just busy work.
The 360 Degree Leader by John C. Maxwell. Anything written by John Maxwell is educational but I find this particular book gives a very good view of leading from any level and can be applied to everyone.
Fish! A remarkable way to boost morale and improve results by Steven Lundin. This book is easy to understand and has great ways to create a team within a business.
The Big Moo! By Seth Godin. We are all marketers of our lab, whether we are actuallyout marketing or simply part of the leadership of the facility. This book gives some great ideas about marketing and customer service as well as getting the customer to be your best marketer. Again anything you read by Seth is exceptional.
The 9 Things a Leader Must Do by Dr Henry Cloud. This is the book I have not read yet but it was recommended to me by my mentor. The reason I add this is because I trust my mentor's suggestions and because I wanted to remind new leaders that seeking out a mentor to help you during your growth is essential.
Make sure as a new leader that you take the time for your own improvement so you can continue to grow in your new position. This little bit of time every day will help.
If anyone has other books to recommend please let me know. I love to read and am always looking for a great book.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

Recognizing a Lungworm in Horses with a Donkey

Recognizing a Lungworm in Horses with a Donkey

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Horses and donkeys can share pastures, paddocks, stalls, and pretty much anything with no problems at all. However, there is a parasite that a donkey can give a horse that can cause some significant respiratory problems. But if you know what to look for, you can take action...

The horse parasite I'm talking about is the lungworm. Your horse can ingest them by eating grass in a pasture that has been infected with it's larvae (what we call a worm like this in it's very young and immature stage of life).

This parasite lives in the lungs of your horse by attaching itself to the lung walls. That's where it lays its eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the little beasts try to swim around in your horse's lungs as best they can.

If your horse is lucky enough to cough them up, you'll find several yellow globs of mucous in his stall. Some of them may appear to be frothy, like the foam on an ocean wave.

If your horse swallows these larvae, they go through his digestive tract. Some will be excreted through his feces. Then these little buggers grow up, attach themselves to local blades of grass wherever they land, where they'll probably get eaten by another animal. And then, the whole yucky, wormy cycle starts up all over again.

But some lucky worms get absorbed into your horse's circulatory system, where they'll make their way back to his lungs and set up shop there. This is where they cause the horse health problem we call parasitic bronchitis.

The typical symptoms you'll see are yellow nasal discharge and an excessive amount of coughing. Don't be surprised if this breathing difficulty causes your horse to lose his appetite as well.

Once it gets to this phase, you need to treat it. If you don't your horse could come down with COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). COPD is a very dangerous health problem for your horse, so you want to catch this condition before it gets that far.

But here's where it gets weird. Lungworms make their way through donkeys - lungs, intestines, and all - without causing any symptoms. Nobody is really sure why donkey's don't get these problems. Just lucky, I guess.

Horses, on the other hand, aren't so lucky. That's why they depend on you to recognize these symptoms and take action.

But the fact that donkeys don't get these symptoms actually helps you, the horse owner, detect this problem.. If your horse comes down with these symptoms and his donkey friend doesn't, that's a pretty good indicator that lungworm is a real possibility.

Fortunately, the number of lungworm-induced parasitic bronchitis cases in the U.S. has dropped dramatically in recent years.The reason? Widespread use of ivermectin wormers, a de-worming agent you can get from your equine vet.

Remember the lungworm warning signs:

* yellow nasal discharge
* coughing up frothy yellow globs of mucous
* sharing a pasture with donkeys, who seem to be in perfect health

Now that you know the symptoms of lungworm, you'll recognize the problem early, while it's much easier to treat.

Yours For Better Horse Care,

Sierra Lynch

Recall Training How To Get A Dog To Come When You Call

Recall Training How To Get A Dog To Come When You Call

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Theres nothing scarier than watching your dog run off across the beach, down the street, or through the woods while you helplessly call for him to come back to you without any luck.

It only takes seconds, for a dog to vanish before your eyes"all because your dog is excited and decided to chase a squirrel or heard another dog in the distance and wanted to check it out.

What might seem like fun adventure to your dog quickly turns into panic and overwhelm for you.

You may start thinking to yourself,What if she gets lost and cant find her way back?

Or, What if my dog gets hit by a car?

As a dog parent, I know this feeling all too well. Which is exactly why I stress the importance of recall training"how to get a dog to come when you call

Not only can recall training save your dogs life, but it can also keep other people and dogs safe in the event that your dog takes off after a person or other animal.

So, heres the million dollar question How do you get your dog to come every time your call her?

Keep reading and youll find out

1.7 secrets to training your dog to come when called, every time!

Dogs and puppies not coming when we call them can be one of the most frustrating things!

We ask nicely, we call them, we shout and scream We even begin to wonder if our dog or puppy has a hearing problem!

Even worse is when theyre running wild at the park and we have an audience watching usso embarrassing!

Lets face it, most dogs only come when they want to. You know, when its dinner time, when they want a pat or when theres nothing else going on!

So what can you do to train your dog to come when called? Heres 7 recall training secrets that will help you out

a. Tasty treats

Yes I know, we all hate bribery but trust me on this one thing. If there is ever a time to use food to train your dog, then its when were developing the recall command.

Im actually not a fan of using food when it comes to stopping behavioral issues, but this is different. This is asking our dog to do something as fast as they can and we need to reward (or pay) them so that they do it.

Think of the food as payment After all, would you keep going to work if they stopped paying you?

So, when you ask your dog to stop playing with their best friend and come runningall the way back to you down the beachthey need more than just a pat!

Making sense?

Of course later on we can fade out the food, but for starters its ok to use treats.

b. Keep control

One of the most common questions I get asked is what do we do when our dog is running away and wont come back? And the answer is simple

There is not a lot you can do.

Its the same as when a horse has bolted out the stable and is galloping off. They are out of control!

You see there are really only two ways to get our dogs to come to us

The first way is when we still have physical control of themso, theyre on a leash or a long line and we can get them to come to us with a bit of encouragement.

The second is that we have a verbal recall, in other words when we call them they listen and choose to come running!

So, if we dont have a good recall we first need to consider option one by purchasing a line to attach them to. The safest way is to attach the line to a clip on the back of a dog harness.

If its just on a dogs collar and you stop your dog abruptly you can injure your dog, so a word of warning there.

That said. This line will give you the opportunity to keep control and then train the recall its a game changer!

Remember, without control and no recall, our dogs are by definition Out of control.

Dont let that happen.

c. Set your dog up to win

Okay, this is a very subtle concept, yet hugely powerful. Let me first describe a typical scenario that occurs with a lot of dogs

As soon as your dog is let off leash he runs off, happy as can be. He has heaps of energy and runs away fast. Often your dog may pick up on a smell or see another dog and go visit.

You, knowing that your dog has recall issues, starts to panic and you want to keep your dog under control so you make the decision to immediately try and call your dog back closer. But, your dog is so full of energy and delight at being free that the chance of him coming is next to zero. So why did you call the dog?

Was the dog doing anything wrong?

Was the dog going to run off into the sunset?

Was there any danger?

Is the reason our dogs are off leash so they can run, sniff and play?

Was the dog going to have a sniff or a quick play and then follow you?
In this case, were much better off waiting until our dogs have had a quick run around and are coming towards us before calling them. One theyve had a bit of freedom, then you can crouch down, give him a treat and let him go.

This is the concept of Setting the dog up to win.

We need to let our dogs have fun and call them only when we know they are going to come. Less is actually more. So only call your dog a few times. That keeps it special.

If your dog is totally focussed on something such as another dog, try just giving him a bit more time or maybe move closer to him or go and get him calmly.

Remember good dog trainers never call the dog when they know they arent going to come!

d. Give one clear, constant command

Let me ask you a question

How many different names, phrases, or voices do you use when you call your dog?

Come on, be honest! Most people have a whole selection of commands. Some when the dog is in trouble, some when there is a treat coming. And the truth is that all these different words, terms, and tones of voice just add to our dogs confusion.

We really just want one word or phrase that we use every time we ask a dog to come and we want it to be in the same consistent tone. This word or phrase should mean Come here and Ill put food in your mouth and then Ill let you go and play again.

The more phrases, voices and sounds we use the more inconsistent it is for our dog or puppy. I know its not always easy, but staying calm and using a consistent command, even when our dog isnt coming, is crucial if we want him to come.

And whatever we do, dont tell them off when they finally arrive, just clip the leash on and ignore them. Its so easy to instantly ruin a great recall when we scold them angrily when they finally do come. It becomes a vicious circle and the next time we call them theyre even less likely to come.

So remember: That one clear command needs to mean Come here and Ill put food in your mouth and then Ill let you go and play again!

e. Use the (Huge) power of random rewards
Why do people play the lottery? To maybe win ten bucks? Noof course not.

Everyones playing to win the ten million dollars. We want to win huge and thats what gets us hooked and coming back for more.

And guess what Its the same with our dogs! If they never know when theyre going to win next, or what theyre going to win, theyll keep playing.

So, its random rewards that work so much better than just using the same food every time. Theres a huge difference in performance between a dog who knows the reward is just a dry biscuit at best (probably the same dry biscuits they ate for breakfast) and a dog who thinks they may get a piece of that yummy sausage, a morsel of cheese, or their favorite treat.

Just like humans I know what Id do for one million dollars compared to what Id do for a single dollar.

And, just remember, the key is to keep our dogs guessing. They shouldnt know which of the treats they are going to get. Thats the random bit!

Now, one simple way to do that is to have all the treats in a little bag or pocket and only bring the treat out once your dog has arrived. That way they cant see what the random reward will be. And sometimes give your dog more than 1 little piece (Yep, small pieces is better) and sometimes give your dog 5 little pieces of different treats in a row. Thats random.

The day you take half a chopped up sausage, a little piece of cheese and some other yummy treat you will see what I mean. You wont be able to get your dog to leave your side!

One sure way to win your dog or puppys heart is through their belly!

f. Increasing the motivation
Now this secret to success is understanding how to increase your dogs motivation and drive to work for you.

Very simply a hungry dog will work for food. A dog who is full will generally lose interest.

So, try taking your dog for a walk before you feed him. This way theyre hungry and far more motivated by the treats. Over time, youll start to realise that you actually have breakfast in your pouch and they have to work for it. It becomes a game '

And most dogs love running and eating so it should be fun! Its actually much better for a dog to eat meals after any vigorous exercise for the same reason its not good for humans to exercise straight after a large meal.

g. Consider the use of a professional dog whistle
Have you ever wondered why so many farmers use dog whistles? And why more and more professional dog trainers are starting to use them?

The answer is simply because theyre easy to use and they work! In fact, theyre one of the most useful tools when used correctly.

Heres why:

The whistle has a constant sound. It doesnt matter if youre a bit frustrated with your dog or in a rush or upset, when you blow it the sound that emanates is constant. And your dog responds to that neutral sound very well.
Whistles are easy to use. A professional dog whistle is very easy to blow (be careful of the metal ones when its really cold though as Ive had them stick to my lips).

The sound of a whistle travels a long way, a lot farther than you can shout. Voices dont travel that well, especially if you have a quiet voice. The whistle that I use can travel up to 500 feet and its gentle on your vocal chords!

Easy to hear. Good dog whistles operate at a high frequency. This means that they can pick up the sound easily and its appealing to them, but not at all harsh on the human ear.

The high pitch also cuts through all the background noise such as other people shouting, wind, trees and bushes because its such a unique sound.

Using a whistle saves your voice. You never need to shout or raise your voice in front of people ever again.
Fresh start. For many people the quickest way to develop a great recall is to start again with a fresh sound. The whistle gives us this chance.

2.How to train your dog to come every time

Recall training is all about getting your dog to return to your side on command. And in theory its so simple. You call your dog and they come running towards you wagging their tail.

Yet in reality so many people struggle with this. Unfortunately it results in dogs being walked only on by leash their entire lives, or worse still, they arent walked at all for fear of them never coming back.

3.How to get your dog to sit, wait, and come!

We all love it when our dog comes first time (I call this the recall) but it doesnt always happen that way and it doesnt happen overnight.

To develop an amazing recall where you can call your dog from extremely long distances, or off a high speed chase takes time, a strong bond and a dog that really listens and does what you say even though sometimes they would rather do something different.

I am proud to say that I have called my dog off a high speed chase when she caught sight of a bunny and bolted. On my call she stopped, turned and came straight to me. And as you can see in the video below, Ive called my dogs from the neighbors yard. This is something to aim for and with everything, practice makes perfect!

It might look easy, but this type of recall training took some work"even for me as a dog trainer. This type of command training simply doesnt happen overnight.

So, while youre working with your own dog, heres a few things I want you to think about while working with your dog

What your praise is worth? You decide the value of your own affection, pats, cuddles and praise. Does your dog just get it for free?

Make everything on your terms. Never give your dog a pat, cuddle or affection on its terms or you are making it worthless in your dogs eyes.

Recall training starts at home. Calling your dog around the house is the start of the recall.

Call your dog once. Never call your dog lots of times. Make sure that your dog has heard, then treat or ignore.

Encourage. You can encourage your dog to keep coming by saying the words, good girl, good girl in a high energy voice.

Use a gentle voice. Your voice should be soft, gentle and encouraging. Not threatening. The quote, by horse whisperer Monty Roberts, sums it up: Use as little as possible, but as much as necessary. You can always use a more commanding voice when you need to outside, off leash.

Motivate your dog. Find out what your dog loves and start by using this
practice training before dinner. This way your dog is hungry and very motivated.

Use some of your dogs dinner to train. Take a portion of what your dog receives for his dinner and use it to train so he is not over fed.

I wish you the best as you work with your pup!

Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

Raising An Exotic Pet Ferret

Raising An Exotic Pet Ferret

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Pets come in different shapes and sizes. For those who don't want that much maintenance, having some fish in the aquarium will suffice. If the owner wants physical intimacy, a dog or cat are the usual animals that come to mind.

According to one survey, many people want to have something more than what is frequently bought at the pet store. These are classified as exotic pets that owners claim to be just as fun. A good example of such a creature is a ferret.

Ferrets have been around centuries and are related to badgers, otters and weasels. People first used this creature to flush out rodents. Known to be friendlier and more playful than cats, it is no wonder that many consider this to be an ideal pet.

Should the individual decide to get one, here are a few tips that should be kept in mind.

1. Ferrets are usually active in the early morning or late afternoon. The owner must make sure that there is time for the animal to exercise its muscles outside its cage because being locked up may cause stress and make it sick.

2. Ferrets are carnivores and buying some mice or rats at the pet store can satisfy this craving. If this is too expensive, you can settle for the same food given to a cat.

3. When ferrets are brought home from the pet shop, many have experienced that the animal hasn't yet been toilet trained. There are two ways to solve this. The first will be putting some cat litter in a box. The other will be bringing the creature to the designated spot whenever there is an urge.

4. Ferrets are prone to diseases and pests commonly found in dogs and cats such as viruses and mites. Regular checkups with the veterinarian will ensure the health and safety of the pet.

5. Ferrets love the outdoors especially in the garden. Those who love to work with plants will love to have this creature as a companion but should be careful since some may wander off and never be seen again.

6. Ferrets are cute and long furred creatures. The proper way to hold them will be to get the animal from behind with one hand holding the chest while the other is on the hips. Companionship is the primary reason why many people decide to have a pet. If the person is busy with work and really wants one, the best to buy is a ferret.

Railway Engineer Careers

Railway Engineer Careers

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What kid doesn't watch a train going by on the railroad tracks, and make a vow that someday they will be a train engineer? It's the best of both worlds as far as career choices. It's travel and it's also the mechanical dream of those who are mechanically minded. Chances are, every cab driver, airline pilot and sea captain wishes they were a railway engineer instead.

To achieve the status of railway engineer, one must first spend a few years as a yard laborer. Small beginnings are sometimes the only way to greatness. Rail jobs require that the engineer has good vision and hearing, and he must be in good physical condition, as the job can be quite streunous. A criminal background test and a drug test will also be required before you can look into railroad jobs. People lives are depending on it.

After a few years of working in the rail yard, you can then become eligible for additional training for rail engineers jobs. You must first complete a formal training program, which comply with federal regulations. This training will include classroom instruction, training on a simulator and hands-on instruction. You can receive this training through a technical college, or choose a course administered by a railroad company. After the training course, you must then pass a comprehensive exam to obtain your engineering license. And once you obtain your license, you will still be required to be retested occasionally, and be subject to frequent alcohol and drug screening and physical exams.

You can apply with a railroad company directly, to begin work as a yard worker, or if you already have rail yard experience, you might be accepted into a training program directly. Union websites or internet job sites will have these positions posted.

Your railway engineer job will provide regular shifts in comfortable working conditions, unless you work with freight, in which case you might have more difficult assignments. There will be shorter runs involved, and frequent stops to load and unload cars, which can be physically demanding and dangerous. Strength and endurance are required for this, as it often involves long hours.

With regular hours, the salary is quite nice for railway engineers. You can make anything from $24/hr up. And if there's overtime, your paycheck will be quite nice. However, this salary amount is usually earned after you have been with a company for some time.

There is a very good outlook for advancement in the railway career. After you have accumulated seniority by working for a number of years, you can then advance to a more desirable job, such as being promoted from road service to yard assignments, or even to a railroad inspector position.

The outlook of employment as a railroad engineer is expected to decline for the next few years. Even though the economy and transportation need could expand, computerization has been replacing the train engineer to a certain degree. However, if a large number of engineers retire in the next decade as expected, there will be more jobs available.

So the next time you see a train going down the tracks, remember that a dream in the railway business is not only a dream, it's a pretty good possibility!

Ragdoll Cat Behavior Problems

Ragdoll Cat Behavior Problems

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Is Cat Discipline Possible?

There are some common beliefs about training cats which are totaly untrue. Cats are inteligent animals and will learn new behavior much faster than you think. Many people find it hard to believe that cat discipline is possible but despite their independent nature it is possible to train a cat that a particular behaviour is bad. All it takes is some patience and consistency in their training. So give it a try and don't give up.

Cats are animals not humans

It is essential to remember that cats are not humans they work using their own logic and instincts. Your Ragdoll cat expects you to think the same way he does and will treat you accordingly.

Violence is a poor motivator

A cat will not understand the use of violence as a form of discipline and so will not associate it with their bad behaviour. The only thing this will do is make them afraid of you. Hitting your Ragdoll cat is a very bad form of punishment for bad behaviour, below are kinder ways to discipline your Ragdoll cat:

The 'Face Push' Method

For times when you are near your cat when behaving badly 'The Face Push' method should be used. It consists of a GENTLE but firm push back on your cat's face accompanied by a stern 'NO' command. This is a strong message to cats and used consistently will re-enforce the message that a particular behaviour is wrong.

The Squirt Gun

When your ragdoll cat is further away and needs to be disciplined a squirt gun filled with water and a dash of vinegar is very useful. Just a quick squirt in the face with a stern 'NO' command is enough to get the message over.

The Rattle Bottle

If the above techniques are not practical a small can or plastic bottle partly filled with pebbles or coins when shaken or dropped and the 'NO' command can provide a great deterrent from bad behavior. Avoid over use of this technique to prevent your Ragdoll cat from becoming desensitised to its affect.

Being consistant with these methods will soon teach your Ragdoll cat which behaviour is ok and which is unacceptable.

Aggressive behavior

Aggression problems in cats is not as common as it is for dogs but for many reasons cats can develop an aggression problem and it is important to address this as early as possible to avoid impacting the problem with wrong treatment from you the owner. There are different types of aggression in cats and below are the most common:

Play Aggression

The most common form of aggression is play aggression and is usually your cat playing rough. This is almost always because they have been taught to play like this from when they were kittens; this is called 'conditioned aggression'.

Conditioned Aggression

As explained above if you have this problem then it was conditioned into your Ragdoll cat from when it was a kitten. To avoid doing this when rearing kittens always divert aggressive play onto toys and other objects like string on the end of a stick. This will help to distance the aggression from you. If necessary use a squirt gun to stop the wrong behavior along with the usual 'NO' command.

Pain Aggression

If the aggression problem suddenly appears for no appparent reason your cat could be in pain. Your cat has no way of telling you if it has a medical condition and is in pain so biting or scratching you could be your cats way of either getting your attention or protecting itself. If it persists you should consult your veterinary surgeon to get a diagnosis if there is a medical problem, which needs treatment.

Keeping your cat off the table

This is a common problem with cats if you don't teach them not to. A squirt in the face with the squirt gun or a drop of the rattle bottle along with the 'NO' command may be all that is required to deter your cat from jumping up but you must be consistent so that your Ragdoll cat knows why they are being squirted.

As mentioned above it is not that difficult to have a cat that is obedient and knows his boundries if the above methods are used consistantly.

2012 Earthquake Flood Predictions Psychic Reading

Image source: A little famous reality is that this angle has been ...